Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 1: First article


My name is Gao Xin and I am a psychologist. I opened a small psychology clinic in a second-tier city.

After graduating from a medical university, I also experienced a period of hesitation, not knowing where to go. Everyone knows that in this era, you want to be able to work in a hospital after graduation, so you have to... you know. There is really no way at home for me to pick up the iron rice bowl smoothly, so I have to find another way.

The family has a set of outlets in the urban area, but the location is not very good. For so many years, few people care about it, and it is basically idle. Simply, I discussed it with my family, raised some money, and renovated the store. Just here, I opened a psychology clinic—"Tomorrow's Psychology Clinic."

This is a small clinic. As soon as you enter, there is a reception desk. Inside is a rest and waiting area with a few sofa chairs and a small table. The back room is my consulting room. The consulting room of the psychology clinic is different from other clinics, it is more like a study room. There is a large writing desk, a row of bookshelves against the wall, a set of sofas and coffee tables, and a massage chair to lie down on. There is basically nothing else.

The books in the bookshelf are all the textbooks of my university over the years, as well as some psychology books that I am interested in. Anyway, the books that match the environment of the psychological clinic, I just stuffed them in. I don't know if there are any other books in it, anyway, the whole bookshelf is full.

After all, I have the title of a doctor, so I am also wearing a white coat when receiving medical treatment. In fact, it doesn’t really have to be this way. It’s just that people who come to see the doctor will not be able to accept a guy in casual clothes for treatment.

At this moment, I was holding a teacup, sitting behind the desk, watching a recently hit court drama played on the computer.

Suddenly, the door of the clinic was opened, and I was taken aback by being immersed in the plot of the TV drama.

"Watching TV dramas there again, the clinic has been open for a month, and a serious patient has never been treated! Senior, you don't want to think of a way!"

The one who said this was a school girl of mine, Xiaofeng who is still studying at the Medical University. I started from scratch and really can’t afford to hire staff. A friend introduced her to me for an internship and acted as an assistant for me, a receptionist, cashier, and nurse... To put it bluntly, the whole clinic is just the two of us.

Xiaofeng comes to me, she doesn't need me to pay her a salary, just take care of the food. In addition, she also needs me to affix the official seal of the clinic on her internship certificate. It can be said that I am borrowing the donkey to pull the mill-for nothing!

"Why don't you knock on the door?" This girl has been here for a month, and she has become familiar with me. She speaks no big or small, after all, I am the boss!

"Knock or knock, just the two of us!" After speaking, Xiaofeng turned his head and closed the door and left.

What Xiaofeng said was the truth. It has been more than a month since the opening of the clinic, and every day is spent quietly and boredly. It may be because the location of this store is too remote, or it may be that people do not agree with the novelty of psychological clinics. Over the past month, only one beggar, one street aunt, and a pair of children have been here.

As soon as the beggar entered the door, he said to his boss to make a fortune, Wanfu Jixiang and other auspicious words, and stretched out his hands to ask for money. Xiaofeng didn't have a good impression of such fake beggars, claiming that this was a hospital, and hurriedly drove the beggar out.

That street aunt's appearance, she brought her own background music, majesticly took a notice of "Notes for XX Community Merchants" on the front desk. Xiaofeng and I saw that this was the leader's presence, hurriedly poured tea and water, and greeted the aunt to sit down. After drinking, the aunt's face became milder. We chatted together for more than an hour, and learned that the aunt's surname was Li, and she lived in the opposite community. She still doesn't quite know what's going on in our psychological clinic. Xiaofeng and I explained it for a long time, and she seemed to understand it.

That pair of children, mother and child, can be said to be the most like people who come to the clinic in this month! First they hesitated and refused to come in at the door, Xiaofeng asked enthusiastically, and invited them in. I was also very happy to see the patients, and quickly greeted them into the consulting room.

After sitting down, the child's mother recounted their reasons for coming to the clinic. It turned out that this little boy is usually very active, very naughty, and always unable to concentrate. Several kindergartens refused to accept him. She also took the attitude of giving it a try and brought her children to see us.

At the beginning, I thought that the child was a child with ADHD, which was basically the business scope of the psychological clinic. I thought that my clinic was about to open finally. Who knew that during the communication process, I found that the little boy’s hands and feet were always trembling. , Sometimes it looks like rolling his eyes. This is definitely not a simple ADHD, it is likely to be some kind of neurological disorder.

Helpless, I can only suggest that the child's mother take the child to the neurology department of the big hospital for a good examination. Without saying anything else, the mother and child left.

In fact, I also know that the location of this store is relatively biased and needs some publicity. When it first opened, I took the printed promotional cards at noon every day to distribute them to crowded places. I went there for several days in a row. But people are either unwilling to pick up the cards I sent, or they just threw them away when they picked it up and saw that it was a psychological clinic. In many people’s minds, a psychological clinic is a place to treat mental illness. Going to such a place is not equivalent to admitting that you have mental illness!

There are indeed many people who have deep misunderstandings about the profession of psychologists. In fact, the country does not have the professional qualification title of "psychiatrist". Psychologist is actually a general term for "psychological therapist" and "psychological consultant". It’s as if accountants and cashiers are collectively referred to as financial officers.

A psychiatrist is both a doctor and not a doctor. It is said that it is a doctor, because after obtaining the qualifications of psychologists and practicing medicine, they can use comprehensive diagnosis and treatment methods to treat and recover mental illnesses. To put it simply, medicine can be prescribed to patients. I say that I am not a doctor, because after I have obtained the qualification certification of psychological counselors, I can provide consultation and guidance on the psychological problems of patients, mainly for some psychological disorders, and help patients. To put it bluntly, you can't prescribe medicine.

However, in the actual diagnosis and treatment process, it is difficult to distinguish which kind of patient needs comprehensive diagnosis and treatment, and which kind of patient only needs general consultation and guidance. Therefore, psychiatrists rarely have only one professional qualification, and generally have both.

And I already have these two qualifications. (End of this chapter)

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