Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 121: Serial murders


Hearing what Zhang Shuang said, I suddenly understood!

But isn't it? Li Cunjin peeed his pants, how could it have such a big smell. The smell is clearly-the smell of rotting corpses!

Did Wang Nan and Xiao Ming see it just now? How could I not see it? Could it be because my attention was all on Li Cunjin, what did I ignore

In fact, colleagues with myopia should have had a similar experience, especially in the case of high myopia. It is not that the power of the glasses is not enough, can't see clearly or can't see, but the eyes are not enough!

What most people can see with their peripheral light, or what they can see at a glance, people with nearsightedness can easily fail to see or ignore them.

"Yes... Yes... Corpse?" At this moment, I was already dumbfounded, and stammered to Zhang Shuang.

"Yes! Killed for more than three days, it's summer, and the rate of decay will be faster!" Zhang Shuang replied calmly, as if to say a very common thing. It seems that they are criminal policemen. They have never seen such a scene. They are already numb.

"I just don't understand, you have been trapped in the elevator during the day, how can you not smell at all?" Then she raised her own question.

Realizing that the smell came from the carrion corpse, I also felt sick at this time. However, after all, I didn't see the corpse with my own eyes. It was not as serious as Xiao Ming and Wang Nan, and I was able to resist the urge to vomit.

"Where did you find it!" Until now, I still feel very surprised. Wang Nan and the others have seen it. I didn't see it. This is impossible! Even if my eyes are bad, can I see such a big corpse

"The body is at the top of the elevator!" Zhang Shuang didn't reveal the answer until then.

Killed for more than three days? Always at the top of the elevator? Then when Xiaohan and I were trapped during the day, why didn't we smell any unusual smell? At this moment, a dream-like feeling struck, and I couldn't help feeling a little dizzy. But this is not the same as the feeling of fainting blood, but caused by too many doubts and unclear explanations.

On the top of the elevator, both Wang Nan and Xiao Ming saw it. How did they find it

I quickly threw this question out, Zhang Shuang explained it again, and I understood it!

It turned out that at this time, there was a hole in the ceiling of the elevator. One arm of the corpse dropped down the hole. Wang Nan and Xiao Ming both saw the hanging hand and contacted the rancid smell that was so big at the time. I understood what it was, so I couldn't stop vomiting.

At that time, my attention was all on Li Cunjin's body, and I noticed that he was peeing his pants again, and my eyes were not good, and the elevator was darker, so I didn't notice it!

Then, I recalled it again, and after careful analysis and speculation, I completely figured out the ins and outs of the matter!

During the day, Xiaohan and I were almost trapped in the elevator and suffocated to death because the airtightness of the elevator was so good!

The outside air couldn't pass in, and the rotten smell would naturally not pass in the elevator. I believe that the same is true of the residents in the building who have not found any abnormalities while riding this elevator before.

But just now, that guy Li Cunjin jumped over the wall eagerly and wanted to escape, but was trapped in the elevator. He must be eager to find a way out and moved the ceiling. Perhaps, during the day, Xiao Han tried to push the lid open. Although he didn't push it, it might have loosened a little.

In Li Cunjin's hand, maybe it happened to be a relatively long thing like an umbrella. He used that thing to poke open the lid, but by chance, the corpse's arm suddenly fell down the opening of the hole!

Li Cunjin, who was eager to escape, had done something wrong again. This time he was probably scared enough! In the dark elevator, I am afraid that only his own mobile phone can illuminate the light! The sudden appearance of human hands, coupled with the fact that the light is so dim, this is the plot in a typical horror movie!

It is estimated that at the time he thought it was a female ghost who came to him to kill him, and was so scared that he suddenly had a nervous breakdown!

Li Cunjin, who was in extreme fear, suddenly heard that we were outside the elevator. He seemed to be trying to redeem himself. He confessed his infringement of Xiaohan.

Afterwards, I told Zhang Shuang my own analysis, which can be regarded as an answer to her why I was trapped during the day and she didn't find the reason for the abnormality.

