Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 123: Two pennants


In the corridor, I found that the elevator did not light up at all. It seems that after yesterday’s incident, the elevator was completely out of service. I walked down the stairs, and when I got to the 14th floor, I took a look.

I saw that the elevator door was open at this time, and the yellow isolation tape was stuck in front of the door. The police seemed to have already surveyed the scene and evacuated, but the elevator might not be available for a while.

The residents in this high-rise building are unlucky. Two cases occurred in one building, and people were killed. Now the elevator is not available. Climbing the stairs every day is really enough to exercise! Besides, who would dare to sit in the elevator where there was a homicide case in the future? I have the heart to let Wang Nan change a house...

Afterwards, I followed the stairs, walked downstairs gradually, exited the gate of the community, took a taxi and drove straight to the clinic.

I just got out of the car and came to the entrance of the clinic. I saw Xiaofeng opening the roller shutter doors and windows of the clinic. I patted her on the shoulder from behind, and Xiaofeng was startled.

"Haunted, scare me!" Xiaofeng complained angrily.

Alas, after experiencing yesterday's events, when I heard the word "ghost", I felt straightforward. I didn't expect Xiaofeng to say it accidentally!

"You finally came? It's been a long time!" Xiaofeng teased.

"Ah... I haven't seen it for a long time..." I said thoughtfully.

In fact, Xiaofeng and I haven't seen each other for just one day. Could it be that we have not seen each other in a day like three autumns? In fact, in the past two days, too many things have happened, and the time has passed extremely fulfilling, which has led to this feeling.

"You are really good. You stayed at Sister Wang's house for two nights? Are you reluctant to think about it?" Xiaofeng smirked and continued to tease me.

"Why don't you think about Shu, you don't know, too much has happened in the past two days!" I sighed, ignored Xiaofeng, and entered the clinic.

It was just morning, but I was already exhausted, and I sat down at the desk. I wanted to start the computer, but saw that there was no monitor. Then I remembered that the monitor was broken by Lao Xing's wife, and I haven't bought a new one yet!

"Oh! I have to lose money again!" I sighed again and murmured to myself.

Suddenly, a rag flew towards my face. I was lowering my head. When I felt something was wrong, I couldn't avoid it. The rag was sticking to my face!

I quickly took it down and took a look. It turned out that Xiaofeng threw it over! I angered: "What are you doing!"

"Clean up! Don't bully me alone!" Xiaofeng yelled with her arms akimbo, as if her temper was bigger than mine.

Hey! This girl, she used to do it herself, what happened to me today, how can I clean it up!

I threw the rag on the table, and did not continue to entangle Xiaofeng, but said in a low voice, "I'm not in the mood to clean..."

Seeing me like this, Xiaofeng walked a few steps closer, staring at me with big eyes for a long time. She didn't start to ask until she saw me silly.

"What's the matter with you... What's wrong? What's your mood? What happened?"

No way, I sorted out my thoughts and gave Xiaofeng a brief summary of the events of the past two days, especially the case of Xiaohan, and the discovery of the corpse on the top of the elevator. Finally, I also reminded her that she must pay attention to confidentiality and don't talk nonsense everywhere.

Obviously, Xiaofeng didn't pay much attention to other things, but was more interested in the murder case and kept asking. But I really don't want to recall anymore, I dealt with her without a word.

While I was talking, I accidentally looked up and saw two more pennants on the wall!

Xiaofeng was still interested in that case, but I pointed to the pennant on the wall and asked her: "Why are there two more pennants?"

I know that Lao Zhao came to send the pennant because his son's affairs were resolved, but who gave the other pennant

"This, guess what?" Xiaofeng blinked playfully, without answering me directly.

"Guess what, quickly say, what's the matter?" I was not in the mood to make trouble with her, and said impatiently.

"Yeah! It's pretty handsome, I won't tell you!" After that, Xiaofeng turned his head and left.

Xiaofeng, this girl, has a good temper, and she is especially troublesome. In the past few months, I have been thoroughly acquainted with me, and I can't do anything about her.

