Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 124: Interpol Zhang Shuang


The person here is Zhang Shuang. It seems that she started working early in the morning. Yesterday, she said she would come to do the interrogation transcript today. I didn't expect that she would come right after my clinic opened.

"Doctor Gao, good morning!" Zhang Shuang seemed to be in a good mood at this time, and greeted me with a smile, unlike the stern and rigid look like last night.

"Officer Zhang came so early! Where's that officer Qin?" I looked behind her and found that she came by herself, and the male policeman named Qin Ming didn't come with her.

"We split up, and he is in charge of going to the hospital to contact the victim!" Zhang Shuang explained.

When I think of Xiaohan, I suddenly remembered that kind of drug abuse. The hospital still needs to test the ingredients of the drug! So he quickly told Zhang Shuang about the matter.

Zhang Shuang told me that that kind of drug had been found in Li Cunjin's house yesterday, and their forensic laboratory had already tested it overnight. She had asked Qin Ming to take the copy of the composition report to the hospital and hand it over to the doctor. It seems that the police have arranged everything.

"What the hell is that? My classmate... Oh, the doctor at the hospital said, Xiaohan seems to have been poisoned with snake venom. Is there any snake venom in that drug?" I hurriedly asked.

After hearing this, Zhang Shuang smiled and gave a thumbs up. "Sure enough, it's a famous teacher who has a good apprentice... No, what should I say? It seems that your classmates are just like you, they are also quite amazing!"

After hearing her words, I felt a guilty conscience again. This girl did not ridicule me less, and made me lose confidence. At this time, I still don't know if she has something in her words, whether she is complimenting or ridiculing. So, for a while, I didn't dare to answer the conversation.

Zhang Shuang then said that the drug was indeed made from the venom of poisonous insects and snakes, plus some special drugs. She heard from forensic doctors that it was a neurotoxin. If it is used in humans The body is very dangerous, and it will cause serious damage to Chéng Rén's nervous system after a long time.

This toxin is characterized by its fast onset of action and fast metabolism. Therefore, every time Xiaohan went to the hospital for an examination, nothing was found to be abnormal, but invisibly, her nervous system was damaged, so much so. Hallucinations appear, and mental and physical conditions are getting worse.

Zhang Shuang meant that Dr. Liu Qiang, my senior, could infer that Xiao Han's condition was caused by snake venom without obtaining physical evidence. He was really clever.

Only then did I understand that she meant praise, not irony. Alas, I don’t know what’s wrong. Now I’m very nervous. I can understand every word of other people. Could it be that I’m also sick

Also, does Zhang Shuang mean that I am also quite good? Which is great? Yesterday’s reasoning didn’t seem to be of much help either!

"I came here today mainly to make a transcript. You are an important witness!" Zhang Shuang said afterwards, "When the court will try that animal in the future, you can come to the court to testify!"

"No problem, it should be!" I agreed, and then asked Zhang Shuang to come in and sit down, and then began to accept her inquiries. She kept a detailed record of the whole process, and finally handed the transcript to me, saying:

"Look at it. If there is no problem, sign below!"

I took the transcript and my first impression was that Zhang Shuang's handwriting was awesome! I don't know if she has practiced calligraphy, the handwriting is neat and powerful, and there is a hint of heroic temperament in the delicate and beautiful, it is really like a handwriting written by a person with a policewoman temperament.

The entire transcript, without a single typo or alteration, was almost done in one go. This is actually very difficult to do. To Zhang Shuang, it felt like a piece of cake, but it made me look at her with admiration.

"If you are optimistic, please sign if there is no problem!" Zhang Shuang was stunned when he saw me facing the transcript, and urged me.

"Oh," I reacted, carefully watching the whole process of her recording, confirmed that it was correct, and signed my name.

"Your handwriting is so beautiful, how did you practice it?" I sincerely praised when I returned the transcript to Zhang Shuang.

"Haha, do you think the criminal police are so good?" She took the transcript and carefully put it in the bag, but did not answer my question, and asked me back.