After listening, Zhang Shuang nodded, and suddenly said with a smile: "Doctor Gao, you are actually a policeman!"

Since she had ridiculed and ridiculed me countless times before, when I heard this, I felt that my heart was lost. Is she complimenting me or burying me

"Zhang Shuang Zhang Shuang!" At this moment, the intercom on Zhang Shuang's waist suddenly rang. I don't know whether it was set deliberately or unintentionally. The sound was so loud that it shocked me, who was focusing on me. .

Zhang Shuang shuddered when he saw me, and cast a glance at me, with expressions of contempt all over his face.

"Received, what's the situation?" She said into the walkie-talkie.

"Where?" I heard that voice, very much like the police officer named Qin Ming just now.

"2202!" Zhang Shuang replied concisely.

"Received, I'll go up and find you!" It was indeed the voice of Officer Qin.

After a while, Qin Ming came up the stairs and met Zhang Shuang and me.

"Team Zhang and them are here, let us leave this case alone, they are going to investigate the case together!" Qin Ming didn't evade me, and said directly to Zhang Shuang.

"What? This is the case that the two of us discovered, why did he make such an arrangement!" After listening to Qin Ming's words, Zhang Shuang suddenly became angry and roared!

"I don't know, who knows what's going on with you two!" Qin Ming said with a helpless expression, "Team Zhang asked us to follow up and be responsible for the infringement case!"

I heard it next to me. It turned out that the detective captain asked Zhang Shuang and Qin Ming to continue investigating the case of Li Cunjin’s infringement on Xiao Han. As for this murder case...

He just said something about the combined case, is it the legendary combined case investigation? Could it be that this is not an independent case, but a serial murder

I suddenly remembered that I called Wang Kunpeng before. He said that he was in a meeting and he was very busy, and he had no time to answer me. Are you busy with this case? Listening to Zhang Shuang's meaning, Wang Kunpeng should be a member of the crime team, so my estimate is pretty close!

In other words, at least one murder case has occurred before, and the corpse found on the elevator may be similar in modus operandi, or some related evidence was found, so it was investigated in parallel! Then this is really a serial murder case!

At this moment, I almost put Li Cunjin's matter behind me, and suddenly became particularly curious about this serial murder case.

"What the hell is going on?" I suddenly interrupted, the soul of gossip in my heart slowly rising.

"You are a psychiatrist, why do you ask so much!" Zhang Shuang snapped me up at this moment! She vented all the depression of losing the right to investigate the case on me.

"Doctor Gao, I trouble you today, that..." Qin Ming was not as rude as Zhang Shuang, "Do you have time tomorrow? We still need to make an investigation transcript..."

At this time, I felt a little dissatisfied with Zhang Shuang's attitude! I am a enthusiastic citizen, how much help can I help you? If it were not for me, how could Li Cunjin be caught so easily! Although the discovery of the corpse on the elevator was relatively accidental, it has something to do with me!

I didn't apply for a Citizen Award for the Courage to Seek Righteousness, even if it was not bad, why do you still have such an attitude toward me! Therefore, when I answered Qin Ming's question, I was not very angry.

"No time!" I glanced at Zhang Shuang, "I'm busy with this. The clinic hasn't opened for two days. I can't leave tomorrow!"

"Ah! That's it!" Qin Ming was still very polite, "Then tomorrow we can go to your clinic to do a transcript. Your clinic is in..."

"I know where I've been!" Zhang Shuang seemed to ease his emotions at this time, but still a little dissatisfied in his eyes.

"Ah... Let's do it today. The technical team is also searching Li Cunjin's home," Qin Ming glanced at me again and said, "I have gone to the scene with Zhang Shuang first, please come back, Dr. Gao!"

Come back! Wang Nan is still unwell there, and Xiao Ming, I have to visit them too. But when I turned around and was about to leave, Qin Ming stopped me again.

"Doctor Gao! Regarding the details of the case, especially the murder, please keep it secret!" Although he said a please, but I still heard it, it was more like an order. (End of this chapter)