Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 13: Dr. Chen's memories


After leaving the trading company, Wang Nan's heart could not be calm for a long time. Facing these two versions of the story, she suddenly felt a sense of confusion. She didn't know who to believe anymore.

Some people might say, would a professional psychiatrist still be like this? Doesn't it mean that psychologists or psychiatrists are better than fortune-tellers, they should be able to see through people's minds at a glance.

But don’t forget, Wang Nan is just a student at a medical university at this time. Although she is studying this major, she is only an intern and has no practical experience. After all, she is still a student who doesn't understand the world. It is normal to have chaos for a while. Besides, the psychiatrist is not as magical as in the legend, and can do centrifugation.

The stubborn Wang Nan didn't want to be so confused, she was determined to find out the truth! Immediately rushed to the hospital where she practiced.

Many colleagues expressed their surprise that she came to the hospital not on duty, and felt that the intern was too dedicated. In the future, she will have to write well about her intern appraisal reviews.

Wang Nan didn't say much to them, but went straight to Dr. Chen's office.

At this time, Dr. Chen was writing something in the office. After Wang Nan entered the house, he didn't have any more polite words, so he said the reason in detail.

Doctor Chen listened to her story slowly and couldn't help laughing. He handed what he had just written to Wang Nan.

When Wang Nan saw it, it was a medical certificate with Xiao Cong's name clearly written on it, and the conclusion column said: Intermittent delusional psychosis!

"What can this prove?" After Wang Nan saw it, he still didn't believe Geology.

Doctor Chen took out the wallet from his pocket again, took out his ID card and handed it to Wang Nan's hand.

Wang Nan glanced briefly, not understanding what Dr. Chen meant, so he looked at him suspiciously.

"Don't understand? Take a look at my household registration address!" Dr. Chen reminded her.

Wang Nan took a closer look at the household registration address bar on the ID card. She was surprised when she saw that Dr. Chen and Xiao Cong were in the same place! Still in the same village!

Afterwards, Doctor Chen smiled and asked Wang Nan to sit down first, took her a glass of water, and then began to tell her.

Indeed, Dr. Chen is from the same place as Xiao Cong, and the two are neighbors of the same village. It's just that Dr. Chen's age is much older than Xiao Cong. When he was admitted to university and left home, Xiao Cong was still a primary school student. Therefore, he didn't have much memory of Xiao Cong originally, he just knew that there was such a little girl in the neighbor's house.

One day a few years ago, Dr. Chen received a call from his mother, saying that the girl from the neighbor’s house, Xiao Cong, was admitted to a university in this city. Xiao Cong’s parents asked her to tell her that he hoped he could take care of this. Little fellow. At that time, Doctor Chen didn't think about anything, and agreed happily.

Who knows, after the phone hung up for a while, my mother called again. This time, she lowered her voice mysteriously, and told Dr. Chen not to be nosy, but also to remind him not to act with her just because Xiao Cong was his fellow, which made Dr. Chen confused and dumbfounded.

It was not until later that his mother clarified the reason.

It turns out that Xiao Cong’s family conditions are very bad, and her parents only have a daughter, so she has high hopes for her, hoping that she can be admitted to a good university and change her destiny. Therefore, I have been strict with Xiao Cong from an early age, especially in terms of academic performance. However, this child Xiao Cong is also really striving. He has good academic performance since childhood and always ranks among the best. The teacher also likes her very much, and the classmates also admire her.

Later, Xiao Cong was admitted to the County No. 1 Middle School. This is also the former alma mater of Dr. Chen, and it is a key high school. However, although Xiao Cong has always had excellent academic performance, he is not so conspicuous in this key high school where good seedlings gather.

From elementary school to middle school, she was not the first or second in the class, and she never went out to the top three. But in the first mid-term exam in the first grade of high school, she only took the 19th place in the class. She had been living in a sense of superiority, but she couldn't stand the shock all of a sudden, and she suffered from depression.

Then she dropped out of school for a year, and her parents took her to seek medical treatment, and finally cured her illness and started to continue her studies. However, it is impossible for the school to give up the way of ranking students because of her special circumstances.

In another exam, she only took the 20th place in the class, and the overall ranking for the whole year was outside of 100. Xiao Cong, who had just recovered from his illness, fell ill again. This time it was worse than last time. The parents put all their savings and took her to seek medical treatment. After a long time, it finally returned to normal.

Since then, her parents no longer have any requirements for her academic performance. Instead, she comforted her by saying that even if she fails to go to university, she will be fine. Graduating from a key high school, she can find a good job in the local area and help her as much as possible. pressure.

Unexpectedly, Xiao Cong actually got better in this way. Although her academic performance in the class was only about 10, she never got sick again. Later, after taking the college entrance examination, he was admitted to a well-known university in the city where Dr. Chen was located!

Xiao Cong's parents were happy to bloom, and they were busy putting on a banquet for the entrance to school. The whole family swept away the haze before, beaming with joy.

However, the expensive tuition fees of the university quickly caused the Xiao Cong family to fall into trouble again. The tuition fee of more than 5,000 yuan a year, plus living expenses, is at least 10,000 yuan a year. The conditions in their family were not good, and they had spent a lot of money on treating Xiao Cong over the years, so they really couldn't get so much money all at once.

Later, the school helped Xiao Cong apply for bursaries, which resolved their plight, and she was finally able to report to the university as she wished.

The parents sent Xiao Cong to the school. After returning home, they were still not at ease. They asked Dr. Chen's mother to call him and let Dr. Chen take care of Xiao Cong. After all, it's in a city!

Mother Chen was embarrassed to refuse and called in front of them. But she was worried that her son would really be nosy, and even thought that Doctor Chen should stop having any extra feelings with this girl, so she called again and warned him. To put it bluntly, Chen's mother is still very concerned about the illness Xiao Cong has ever had.

In order to reassure her mother, Dr. Chen agreed to her. But after all, it's from the folks in the village, and he is a psychiatrist. It might not be good to ignore it. I also took time to visit Xiao Cong twice at school. However, he found that Xiao Cong was also very uncomfortable with his identity as a psychiatrist, and he was neither lukewarm nor lukewarm with him, so he did not go to see her again.

Until one day, he received another call from his father who claimed to be Xiao Cong, saying that Xiao Cong was ill at the university and asked them where the hospital was. Moreover, after an appointment was made to send Xiao Cong to the past, Dr. Chen learned about Xiao Cong's current situation. (End of this chapter)