Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 116: Call the police


"Nan Nan, is there any kind of "Spiderman" in this building to wipe the glass recently?" I looked back at Wang Nan and asked for proof.

"No..." Wang Nan didn't have any impression. "It's impossible. This property doesn't even care about the elevator breaking down. Can you still spend money to hire Spider-Man to clean the windows of your residents? Never before!"

"Yes, it's impossible!" Xiao Ming has also lived here for more than a year, and he has a deep understanding of this situation.

"Come and take a look!" I asked Wang Nan and Xiao Ming to come over and take a look at this handprint. The two of them looked suspiciously, and then realized the problem, their faces were full of surprise!

"Could it be that Xiaohan left when he wiped the glass?" I asked.

"This... This is impossible! Our 31 novel app download address has never been outside to wipe the glass. Such a high floor is so scary!" First of all, Xiao Ming said that it was impossible.

"Yes, even I, never dared to wipe the glass outside this glass window thoroughly!" Wang Nan added. I know she loves cleaning. The glass must be wiped frequently, but the angle of the glass window is really bad, and the floor is so high, how can anyone dare to reach out to wipe the glass outside!

"It seems that this handprint must have been left by someone. As for who it is, it's hard to say!" I said to both of them.

"Could it be a thief?" Xiao Ming suddenly thought of this possibility.

"It's unlikely..." I shook my head and said. Thieves generally do not enter the room through windows in such high-rise residential buildings, and they are afraid that they will fall down if they make a mistake! It is not too difficult for a skilled thief to pry open the security door, so why bother to take such a risk.

What's more, Xiao Han and Xiao Ming are nothing more than two poor students who live in rented houses. Before the thieves start their hands, they have to step on and observe what they are doing. In a situation like the two of them, it is estimated that they will not be targeted by the thieves.

"I guess it must have been done by someone with ulterior motives!" I told Wang Nan and Xiao Ming about my analysis, and finally concluded this sentence.

After they listened, they nodded silently, thinking that I made sense. So what is the purpose of a person with ulterior motives? Not for money, is it for beauty

Xiao Han is now sick and looks a little scary, but it can be seen that her appearance is not ugly, and she is small and exquisite, and she is slender.

And that weird handprint tattoo confirms this even more! This hateful guy not only tarnished Xiao Han's body, but also left his own mark with great interest. It is really abnormal!

This speculation shocked me. If there is such a perverted pervert, many things will be easy to explain! But who is this bastard

I opened the window and went out to take a look. I found that there was actually a narrow step outside the floor-to-ceiling window. The step was in the direction of the window and was connected to the balcony window next door!

In other words, if the guy with the ulterior motives lives next door and is bold enough, it is very easy to follow this step and invade Xiao Han's house!

Many people may lock the door very tightly, but the windows are often easy to overlook. It is estimated that Xiaohan is the same. Although the door is locked, the windows are not locked. Especially in summer, when there is no air conditioner in the house, the windows must be open so that the person can come in easily!

In other words, there are a few people who live in high-rise buildings, they can think that someone will take such a big risk to come in through the window!

Thinking of this, I can almost be sure that this must be a criminal case! In fact, I have thought of this possibility before, but there are many details that I still don’t understand, and I haven’t considered it clearly. The logical chain is incomplete, so I have been ignoring this possibility.

"Who lives next door to you? Do you know?" I quickly asked Xiao Ming.

"I don't know, but I have met several times. He is a strange middle-aged man..." Xiao Ming thought for a while and replied.

"How strange?" I asked Xiao Ming.

"I can't say it, it just feels like he always looks at me and Xiaohan with sneaky eyes," Xiao Ming recalled, "between neighbors, it is reasonable to say hello when they meet, but the man always looks secretly. Our feeling!"

"Then why haven't you noticed it?" My tone was already a bit complaining.

"Who would have thought it would be like this... I also connected it after listening to your analysis..." Xiao Ming was a little aggrieved at this time, even more regretful, and murmured.

In fact, Xiao Ming is really not to blame, he is right, who can predict such a thing. My neighbors are a lot more weird, and nothing happened. If you suspect that they are unruly because of this, you can only be suspicious.

What should I do now? Could it be that the three of us rushed into his house together and caught him? Two doctors and a college student, do we have that ability? In case that guy has any more weapons, it will be dangerous!

Thinking of this, I quickly called Wang Kunpeng.

"Hey... what's the matter, the meeting!" Wang Kunpeng said in a low voice on the other side of the phone as soon as the call was connected.

It seems that their criminal police are really busy. It was almost 9 o'clock in the evening at 8 o'clock, and they were still working overtime for meetings.

"There is a case, I need..." I just wanted to tell him something, but I didn't expect him to interrupt me immediately.

"You're busy, call 110 to report the crime!" After speaking, this guy hung up the phone! I'm so angry that I want to call him and scold him again! Life here is close, he still hung up on my phone!

It's not really my exaggeration. It is not clear what the poison is in Xiaohan, and the doctor is not good at treating her symptomatically. It may be life-threatening if it is delayed for a long time! Therefore, it is necessary to catch that guy as soon as possible, take the stolen goods, and figure out what the poison is.

But when I dialed again, I still dialed 110. Because of Wang Kunpeng's appearance just now, it seems that there is really something important to be busy, so let's not disturb him.

Soon, the police call was connected, and I briefly talked about the matter. I left my name, mobile phone number and address over there, saying that the police officer in charge would contact me soon.

Sure enough, it didn't take long before my phone rang.

"I'm from the branch criminal police team. My name is Gao, right? You report the crime?" A woman's voice came.

"Yes, it's like this..." I explained the situation concisely on the phone. There was a moment of silence on the phone over there, and it sounded like he was covering the microphone and talking to someone else.

"Your last name is Gao? Is it Dr. Gao from tomorrow's psychology clinic?" After a while, the woman's voice came again.

Um? How did she guess it? Are the police so powerful now? I just made a phone call and reported my name. They even found out my specific information

"Yes... it's me..." I replied quickly.

"We already know the address, wait, and we will be there soon!" After speaking, the woman hung up the phone, leaving me with my own mobile phone, a moment of confusion.

"How do you say?" Wang Nan asked curiously.

"Ah... I told you to come right away!" I replied, but I still looked suspicious.

"Then what's the matter with your appearance?" Wang Nan asked again.

No way, I described the situation to her just now, and she was surprised after hearing it.

"I didn't see it, you're still a celebrity?" Wang Nan said with a hint of ridicule, "Could it be that you have done some cases before and have a criminal record with the police? How can even the police know who you are?"

"Don't talk nonsense, I'm a good person who abides by the rules and the law!" I was a little bit blaming. I glanced at Wang Nan and said to me when it was time. You still have the mood to tease me.

Seeing me like this, Wang Nan showed a mischievous smile on his face, stuck out his tongue gently, and stopped talking.

Xiao Ming was confused and looked inexplicable beside him, but he couldn't talk about it, so he remained silent.

In this way, we waited in this rental house for nearly half an hour, and finally someone knocked on the door.

I quickly opened the door of the room and saw that there were two people in casual clothes standing outside, a man and a woman. The man was wearing a military green T-shirt, jeans, sneakers, and a pair of sunglasses. And that woman...

Hey? Isn't this Zhang Shuang? ! (End of this chapter)