Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 132: Who is it?


Xiao Hua, who found out she was pregnant, was very nervous. First, she went to the hospital for an examination. Based on the pregnancy cycle estimated by the doctor, she didn't even know who the child was.

During that period, although Boss Ma was very indifferent to her, the two of them had not been in close contact. The ex-boyfriend and herself only had sex for one night, so she is more inclined to guess that this child is Boss Ma.

So she told Boss Ma the good news, and immediately enjoyed the taste of being pampered to the extreme. For a while, she even imagined that she could become Boss Ma's official wife with this child! Then she would really marry into a wealthy family and realize her long-cherished wish!

Unexpectedly, good luck makes people, but in the end this child is not the owner of Ma. In almost an instant, she lost everything she had originally had.

Of course Boss Ma will not forgive her! The mother and son were driven out mercilessly. This Xiao Hua probably suffered too much, and was actually crazy.

Boss Ma said that later he heard that it was Xiaohua's ex-boyfriend who had been taking care of their mother and son. At first he felt that Xiao Hua was pitiful and wanted to help them a little bit, but then he thought again, this Xiao Hua deceived him and gave him a cuckold, which made himself happy. Now, even his wife Knowing this, I quarreled with him all day long.

Besides, that child was originally the kind of the ex-boyfriend, and he should take care of it! What is the relationship between myself and Xiaohua? It's nothing more than that there has been such a period!

Therefore, he felt that this Xiaohua was self-inflicted, and since then gradually forgot about this person.

"Doctor Gao, did you think that Xiaohua's ex-boyfriend came to follow me? Is he trying to harm me?" At the end, Boss Ma asked me again, looking nervous.

"It's... hard to tell!" I still couldn't respond. Again, I am a doctor, not a detective.

In fact, the matter he's recounted may not be entirely blamed on Boss Ma. Although it is absolutely wrong for him to treat a lover and a mistress, some girls are too self-loving now. Just because I want to enjoy a high-quality life, I want to get something for nothing, betray my body and soul, or even sacrifice my love, which is really speechless.

You know, what belongs to you is not there, and what does not belong to you will eventually be lost even if you get it. This so-called infinite scenery that is obtained by selling youth and body is actually just a flower in the moon water in the mirror.

"However, I suggest that you go to the hospital as soon as possible to find out if it is your own problem," I gave him some reasonable advice, "Now there are many ways to realize the wish of having children!"

In fact, what I mean implicitly is that if you have a problem, you should treat it as soon as possible, and if you have a child, don't worry about it! Although those girls are looking for your money, they are also self-seeking, but the tragedy is caused by you, and you still have your responsibility!

After Mr. Ma listened to my advice, he was thoughtful, but did not respond.

At this point, in fact, I also basically understand the root cause of Boss Ma’s mental illness! As I said before, in fact, he is not exactly a villain, and there is still a little conscience in his heart. It was this conscience that made him feel very entangled in his heart after doing bad things.

What this entanglement brings is anxiety. He may have always been afraid of retribution or retaliation, and he has not faced everything so calmly. Therefore, it takes a long time to suffer from mental illness.

In fact, there is one of the easiest ways to completely cure this mental illness. That is, through hypnosis, I blocked the last bit of conscience in his heart, so that he would do evil to his fullest in the future, and no longer feel entangled and guilty.

But I would never do that. This is against the professional ethics of a psychologist!

So in the end, I designed a psychotherapy plan for him to remove anxiety and awaken his conscience. I wrote a consent form, solicited his opinions, and asked him to sign.

Boss Ma watched carefully for a long time before signing his name hesitantly.

"Doctor Gao, although I agree with what you said, I seem to have some psychological problems, but the person who monitors me, I'm afraid..." Boss Ma was still a little worried after signing, "I'm afraid there is such a person!"

When I heard this, I couldn't help laughing. Even the police said that there was no such individual, but he still insisted on it. This is not a mild illness.

So I quickly started psychotherapy for him.

Boss Ma is also eager to cure his own problems and is very cooperative. In this way, I successfully performed soothing treatment and hypnotherapy for him. After he woke up, he felt much better.

Because his condition is not mild, I specifically urged him to follow the course of treatment. Boss Ma also agreed and thanked him again and again.

Then he went to Xiaofeng, asked the driver, his bodyguard to pay for the consultation, got in his luxury car and left.

I was at the door, looking at his car, I couldn't help thinking...

Wait a moment! That is how the matter

This time, I didn't stand in the doorway smoking a cigarette and thinking wildly after sending the patient away as before, but suddenly felt something was wrong!

After Boss Ma’s car just started and drove away from the door of my clinic, a black car that had been parked at the entrance of a small beauty salon next door also started. It also kept a distance from Boss Ma’s car. It looks like that. , As if to keep up on purpose!

The reason why I feel wrong is because of two things:

First of all, I know the owner of the small beauty salon next door. He is a middle-aged eldest sister. She does own a private car, but it is definitely not this black car.

Besides, the customers who go to their beauty salon are also women. If it were a customer's car, how could they drive such a masculine black car? Even if a certain elder sister has different preferences, she likes such a car, that's not right!

From the time the boss sent the horse out, until I saw him getting in the car and walking, I didn't see anyone coming out of the beauty salon during the whole process! That black car, as if it was intentionally parked there waiting for Boss Ma!

The second reason is that the black car, after catching up with Boss Ma's car, began to slow down and deliberately kept a distance. And this distance is definitely not the kind of distance stipulated in the traffic laws, it looks like it was deliberate!

Moreover, I seemed to see a flash in the black car just now. If I guess correctly, it is the light of the flash!

Although there are glass films on the windows of that car, I can't see the inside of the car, but vaguely, I feel as if I saw a man driving the car through the front window!

"No! Is there really someone who is stalking Boss Ma secretly? What does he intend to do?" At this time, I couldn't help but secretly said in my heart.

Because of Zhang Shuang's reasons, I have always been preconceived, thinking that all of this was imagined because Boss Ma suffered from persecution delusions. Could it be true

Don't say that this is a misdiagnosis. In fact, Boss Ma is indeed suffering from persecution delusions. Otherwise, he would not feel that someone was staring at him when he squatted in the toilet. The same is true in the elevator, which is a very obvious symptom of this kind of mental disorder!

But in terms of the etiology, maybe I still overlooked an important factor

It's not that I don't admit it, but that the reason why Boss Ma suffers from such a mental illness is indeed because of the psychological state I analyzed. Therefore, there is nothing wrong with the treatment plan I formulated, and it will definitely help him.

The point is, I overlooked that if the person monitoring him does exist, then it is him that directly induces Boss Ma’s persecution of the paranoia!

Thinking of this, I wanted to call Zhang Shuang quickly, but I suddenly remembered that although I have been in contact with her in the past few days, I haven't kept her phone number!

"Would you like to call Wang Kunpeng to ask?" Although I thought so in my heart, I still hesitated. Wang Kunpeng and the others are investigating a major case. I called and asked for a phone number. I really don’t know the depth!

●31 novel app download address ●But the person who followed Boss Ma... who is it? (End of this chapter)