Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 115: Return to the rental house


Thinking of this, I can't help staring at Xiao Ming suspiciously, trying to see some clues from his face.

When I saw Xiao Ming like this, he immediately became nervous, and his emotions became even more agitated.

"Why, do you all think it was my poison?" He stood up suddenly, "It's really not me, the conscience of heaven and earth!"

In fact, he was really right. I don't know if it is my gloomy mentality or a reasonable guess, but now I think he has this motive!

Xiao Han's possessiveness and control desire were too strong, he couldn't stand it anymore, and he was afraid that she would do something radical after breaking up, so he slowly poisoned Xiao Han and made her look like a ghost.

You might say that Xiaohan brought up the breakup. It was Xiaoming who had been keeping and maintaining this relationship. Every time he begged Xiaohan not to break up. Both of them said the same. Then Xiaoming again. Why use this method, just drop the donkey directly, and it will be fine if you divide it

In fact, if you think about it, you will understand. Little lovers quarrel, who usually mentions the word "break up" most? It must be a girl! Because girls are too emotional in doing things, they often don't care about anything when their temper comes up. The word breakup is often on the lips, but they are not really going to break up, they are just angry.

Such angry words are not counted at all. If boys really break up with girls like this, they will definitely regret it afterwards, and they will continue to make trouble. Such examples can be said to be commonplace.

There are other girls who regard breaking up as a threat, just to coerce her boyfriend with something, such as giving her something, or hoping that her boyfriend will treat her better, and so on.

Often two people quarrel, and the girl will leave in the middle of the night, shouting to break up and open the door. In the middle of the night, you didn't bring any money, you didn't pack your things, and you are a weak woman. No matter who can't let you go out like this, you will definitely go and pull you. Pulled back, coaxed, calmed down, and didn't break up.

I believe many lovers have experienced this kind of plot, right? In fact, it wasn't that the boyfriend didn't want to break up at the time, but that they knew in their hearts that they couldn't separate it at all!

Therefore, even if Xiaohan breaks up every time after Xiaohan and Xiaoming quarrel, it doesn’t really mean to separate. She just doesn’t know what means to use to make Xiaoming care more about herself and treat herself better, so she threatens by breaking up. It's just him.

If you understand this level, you will also understand why I said Xiao Ming had this motive for committing the crime.

At this time, it's already late. Although it is summer and the day is longer, it is now close to 8 o'clock in the evening, and the sky is gradually dimming. This small forest began to look dark and deep.

Xiao Ming stood up excitedly at this time, but he didn't mean to turn around and left. He looked aggrieved at me and Wang Nan.

Seeing this situation, I feel that it is not that he is more likely to do it. Although, I suspect that his idea of having a motive for committing the crime has not changed, but having a motive does not mean that he must have done it.

Moreover, Wang Nan and I are not police officers. He can just shake off his hands without saying anything, without paying attention to us. However, he did not do that, indicating that the possibility of him being innocent is very high.

Wang Nan and I originally wanted to find Xiao Ming for some information, and even later suspected that he had poisoned Xiao Han, but now the more we look at it, the less the same. The only useful information he provided was the strange taste.

What kind of smell is that? Could it be that Xiaohan's poisoning has something to do with that smell

"Can you go back with us and have a look?" At this time, I asked Xiao Ming.

Yes, I want to go back to the rental house again, and do a field survey, maybe I can find some clues. However, I didn't have much hope that Xiao Ming could go with us, so I just asked.

It's almost 8 o'clock in the evening, so I don't necessarily have to be busy until now. After all, Xiao Ming still lives in school, and not going back to bed at night is also a hassle.

"Okay!" Unexpectedly, Xiao Ming in front of him actually agreed with one bite. It seems that he really has no ghosts in his heart, and he wants to rush to prove his innocence. Considering from another aspect, maybe he still has feelings for Xiaohan, maybe he actually wants to find out what's going on!

It was late, and seeing Xiao Ming agreed, Wang Nan and I immediately went out of the campus with him, took a taxi, and returned to the community where they lived.

Wang Nan's house is on the 19th floor, while Xiaoming and Xiaohan's rented house is on the 22nd floor. Although I experienced the scary moment of being trapped in the elevator during the day, I still had no choice but to take the elevator. 22 floors! If you climb the stairs, you have to be exhausted!

With a sense of anxiety, we finally reached the 22nd floor smoothly and came to the door of the rental house where they lived.

"Open the door?" When I saw Xiao Ming walked to the door, I had been waiting. I had no plan to open the door at all, so I urged him.

"I... I don't have the key..." Xiao Ming said aggrievedly, "I gave the key to Xiao Han before I moved out!"

Ah, it turned out to be like this! No way, I took out the key Xiaohan gave me and opened the door. Xiao Ming doesn't have the key, which also shows to a certain extent that it is not him who sneaked into the room.

After entering the house and turning on the lights, I found that this rental house is also a small apartment, basically similar to Wang Nan's layout, except that the decoration is very simple and the furniture is not new. For renting houses, it is understandable that the homeowner will not give you fine decoration. Moreover, the rent for a well-decorated house will be more expensive!

However, as Xiao Ming said, when Leng Ding entered the house from outside, I did smell a faint strange smell! The taste is really hard to describe what kind of taste it is, but it is indeed very special.

In fact, everyone's home has a different taste, which is related to the taste of the owner. If you have pets like cats and dogs in your home, you will also smell like pets in your home. Some families also use things like air fresheners, and there will be some fragrance in the house.

But the smell in this rental house is strange. Unlike the smell that can be produced under any circumstances, it smells like a chemical agent.

Is it the formaldehyde on the furniture? It's not right. The furniture in this room is very old and not new. Even if there is, it should be gone.

But soon, I couldn't smell that smell again. Sure enough, as Xiao Ming said, this kind of smell can only be noticed when you suddenly come in from the outside. Once you enter the room, you won't be able to smell it for a long time. It's quite weak!

At this moment, the room was very messy, the quilts of the sex were not folded up, there were a lot of boxes of instant noodles on a table, and there was a lot of dust on the ground. It seems that since Xiao Ming and Xiao Han broke up, her life has also been in a state of complete depression.

I couldn't help but shook my head, and together with Wang Nan Xiaoming, I searched this room. Of course, the point is still what the source of that smell is. But after searching for a long time, nothing was strange.

This summer, the windows of the room were actually closed. We had been busy for a long time and sweated all over. At this time, I came to the balcony and wanted to open the windows for ventilation.

Who knows, I haven't reached out to touch the window, but suddenly found a strange mark! There is a handprint on the glass of the balcony window!

A handprint is not surprising at first. In Xiaohan's state, he would definitely not clean the room and wipe the glass. Therefore, the glass is very dirty, and it is not impossible that handprints will be left on the glass accidentally. But the strange thing is that this handprint is actually on the outside of the window glass!

I say that, maybe you still have no idea. This window is the kind of sliding window that opens outwards. When the window is opened, the people inside the house will not touch the glass outside at any angle!

In other words, someone left the handprint after touching the glass outside the window!

But Xiaohan lives here on the 22nd floor, not the first floor. How could someone leave such a handprint outside the window

Moreover, I was even more surprised that it was a left hand handprint, which was actually very similar to the black handprint that appeared inexplicably on Xiao Han's back!

I carefully observed the handprint again, and it was obvious that someone had touched the window glass with his hand outside and left the dust on it, and it should have been in the past few days, not too long. Because some time ago, we had a heavy rain here, if the handprints left a long time ago, I am afraid that the rain has already washed away.

Could it be that those "Spider-Man" who wiped the glass of tall buildings left behind? (End of this chapter)