Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 114: Where does the poison come from?


After listening to the whole process of Xiaoming's narration, Wang Nan and I were both silent. Looking at Xiao Ming in front of him, he spoke sincerely and shouldn't lie. It seems that Xiaohan more or less concealed something and didn't tell us.

In fact, Xiao Ming said that he has feelings for Xiao Han, and I also believe it. The emotional experience of the two of them reflects a problem that love and marriage cannot be combined in modern society. Although they are not married, living together is actually similar to married.

We have all discovered such a phenomenon. Two people obviously love each other, but they just can't live together. And the kind of harmonious and happy, everlasting couple, the love between each other is not so romantic and romantic.

Isn’t it weird? The general idea is that there is love, everything can be overcome, and all problems can be overcome, but in reality, this is often not the case. On the contrary, the deeper the love and the more concerned about each other, the more problems two people’s lives are prone to.

Because the love is too deep, the love is too caring, two people have almost no space for themselves, and all of each other's lives are each other. This seems beautiful, but it just becomes the resistance to living together.

Because I care too much, want to be perfect, and a little bit of something is not satisfactory, it will make people very disappointed, and disappointment will cause a sense of loss, and then quarrels will occur. This kind of quarrel is not because there is really any contradiction, but because of the anxiety caused by caring too much for fear of losing that feeling of deep love.

Girls who tend to behave like this are mostly girls. Because I love a man deeply, I want to possess all of him, including all his time, energy, and feelings. There is nothing wrong with this, but one degree should be paid attention to. Excessive possessiveness and control will make the other person breathless, like Xiao Ming said, it feels like being in jail.

In fact, to put it plainly, this kind of love seems to be vigorous and sincere, and it is also true love from the heart, but it is actually a selfish and stupid love. The tighter you hold it, the easier it is to lose. In fact, everyone understands it, but because you love someone too much, you can't control it.

The best way to treat your lover should be the "kite-flying mode", let him fly as long as you can firmly grasp the kite string in your hands and take it away freely.

Xiao Han is actually such a girl who truly loves. Of course, she didn't do it on purpose. I guess she also became a girl who desperately needs to be cared for because of her childhood experience. This is actually not caused by her character, but a distorted psychology.

In other words, she may have suffered from mental illness since she was a child because she did not have a complete family and lacked the care of her parents.

In fact, at this point, the judges should also be able to understand what a mental illness is! The big difference between mental illness or mental disorder and mental illness is that although the patient is in a sick state, he can still work, study, and live normally, and it looks like a normal person on the surface.

But the mental illnesses and obstacles are deeply buried in the heart, and they will not always jump out and affect the person's normal life.

Some distorted views of the world and love caused by illness will have a serious impact on this person’s life, choice of road, love and marriage management. Imagine a person with a sick mentality to face these problems. How can it be smooth and happy

This paragraph of exposition is not really for preaching. As a psychiatrist, I just hope to resonate with everyone through these, check whether I have a mental illness, or any mental disorders, and adjust my mentality or seek medical treatment in time to avoid affecting my normal life and even future development. It's just a serious mental illness.

According to Wang Nan's thoughts, Xiaohan's so-called hell, it is very likely that she has hallucinations. If this is the case, then she is a typical situation where she eventually developed schizophrenia due to a mental illness!

Xiao Ming finished speaking, but we couldn't say anything. His behavior is indeed very selfish, but Xiao Han's problem is also very serious, as the so-called slap does not sound, that's it.

I took a look at Wang Nan and realized that she was not so excited now. Because she had always thought Xiao Ming was an ungrateful Chen Shimei before, and she hated it too much. But now that she understood the details of the matter, she was also a little shaken.

After a long silence, I broke the silence and asked Xiao Ming:

"Xiaohan is poisoned, it is snake venom. Do you know anything about this?" This is our original intention to find Xiao Ming.

Although Xiao Ming and Xiao Han had an embarrassing relationship experience, the state of Xiao Han's body is what makes people most anxious.

As for whether Xiaoming and Xiaohan can reconcile in the future, it is a matter to consider after Xiaohan's body recovers and some psychological treatments are given to her. Now it is unfair to force Xiaoming and Xiaohan to reconcile.

"She...poisoned?" Xiao Ming looked surprised when he heard my question.

"Yes, snake venom!" I emphasized again.

"How come... I have never touched a snake!" Although Xiao Ming's answer was not so sure, it seemed that he didn't have any clues.

"Think about it again?" Although Wang Nan wasn't in an angry tone at this time, he was also urging Xiao Ming to say.

"Absolutely not, there are no snakes!" Xiaoming thought for a while and said affirmatively, "Xiaohan had a problem with her body half a year ago. At that time, I was by her side almost every day. There must be no snakes!"

When I heard this answer, Wang Nan and I were a little disappointed. Even the person involved, Xiao Ming, could not provide any useful clues. So where did this snake venom come from

"Xiaohan was bitten by a snake?" Xiao Ming asked us back at this time.

"I was not bitten, there were no wounds on my body, and I don't know how it was poisoned. It is speculation that she was..." I was still answering, but Xiao Ming suddenly thought of something, and quickly interrupted me.

"Ah! I remembered!" Xiao Ming exclaimed, and Wang Nan and I immediately cheered up. Could it be that he recalled any clues

"That's half a year ago, every day when I came home and first came into the house, I would ask a strange smell!" Xiaoming recalled, while saying, "but that smell is very weak, just when I first entered the house from the outside, You can smell it. After entering the house, wait a while and you won’t be able to smell it."

After listening to this, Wang Nan and I felt that it was very important information, and we quickly asked Xiao Ming to elaborate more.

Xiao Ming said that it was a smell like medicine. At first he thought it was Xiaohan who put on some ointment or something, because she loved eczema and often put on some messy ointment, so he didn't have it at the time. care.

But thinking about it now, it doesn't taste like medicine, it's very strange. So just now he heard me say that Xiao Han was not bitten by a snake, but was poisoned by snake venom, and suddenly remembered this.

"It's not the smell of gas?" At this time, I wanted to make sure if it was the gas leak.

"Definitely not!" Xiao Ming replied affirmatively again.

"If it is that strange smell that poisoned Xiaohan, why are you okay?" Wang Nan asked Xiao Ming suspiciously at this time.

"This... I don't know this!" Xiao Ming suddenly felt that Wang Nan seemed to be suspecting that he had poisoned Xiao Han, and was a little agitated. "Maybe I was also poisoned, but I didn't have such a big reaction!"

His words reminded me. Some toxins really only act on specific groups of people, such as those with allergies. Just now Xiao Ming also said that Xiaohan often develops eczema on her body, indicating that she is allergic.

"Could it be that we offended Daxian Snake?" Xiao Ming suddenly said with a horrified expression.

After hearing this statement, I almost didn't laugh out loud! University of Science and Technology, majoring in information engineering, actually believe this? What's wrong with people nowadays, ghosts and spirits! If things are really that simple, then we have to work hard to investigate something, and simply ask a big immortal to do a ritual, isn't Xiao Han just fine!

Moreover, although Xiao Ming’s current performance does not look like he poisoned Xiao Han, Wang Nan and I are not criminal police officers after all, and lack the experience of confronting criminal suspects, so they may not be so accurate.

Therefore, Xiao Ming's suspicion cannot be rushed out! (End of this chapter)