Seeing that I was a little puzzled, Zhang Shuang reluctantly explained: "After I graduated from the police academy, I did transcript and interrogation work for several years. I only started to take over the investigation last year. Can you not practice well in writing?" She said in a tone of voice. It seemed to have a feeling of vicissitudes, nothing like what a girl in her 20s said.

However, I seem to understand what she meant. A freshly graduated police academy, it is impossible for you to investigate the case on the front line as soon as you enter the criminal police team. It must be arranged to do some basic work first. For example, things like transcripts and interrogation records are like secretarial work.

This is not actually bullying the newcomer, but a kind of accumulation and exercise. Through various interrogation records, in fact, their newcomers are gradually integrating and understanding the work of criminal police, and slowly they have found the state of investigating the case, and then the old criminal police like Officer Tong will basically be successful.

It is estimated that the growth experience of every criminal police is like this!

However, after Zhang Shuang graduated, he actually did the interrogation record work for several years. This is a bit longer. Could it be that someone deliberately suppressed her

"Team Zhang... Who are you?" At this moment, I remembered the scene last night and asked my guess.

Zhang Shuang was taken aback when he heard my question, and then asked in a puzzled way: "Why are you asking this? Who did you hear? Qin Ming told you, or Wang Kunpeng told you?"

A series of several questions confuses me. Why does she care about this question so much

I quickly explained the reason why I asked this question. After listening to Zhang Shuang, he smiled bitterly and said, "Oh! That's how it is... Team Zhang is actually-my brother!"

"Ah!" After listening to her explanation, I suddenly realized. Yesterday I felt that the relationship between Team Zhang and Zhang Shuang must be unusual, but I didn’t expect that I was really wrong!

"Hmph, I'm so unlucky to have him like this!" Unexpectedly, Zhang Shuang came to such a complaint.

"Huh? Why?" I asked inexplicably.

"He takes care of everything!" Zhang Shuang said angrily, "It doesn't matter if I was in charge of me before, in the team, he still cares about everything! Annoying!"

After hearing this, I smiled knowingly. In fact, even if she didn't say it, I could guess it. The elder brother is a policeman, the younger sister is also a policeman, and her elder brother is still her immediate boss. This should actually have a lot of impact on her. It is no wonder that she has been doing transcripts and records for so many years and has not allowed her to investigate the case.

Zhang Shuang’s brother may also be a little selfish. He wanted his sister to exercise more in basic work, or was afraid that the front-line work would be too dangerous, so he did not let her take charge of the case too early. Even if the case is handled now, she is still responsible for some economic crimes and women's assaults. The murder case is still not her turn.

This is why Zhang Shuang was so excited last night when she heard Qin Ming said that she did not need to continue to be responsible for the murder case. It seems that she should be a very ambitious girl, and she wants to investigate major cases and make great achievements. However, his brother, Team Zhang, cared and loved her extraordinarily, which became a kind of resistance and annoyed her.

Sure enough, Zhang Shuang then opened the chatterbox and talked to herself about the past of her and her brother, which was roughly the same as I had guessed.

"It's not easy for your brother. He needs a bowl of water, and he is afraid that others will talk about his favoritism. That's why he suppresses you. You should understand that..." At this time, I persuaded Zhang Shuang.

"Huh! I want to apply for a transfer job. I have no future working under him!" Zhang Shuang still looked bitterly at this time.

The two brothers and sisters seemed to lack communication. The younger sister did not understand the painstaking efforts of the older brother. The older brother did not understand the ambition of the younger sister. The two did not get together!

However, at this point, Zhang Shuang seemed to feel that it was a bit wrong to tell me about this. Originally, there were only so many fate, and I was not a friend. I was just a psychiatrist, so she said everything in her heart!

At this moment, she blushed a little embarrassedly, probably because she felt that she had failed to speak.

Of course I understood what her expression meant, so I quickly turned off the subject and resolved the embarrassment.

"I heard that Sister Wu was deceived, I heard that the liar has been caught?" I asked curiously. (End of this chapter)