Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 111: Poisoning


Liu Qiang and I exchanged a few simple greetings. He learned that I had opened a psychology clinic by myself and praised me greatly. Then I introduced Wang Nan to her enthusiastically. In short, the whole process was one word: too fake! Oh, sorry, these are two characters.

There is no way. This is social communication. There is no way to be so real in interpersonal relationships. Sometimes hypocrisy is also a helpless choice.

"What is the relationship between the patient and you?" It wasn't until the end that Liu Qiang changed the conversation and got to the point.

"Um... it's our friend!" I originally wanted to say it was a neighbor, but when Xiaohan was listening there, I changed my mouth again. Friends sound at least closer than neighbors! It is said that distant relatives are not as good as close neighbors, but that was before, and now neighbors are no different from strangers.

Xiaohan is lonely and needs to be cared for. If I say that she is a neighbor, she would be disappointed.

"Where's her family?" Liu Qiang didn't understand, so he asked the least thing to ask. I said in my heart, senior, my big brother, you doctor, why do you directly ask! Have you taken into account the patient's feelings!

For the sake of not being a psychiatrist, well, I still forgive you! I looked at Liu Qiang with piercing eyes, full of content in my eyes.

Fortunately, he was still smart, as if he had read what I wanted to express from the look in my eyes, and quickly changed the subject.

"Let you come here, uh, also in front of the patient to discuss the condition." Liu Qiang said hurriedly.

As a general rule, if a patient has a serious disease, such as cancer, the doctor will not discuss the condition in front of the patient. Now, he is willing to discuss the condition in front of Xiaohan, which shows that Xiaohan should not be very sick!

Could it be that Liu Qiang found out the problem? You know, Xiaohan went to a lot of hospitals before and didn't find out the problem. Could it be that he could find out the problem

"The patient's problem is actually very difficult, and I can't be sure..." I didn't expect Liu Qiang to say this afterwards! Brother, don't make any fuss. If you have any ideas, please quickly say no!

The above are all my psychological activities. However, because of my heart, all my dissatisfaction was written on my face. Liu Qiang looked at my expression and quickly continued.

"We conducted a comprehensive examination and diagnosis. Although it is not yet certain for the time being, I suspect that she has no disease but is poisoned..." Although Liu Qiang still has no confidence in speaking, he clearly stated that Xiao Han’s symptoms are like It is a manifestation of poisoning.

"What kind of poison?" Liu Qiang's judgment was the same as I thought before, and he couldn't help but refreshed my spirits and asked quickly.

"Gao Xin, you know, we as doctors speak with facts. However, no matter how we checked, we did not get any abnormal reports. There were only reports of abnormal physical functions, but they were not serious problems..." , Liu Qiang began to chirp and explain again, which made me anxious.

"Just say what kind of poison she is!" I urged, "or you suspect she was poisoned!"

"It seems to be... snake venom..." Liu Qiang speculated.

"Snake venom?" Everyone present was shocked when they heard this, including Xiao Han himself who was lying on the ground.

"Xiaohan, have you raised a snake?" I turned to Xiaohan and asked quickly. Nowadays, many people keep pets. They used to be okay. They were all cats and puppies. But now, there are more types of pets. There are everything from rats, pigs, and rabbits. Of course, some people keep pets like lizards and snakes, and there are even piranhas in mermaid tanks!

Could it be the same with Xiaohan, she kept a snake as a pet

"No, who would raise that thing, I am afraid of people!" The sick Xiao Han, shaking his head like a rattle, quickly denied.

"Are you sure it's snake venom?" I asked nonsense, because Liu Qiang meant speculation in his words, and he was not sure.

"Not sure!" Sure enough, he said. "But based on some data I have read before, the analysis may be snake venom, and..."

When I saw him play a long tone again, I was so anxious that I wanted to beat him up. Why didn't I find out how my senior character was so boring before! I resisted the anxiety and listened carefully to what he was going to say next.