I had to stand up, came to the front of the pennants, and took a closer look. One of the pennants read: Physician, sacred hand, great love! The inscription is Zhao Yu's name, and it seems that it should have been given by Old Zhao.

The term is not bad! At least it seems to fit the plot of how I helped Xiao Zhao Yu, but the word "general doctor" is still a bit dazzling. I am a doctor who runs a clinic. How can He De be called a great doctor!

The other pennant reads: Good hands and benevolence, help the danger and rescue the disaster! I took another look at the inscription: Sincerely, my patient Wu Chunli!

Is this the pennant from sister Wu? Her things are resolved

"Xiaofeng!" I greeted Xiaofeng hurriedly, wanting to ask clearly, but Nizi cleaned up and cleaned herself, as if she hadn't heard, ignored me!

"Xiaofeng! Sister Wu sent this?" I asked again, but she still ignored me! Cautious Nizi, isn't it just what I said just now is bad? As for this!

I walked forward and wanted to take a picture of her, only to find out that this girl was listening with headphones in her ears, no wonder she didn't hear me calling her.

"What are you listening to, so fascinated!" I asked, tapping her on the shoulder.

"Ah? What did you say?" Xiaofeng didn't take off the earphones until then, and asked questioningly.

"I'm asking you, what are you listening to!" I was a little impatient, but I had to pay attention to my tone. Xiaofeng, this girl, has always been a mess, so I don't want to give her a chance to find problems.

"Listen!" She handed me the Bluetooth headset. I took it over and listened, and I was shocked! Because it was talking about a terrifying plot, when I listened, there was a strange sound.

This girl, listening to the voice-played version of "Ghost Blowing Lantern", is really a weird hobby! When people are working, they listen to songs and so on. She listens to this kind of stuff!

Yesterday's experience, it seems that the shadow caused to me is not small, it made me nervous, I was suddenly taken aback just now, Xiaofeng's girl started to tease me again.

"Senior, why are you so courageous!" She looked contemptuously, "It's just a storytelling, as to scare you like that?"

"Try to see a homicide corpse, and dare you not listen to this kind of thing when you look back!" I said angrily. In fact, this anger is not directed at Xiaofeng, but an expression of panic.

In our lives, we have more or less such a situation. When we are extremely frightened, we will replace that fear with anger. This is actually a psychological model of self-protection—emotional replacement. Of course , This is a subconscious reaction.

Xiaofeng heard me getting angry, but uncharacteristically didn't care about me, and grabbed the earphones, so she had to put them on again and continue listening to storytelling.

I quickly stopped her and asked, "Sister Wu came here yesterday?"

"Ah, I've been here, and I sent that pennant..." As she said, she seemed to remember something suddenly, so she hurried to the front desk, flipped through her bag, and came back with a stack of money.

"Here! Sister Wu gave it!" Xiaofeng said with a complicated expression.

I took that pile of money inexplicably, and at a rough estimate, it was 10,000 yuan!

"She... What did she give us... so much money?" At this moment, I was so surprised that I couldn't speak.

"Thanks to us for helping her. When I gave the pennant yesterday, I had to give it to me!" There was no smile on Xiaofeng's face. Instead, he stared at me, which meant to see my attitude.

"Here you are, you dare to ask, this is too much!" I couldn't help but scold Xiaofeng.

"She forced it to me. I couldn't say anything. I pushed it around. She finally left the money and ran away. I couldn't catch up with it!" Xiaofeng explained aggrievedly.

"What the hell is going on? That man caught it?" I asked quickly.

"She didn't tell me the specific plot, but the liar was caught and the money was recovered." Xiaofeng replied.

After listening to it, I was relieved! That's great, the liar was caught so quickly, and sister Wu's matter was finally resolved!

However, I weighed the ten thousand dollars in my hand, but in my heart I felt that the money was not collected properly and should be returned to Sister Wu. At most, I just collected a few hundred dollars in consultation fees. How could I ask her for so much money. Even if it is a thank you fee, this is too much!

Immediately, I wanted to find sister Wu's contact information and call her, but at this time, someone outside the door. (End of this chapter)