Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 131: The evil is full (2)


Even so, after all, Xiaofeng is also a medical student studying psychology, and has been fascinated by me for so long. In terms of professional ethics,

At this time, even though she was full of anger, she didn't say a word.

"Doctor Gao... Am I doing too much..." Boss Ma asked, seeing that there was something wrong with my face.

Yo, he knows it himself! This is not too much, what is too much? It's a bad guy who makes people speechless!

"Which hospital is your ex-wife in?" I ignored his words and asked myself, "Is it a mental health rehabilitation center?"

The hospital I was talking about, which belonged to Lao Qi and Wang Nan, also asked tentatively.

"Oh... No..." Boss Ma said hesitantly, "It's from the hometown..."

When I heard his statement, coupled with his hesitant attitude, I suddenly realized that his wife may not really be mentally ill. Could it be that he deliberately put his ex-wife in a mental hospital? You know, the media has exposed this kind of thing. Did he do the same

If it were Lao Qi and Wang Nan's hospital, I wouldn't think so. It is the most formal psychiatric hospital in the city, and such a thing will never happen. But what Boss Ma was talking about was the hospital in his hometown, and he didn't say which one. He paid for the doctor and used his local influence to do so!

"Is she sick?" At this moment, I almost asked sharply! If he dared to admit that he put his wife in a mental hospital by various means, I would dare to call the police immediately! That's illegal detention!

"She is really sick!" Boss Ma replied with certainty, "I am sorry for her, she was like that, but a while ago, she seemed to have recovered and was discharged!"

At this moment, seeing him in that way did not seem to be lying.

In fact, when people lie, there are many physical movements that can be seen. For example, unconsciously glance at the lower left corner, face suddenly red or white, look nervous with a trace of anxiety, and touch your neck, rub your knees, lean on your toes while speaking, etc. There are actually many, here is Not listed one by one.

In the process that Boss Ma told me just now, I did not find any signs of lying, so I felt a little relieved at this time.

Has his ex-wife recovered and been discharged? If her hatred persists, it is very likely that it will be detrimental to Boss Ma. In other words, if the mysterious stalker is real, his ex-wife is also suspected.

"Doctor Gao, do you think my ex-wife hired someone to do it?" Boss Ma asked me nervously at this time.

You ask me, how do I know! How can I, a psychologist, know things that the police can't find out! I just want to find out the cause, not to help you solve the case! What are you thinking about!

However, the above content is just my psychological activity. I just sighed softly and said, "It's hard to tell..."

"Is there anything else?" Then I asked again.

In fact, I have basically grasped his condition. Although Boss Ma is doing very bad things, he still has a trace of worry in his heart. That is to say, he is not the kind of bad guys through and through. The remaining conscience in his heart made him feel uneasy after performing these actions.

Therefore, he will suffer from mental illness. If you are a treacherous and evil person who has no conscience in his heart, no matter how evil he is, he will not be like Boss Ma.

"This... One more thing, actually..." Boss Ma hesitated again when he heard me ask.

how? and also! My goodness, how many bad things did this man do

Boss Ma hesitated for a long time, and finally talked about another thing again.

Boss Ma said that he had been married to his ex-wife for many years, and then he spent a lot of time with the secretary's wife now, but he had no children!

This is the dull pain in his heart all the time. No matter how much money he makes, to whom will this family business be passed on in the future!

The first wife was infertile, and he could still suspect that it was her fault, but the second wife was not pregnant, so he began to suspect that it was his own problem!

In fact, this problem is not a big problem. Now that medicine is so advanced, it is enough to go to the hospital for examination and treatment, but this boss Ma is a man who avoids doctors! Especially when something went wrong with this kind of sexual problem, he was even more unwilling to go to the doctor.

So over the years, he actually looked for some wandering doctors who claim to be genius doctors, drank a lot of inexplicable decoctions, and even asked the so-called master to give him the practice, but he still failed to realize his wish to have a child.

Because of the children's affairs, his husband and wife relationship with his current wife is getting worse and worse, quarreling all day long, and sometimes, even business matters are not in the mood to take care of them.

But soon after, boss Ma was pleasantly surprised to learn that one of his lovers was pregnant!

When I heard this, I was surprised again. How many lovers does this guy have

Boss Ma said that because his wife was not pregnant for a long time, he relied on his own money and many young girls took the initiative to approach him, and he had seven or eight lovers afterwards!

I'll go. Actually, I'm a little angry when I hear this! This so-called rich man really has no limits to refresh the bottom line! What is this all doing!

"Doctor Gao, don't get me wrong. Actually, I just want a baby..." the dirty man in front of him explained hurriedly at this time. "Actually, I divorced my ex-wife for some reason..."

I didn't say a word, but stared at the man in front of me, expressionless. Boss Ma saw that I had no response, so he continued to tell.

The pregnant lover was called Xiaohua, a very young girl, and they hadn’t known each other long before they were together. At first there was no movement, and he slowly became cold towards Xiaohua. But soon, Xiao Hua became pregnant!

Boss Ma said that when he heard the news, he was ecstatic! He immediately praised Xiaohua as the jewel in his palm, and gave him what he wanted, and hired someone to take care of her, so that she could take care of her baby. That Xiaohua has since become a role like a young grandma, arrogant, eating, drinking and having fun.

However, in Boss Ma's heart, there is always a suspicion. He felt that this child was unclear, and he was so affectionate, why she was pregnant. Moreover, he calculated the time. For a while, he didn't spend much time with this Xiaohua. How could she get pregnant

So he suspected that the child Xiao Hua was carrying might not be his child!

But despite this, he still had a glimmer of illusion in his heart, because Boss Ma wanted a child too much. This was his long-cherished wish for many years! Moreover, at this time Xiao Hua was spoiled by himself again, and it was difficult for him to propose such things as identification.

Besides, Xiaohua has so much guts? A weak woman, dare to use this kind of thing to deceive herself such a rich boss

So, he kept praying that the child was his own, and waited until Xiaohua gave birth. That's still a boy! Boss Ma was actually extremely happy at the first reaction! However, he still secretly obtained the child's DNA sample and took it for an identification.

As a result, Boss Ma was like a bolt from the blue, and that child was really not his son!

Angrily, he immediately took back everything he had given to Xiaohua, including the house, good cars, all brand-name bags, clothes and cosmetics, and he sent someone to clean them. After doing so, he still felt puzzled and cut off Xiaohua's hospitalization fees!

At that time, Xiao Hua was still holding the newborn baby to ask for his forgiveness, saying that she did not deliberately lie to him. She also thought that the child or hoped that the child belonged to Boss Ma, so she kept procrastinating, but nothing. Thought but not.

Xiaohua actually had an ex-boyfriend. Before he met Boss Ma, the two of them were considered affectionate. Until later, Xiaohua coveted Boss Ma’s money and broke up with his ex-boyfriend and stayed with Boss Ma.

But once, the ex-boyfriend refused to let go of this relationship and went to her again. At that time, Boss Ma was not as good to Xiaohua as before. She was actually very lost and lonely. So she didn't refuse at that time, there was a collision of sex.

However, afterwards, Xiaohua still felt that he had to follow Boss Ma and refused the request of his ex-boyfriend to reconcile.

In this way, almost two months passed before Xiaohua found out that she was pregnant! (End of this chapter)