"Furthermore, the signs of poisoning on her body are very slight, there is almost no test data to support it, and no traces of snake bites have been found, so I can only speculate..." Liu Qiang explained later.

Looking at him in a very embarrassed manner, I suddenly felt a little sympathy for him. Originally, many experienced doctors in large hospitals failed to find out what the problem was with Xiaohan. Although Liu Qiang has graduated for some years, he is still a young doctor. He can analyze these problems based on the available data and data. Come on, it's already pretty good!

"Thanks, senior..." I couldn't help but patted Liu Qiang on the shoulder, thanking me. On the one hand, I really want to express my gratitude, and on the other hand, it can be regarded as comforting him. Because after all, the patient’s problems cannot be checked out, and the doctors will also feel very entangled in their hearts.

"I can now take some conservative treatments to let her recover slowly. However, it is best to determine what kind of poison it is. If it is really snake venom, it is best to figure out what kind of snake venom it is, and What is the method of poisoning, otherwise, it is not easy to deal with!" Liu Qiang added at this time.

"Oh! Let's try our best!" I promised this matter without much thought. Subsequently, Liu Qiang took a few interns and left the ward.

I immediately sat next to Xiaohan’s bed and asked her: "Xiaohan, do you recall, have you ever been bitten by a snake or some insect?"

Xiaohan was obviously nervous after listening to Liu Qiang's speculation. At this time, when I asked her, she didn't say a word, but remembered it.

"It doesn't seem to be... The mosquito bites me, can't it be counted?" After a long time, she still didn't recall any useful details.

"Of course mosquitoes are not counted. Think about it again?" I was a little anxious.

Wang Nan tugged at my sleeve to remind me not to be so anxious. I took a look at her, adjusted my emotions, and stared at Xiao Han intently, waiting for her answer.

"No, I don't have any impression anyway..." However, Xiao Han's answer is still disappointing.

I couldn't help feeling lost, and my expression was very depressed.

"Doctor Gao, I'm really sorry to make you worry... You have helped me a lot, and I don't know how to thank you!" At this moment, Xiao Han was polite when he saw my disappointed look.

To be honest, I have committed this old problem again, just being nosy! Xiaohan didn't have a relationship with me, and didn't know anything about it. It was just a fate, but at this time, I wanted to help her from the bottom of my heart. The arrogant fire in my heart burned unconsciously.

Xiaohan is not polite to me, I didn't even realize it! At this moment, I glanced at Wang Nan. In fact, my thought is that Wang Nan is now my girlfriend after all. I should also ask her for advice if I have anything to do. I can't always be so headstrong.

I originally thought that Wang Nan would persuade me not to be nosy, but I didn't expect that she would care about Xiaohan's affairs more than I did. At this moment, she asked Xiao Han first:

"How long have you been feeling uncomfortable?"

"Um, it seems to have started half a year ago!" Xiao Han thought for a while and quickly replied.

"Half a year ago?" Wang Nan was a little surprised when he heard it, and quickly said, "Xiaoxin, Xiaohan, think about it, even if it was snake venom half a year ago, Dr. Liu also said that the degree is very slight. It has been so long. Why is it still affecting Xiaohan's body?"

Yes! After listening to Wang Nan's words, I also suddenly realized this problem. Even if Xiaohan doesn’t remember what the poison was because of half a year ago, as time goes by, even if there is no treatment, the toxicity should be slowly metabolized out of the body. Her symptoms should be getting milder and lighter. , How come your health is getting worse and worse

This can only show one problem: Xiaohan is continuously poisoning! But what is it that made Xiaohan poisoned? Or will it continue uninterrupted

"What skin care products do you use?" Wang Nan asked Xiao Han directly again.

"Ordinary brands, bought in the mall, shouldn't be a problem, and I don't use any messy cosmetics. I don't usually wear makeup!" Xiaohan replied.

It seems that this speculation has also been denied. what is the reason behind the scene? I'm baffled! (End of this chapter)