Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 105: Black handprint


Because it was summer, the back of the white dress that Xiao Han wore showed a relatively large area. Although she was facing me at this time, her back was reflected in the mirror behind her.

I just turned on the torch function of my phone, and I noticed the strange thing on her back. It was a black thing inside her clothes.

At first I thought she was wearing a black bra, so the black thing on the back should be the bra strap. But her skirt is of that kind of light and thin material. From the front, the faint color of her bra does not look like black, it is obviously light.

This white gauze skirt, if you wear a dark colored bra inside, it will definitely show color! Therefore, the black thing should not be the bra strap, but something else.

Is it a birthmark or something? Or is it a large mole

Don't throw bricks at me just because I observe so carefully. The girls dress like this and go out. How can I not see? In fact, here, I really want to criticize some girls for being too revealing in summer clothes! Whether you are for the sake of coolness or beauty, others will make eyesore when they see it!

You dress like you are swimming on the beach in the street, and anyone will look at you more. What's more, if you dress like that, you won't be able to see it! You watch too much, she said you are a rogue, really speechless. Don't wear it like that if you're afraid to see it, since it's so revealing, don't be afraid to see it! It's not illegal to see!

Uh, don't digress, let's get back to business. I judged that it wouldn’t be a bra, and it didn’t look like something like a birthmark. What would it be

I was hesitant at this moment. If I asked her directly, would she be regarded as a pervert? Originally, Xiao Han's attitude toward me was extremely cold, and her words were aggressive. If I ask this again, she won't be angry, right

"What's wrong? What are you looking at?" Before I asked, Xiao Han asked me. Seeing me staring in the mirror, she turned her head curiously to see what was on her back. Obviously, she also found the strange black thing through the mirror. She was a little surprised. She pulled down the collar on the back of the dress, and the whole black thing was exposed.

It's not right to say that the whole thing is exposed. It should be said that the thing is under the bra strap, but it can be seen that there is a strange mark on the skin on her back!

Xiao Han was a little panicked at the moment when he found the abnormality. I didn't care that I was still there. He untied the bra strap and exposed the black mark completely. At this time, we can see clearly that the mark is actually a black handprint!

Yes, it is indeed a mudra, that one slap and five fingers are very clear! It's like a handprint of the left hand!

Seeing the mark, Xiao Han hurriedly put his hand back, rubbed the black handprint, but it didn't lose the color at all! Obviously, it was not printed in any color, it looked like a tattoo, and it couldn't be wiped off at all!

"Doctor Gao, please help me see!" Xiao Han said to me anxiously.

I'm a little embarrassed. You know, Xiaohan just unwrapped the bra straps, and now the whole back is in a vacuum state. I have never seen such a scene before. If I really watched it, would I be a little sorry for Wang Nan? !

However, I changed my mind to think again, when is this, don't think about it so much, girls are not afraid of me, what am I afraid of! So, I hurried to her behind, illuminating the black handprint with the light of the mobile phone, and carefully observed it.

Upon closer inspection, I found that the black handprints really looked like tattoos, with the color deep in the skin, not on the surface.

"It looks like a tattoo?" I said to Xiaohan, "You didn't know you had this?"

"I don't know, I just saw it!" Xiaohan complained. "Is it taken by a ghost?"

When she said this, my heart hung again. Although I repeatedly warned myself that I was a materialist, I couldn't explain the facts in front of me, and it was really disheartening.

"You really don't know?" I was thinking, is this little Nizi amnesia? I don't know if I have a tattoo. How could it be possible

"Do you think I'm pretending?" Xiao Han asked rhetorically.

Also, I was surprised by the way she looked. It seemed that she did not know that she had such a tattoo on her back.

"Not before?" I asked again. "Did you not pay attention yourself?"

"No! Really not!" Xiao Han said aggrievedly, "If there were, I would have seen it!"

Actually, what I mean is that she might not have paid attention to it on her back, but when she thought about it, even if she didn't notice it, others would have noticed it. Not to mention Xiao Ming, who lives with her, even if he goes to the public bathroom outside, or even wears a slightly revealing dress, he can be seen.

In other words, if Xiaohan didn't lie, then this black handprint appeared out of thin air! Seeing Xiao Han in front of him, it didn't look like a lie at all.

Could it be that there is a ghost in this elevator? Thinking of this, my back felt cold again.

In fact, in many horror novels and movies, it has been mentioned that when you feel a chill on your back, it means that a ghost appears next to you.

However, I thought about it again. After Xiaohan broke up with her boyfriend, she lived by herself for a period of time. It is estimated that this black handprint appeared during this period of time. She hasn't noticed it. It's not that she was suddenly in this elevator. appeared.

Thinking of this, I suddenly remembered Xiao Meng, she suffered from selective amnesia because of the assault, and forgot the process of the criminals assaulting her, so she did not lie, but really did not remember.

The Xiao Han in front of him, could it also be the case? Could it be said that she has suffered assaults and also lost her memory

"Apart from what you said, what else do you feel is not quite right?" I hurriedly asked her.

"Something's wrong..." Xiao Han turned his eyes when he heard me ask, as if he was reminiscing.

"If you want to say something wrong, there are..." She muttered after thinking for a long time.

"What is it?" I asked quickly.

"This... It's not easy to say..." Xiao Han, who has always been domineering and outspoken, was a bit hesitant at this time.

What kind of thing made her hesitate, could it be... that aspect? In my mind, there was a bunch of cranky plots again, but I didn't dare to say it, because I was afraid that I had guessed wrong, so I fell into silence.

Seeing that I hadn't spoken for a long time, Xiao Han seemed to have made up his mind and said to me: "You have turned your hands off, I will tell you again!"

Hey! I thought this girl was not afraid of everything, but after all, she was also a girl, no matter how arrogant she was, she was still ashamed to speak out.

I turned off the flashlight function of my phone and waited for her to speak in the darkness. However, I waited for a long time and didn't hear her voice.

"What's wrong? Why don't you speak?" I asked curiously.

"I... I'm sorry to say it!" Xiao Han's voice came, with an angry tone.

"I'm a doctor, so you can treat it as if I'm helping you analyze your condition. This will be better." I persuaded her. Actually, this is really the case! In normal times, if a person asks you to take off your pants, no one will be willing, but will get angry; but if in the hospital, the doctor asks you to take off your pants, probably not many people will refuse it, right? That's for you to check and treat, what's your hypocrisy.

Therefore, the purpose of my persuading her is to let her relax and not have so many worries and psychological pressures.

Obviously, what I said was effective. In the dark, Xiao Han hesitated for a while, then finally spoke.

"I found... my body recently... a bit strange..." Although Xiao Han spoke, he still hesitated and squatted.

Is the body a little weird? Is it her illness? Her unexplainable disease has been plagued Xiaohan. Could it be that this disease has other symptoms besides making her pale, fatigued and lethargic

However, I heard her hesitate, and she was ashamed to open her teeth, and I understood a little bit. What she said was strange, it must be something related to sex!

"What's the situation?" I was a little anxious and asked quickly. (End of this chapter)