Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 106: Thinking in the wrong direction


"That's... when I woke up in the morning, I always overslept..." she murmured, "and... there was a little pain there... leucorrhea... and a little too much..."

It's no wonder that she was not only shy when she said such a thing, but even I was a little embarrassed when I heard it, and my face became hot. However, I still listened carefully and analyzed her words carefully.

"Did you... have any dreams?" I thought for a long time, and felt that this physical phenomenon could be caused by her spring dreams at night, so I asked her again.

"No... Anyway, it's not in my memory, but..." She hesitated for a long time before saying to me, "However, I have...the habit of self-consolation..."

Upon hearing this, I understood. In fact, this is not necessarily a shameful thing, but it is definitely not good for the body. Forming such a habit will not only overdraw the physical strength, but also cause some physiological problems.

Many boys and girls do this kind of thing more or less. Sometimes, this is also a way of adjustment, but it is not impossible to do it. But if it becomes a habit or an addiction, it is absolutely harmful to the body!

If boys are overly self-consoling, they will cause serious physical obstacles such as kidney deficiency, kidney stones, and even yang failure, which will affect normal marriage and childbirth in the future;

If girls are overly self-consoling, they will cause some gynecological inflammation, kidney disease, etc., especially when they are accustomed to the stimulation of self-consolation, they will lose pleasure in the normal married life, and thus lose their sexual interest in men, leading to serious sexual psychology such as indifference. problem! At the same time, long-term disharmonious sexual experience can cause depressive mental illness over time!

Therefore, such habits and behaviors, no matter from which point of view, are not advocated!

Is it because Xiaohan has this habit, coupled with her feelings, excessive pressure, and frequent self-consolation, that makes her health worse every day? And there are symptoms such as lower body pain and excessive vaginal discharge

But when I think about it, I don’t think it looks like it. It’s impossible for her to do such things all day long. How could she make her body look like that? There are so many boys and girls who have this habit, and no one can turn themselves into a ghost because of this habit!

Even if some physical illnesses are caused by excessive self-consolation, the big hospitals can also check them out. How come they can't find them in the end

I thought about it for a long time and couldn't come up with an answer. I felt confused. At that time, I really hated that when I was in college, I didn't study clinical medicine. As a result, except for the major in psychology, I don't know much about it!

"Doctor Gao, do you think it's because of my...that habit?" I was thinking about it, and Xiao Han's voice came from the darkness again.

"It's possible, but it may not be..." Then, I explained the reason.

After listening to Xiaohan, he was silent for a moment, and then said, "Is there any other possibility?"

After listening to her, I suddenly became clear! That's right, why I have always trapped myself in a fixed mode of thinking, and my body has a problem, it may not necessarily be caused by illness! It's like the possibility of poisoning among the several possibilities I just thought of!

Thinking of the poisoning, I quickly asked: "Did your gas leak?"

"It shouldn't be, there is no smell..." she replied, recalling.

That’s right, the smell of gas is great. If it leaks a lot, people should be able to smell it; if it’s a small leak, it’s summer, and windows are opened for ventilation every day. The little gas that people can’t smell will not cause that much. Of the impact.

"Do you have air conditioning in your home?" I asked. Because I’m thinking that if there is air conditioning, there are more indoors when the room is closed in summer, then a small amount of leakage will slowly accumulate in the room, and it will also affect the body.

"There is no air conditioning... Besides, I have been sick for a while, and Xiao Ming was also living here at that time. If it was a gas leak, why did he have nothing to do?" Xiao Han analyzed. I think she makes sense, and it seems that it is not caused by gas poisoning.

What could be poisoned? Is there any source of radiation

When you mention radiation, you may think of radiation from mobile phones, radiation from computers, and so on. In fact, these so-called radiations will not cause much impact on the human body at all. As a doctor, I can say very responsibly that you don’t get sick because you sleep with your phone in your arms every day.

These so-called radiations are all radio wave radiation. In fact, the planet we live in is a large radiation source. The earth emits various waves of radiation every day, such as electric waves, magnetic waves, thermal radiation waves, etc. These radiations are millions of times stronger than the radiation of mobile phones and computers! But don't human beings still live well

Therefore, some so-called health care experts are purely unfounded. These radiations will make you sleep well at most. If you are lying down playing with your mobile phone or watching the computer without insomnia, is it caused by radiation? That is caused by playfulness!

Radiation that really affects the human body refers to radiation, such as X-rays used to examine human organs in hospitals. If exposed for a long time, it will affect the human body. In addition, there is nuclear radiation.

I once heard someone talk about a foreign example. A nuclear power plant in a nuclear country was lost while transporting nuclear materials, and a rod of nuclear materials was picked up by a child as a rare thing.

The nuclear material rod contains the strong radioactive substance uranium 235! This raw material rod was originally equipped with a radiation protection device, but after a long time, the battery failed and the radioactive material inside began to leak. Eventually, all the children and the whole family died. Even the residents of the entire building died more than half, that is, they survived at that time. Yes, they also got various cancers and leukemias and died one after another.

The lethality of this nuclear radiation material is evident!

Thinking of this, I even doubted it. Could it be that Xiao Han's body became like this because of the radiation from something

The story of nuclear fuel rods is a very rare case. It is a very difficult thing to happen. I believe that there is no such thing in Xiaohan's house. However, in fact, many gems, jade and ores may contain radioactive substances! Although the amount is not very large, if it is placed around for a long time or is often used for play, it will affect your health.

For example, the famous mirror of Qin Shihuang in history. It is said that that thing can penetrate human internal organs. I guess it was made of a kind of ore or jade containing radioactive substances. After a long time, Qin Shihuang became surly and killed countless people. I am afraid that it was also affected by this radiation. .

Also, it is the famous Ye Mingzhu. There are many legends and records of Ye Mingzhu in history, and they are also regarded as treasures by people! In fact, the night pearl that can glow at night, especially as the ancients described it, is not fluorescent, but sparkling. It must be made of ore containing radioactive elements. Otherwise, why can it emit strong light

Throughout history, most of the kings who received the Pearl of the Night had a miserable ending. Perhaps it was also because of long-term exposure to radiation that caused changes in their body and personality, and ultimately caused bad results.

Just like Xiaohan at the moment, although she is a girl with personality, she still has a gloomy personality and aggressive way of speaking in this ghostly appearance. It is very likely that she has been affected by some kind of radiation to become like this!

Thinking of this, I quickly asked: "Do you have any jade or strange gems in your house?"

"No..." Xiao Han thought for a long time, but gave such an answer! I thought I had already guessed it, but I didn't expect it to be completely in vain!

"Are you sure? Nothing? Bonsai or the like, or is there any stone in the fish tank?" I still asked, unwilling to give up.

"There is no bonsai, and no fish? There is no stone like what you said. I have a jade bracelet, but it was left to me by my grandma. I have been following me for more than 10 years and it’s fine!" Xiao Han recalled for a long time , There is still no answer.

It seems that I am really thinking in the wrong direction! (End of this chapter)