Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 133: Another old friend


"Senior, what are you doing?" I was thinking, Xiaofeng came over from behind, seeing that I was a little abnormal this time, and asked curiously.

"Huh?" I haven't awakened from my thoughts yet at this time, "What didn't you do..."

"You quit smoking? You usually have to smoke a bag when you stand here!" Xiaofeng smiled and started teasing me again.

"I haven't quit!" When I heard her bring up this topic, I quickly asked: "Your seventh child, have you really quit smoking?"

"Huh!" Xiaofeng's face suddenly turned cloudy, pouting angrily: "That guy lied to me that he had quit smoking, but he actually smoked more at work than before!"

"Haha..." I burst out laughing, as expected, just as I guessed, I know too much about people like Lao Qi, and I can't quit smoking if I quit! Moreover, he really started a guerrilla war with Xiaofeng, so he stopped smoking at home, he smoked outside!

"What are you laughing at! It's not for your good to ask you to quit smoking!" Xiaofeng even carried me on at this time.

"Don't take care of you, I can't take care of you! If you want to take care of it, Nan Nan has to take care of me!" At this time, I said with a smirk.

"Hey, it's only a few days now, and it's really numb to return Nannan to your family!" Xiaofeng despised me at this time, and said yin and yang weirdly.

"That's not it, it's progressing so fast!" At this time, I glanced at Xiaofeng triumphantly, "You and Lao Qi are ready to give gifts, and you want a big red envelope!"

"Huh?" Xiaofeng widened his eyes when I said this, and asked in surprise: "Are you really going to get married? Flash marriage!"

I go! This girl takes it seriously, I'm just playing around!

"No, look at your seriousness!" I quickly denied, this girl admits to death, don't let her take it seriously, it's not good to get to Wang Nan's ears.

"Senior fool!" Xiaofeng said dissatisfiedly. I looked at her, smiled and said nothing.

"Boss Ma is obviously a bad guy, why are you still helping him!" After a while of silence, Xiaofeng suddenly asked me again.

"We are doctors, not moral judges..." I replied helplessly at this time.

A doctor's vocation is to treat diseases and save people, no matter whether this person is a good person or a bad person! It is against the minimum professional ethics of doctors to die without saving or to cure the disease.

Besides, a person like Boss Ma is not incurable. Although he is wicked, he has not violated the law, but is morally detrimental. We as doctors are not moral judges, and we have no right to make irresponsible remarks about other people's actions, let alone refuse to treat them because of this.

Especially for psychologists like me, while treating patients with mental disorders, they also actively guide their patients to have a more sunny and healthy outlook on the world and life, which is also their job. I also hope that through my treatment and guidance, people like Boss Ma can change their minds and do more good deeds in the future.

Besides, who can guarantee that he will always do good things and not make mistakes? Someone once said that it is not difficult for a person to do a good thing, but the difficulty is to only do good deeds in one's life, not to do bad deeds. In fact, the opposite of this sentence is the same.

It’s not difficult for a person to do a bad thing, but it’s actually very difficult if you only do bad things and don’t do good things all your life!

In this world, there are few absolutely good people, few downright bad people, and many good people—more!

Most people, in fact, belong to both good and bad people. Although many people want to be a saint in their hearts, they only do good things and don't do bad things. But to live in this world, you have to do something against your conscience.

Cheating, lying, trusting someone to find relationships, taking shortcuts, opportunistically, ignoring conscience for profit... Who has never done these things? Who dares to say that he has never done it

Just like this boss Ma, he has done a lot of bad things, but he is also trying to find the cause of his illness, and he is telling me about these bad things. I believe that he has actually done good deeds, and he is not necessarily a downright bad person.

So, don't say anyone, just try to be worthy of your own conscience!

Xiaofeng and I were talking at the door, and at the same time I was hesitant to tell Zhang Shuang what I had just discovered. Who knows, the black car just came back!

Could it be that I guessed wrong again? Isn't he following Boss Ma

The black car, after circling back, came towards my clinic slowly, and finally stopped in front of the door.

Hey! Who the hell is this? Did he also come to seek medical treatment

Unexpectedly, unexpectedly! When the driver got off the car, I recognized him at a glance!

That's right, this is another acquaintance of mine, my childhood partner-Zhang Ketao!

This Zhang Ketao is in the same situation as Wang Kunpeng. He is also a child in the dormitory compound of Fenghua Factory. He hasn't contacted him for many years, so he ran into him here!

The so-called no coincidence does not make a book, in my narrative, there are too many coincidences, and I always meet acquaintances. In fact, this is not a story, but a real thing!

The fate between people is so wonderful. All kinds of coincidences, in fact, may be arranged by heaven. I have seen reports in the news for the first time that it was only after the couple got married that they discovered that they had been in the same spot inadvertently many years ago.

And here I am just in the same city, meeting my childhood buddies.

"How could it be you, Zhang Ketao!" At this time, I was still surprised, with an expression of surprise on my face, hurriedly stepped forward and gave him a friendly hug.

"Haha, Gaoxin! I didn't expect it!" Zhang Ketao also looked very excited. In fact, this feeling of not seeing or meeting the deceased for many years is indeed a pleasant surprise, no exception.

"I was in the car just now, just to see how this person is so familiar. After thinking for a long time, I remembered that it was you!" Zhang Ketao shook my hand and said enthusiastically.

"You kid isn't interesting enough!" I punched his shoulder, "I still thought about it for a long time! We actually played together when we were young, but I recognized you at a glance!"

"You have changed so much, you didn't recognize it!" Zhang Ketao explained with a smile.

When he said so, I think so. When I was young, I was the shortest among my peers. I grew up late, and I didn't start to grow up until I was in high school. Now the height of 180cm, all grew up after high school, no wonder he didn't recognize me at first, because in his impression, I have always been the short man chasing the back of my partners' buttocks.

However, he has not changed much. Zhang Ketao is an early-growing type. When he was in elementary school, he was already what he is now. That's why I recognized him at a glance.

"You're amazing, and you have a clinic!" Zhang Ketao looked up at the plaque of my clinic, "Tomorrow the psychology clinic, the name will be pretty good, and it will give patients a better tomorrow. Does that mean that?"

"Haha, the small clinic, it's not worth mentioning," I smiled and humbled, and hurriedly invited him into the room, "Go, go in and sit down and talk!"

Zhang Ketao went into the clinic with me and sat down on the sofa. I asked Xiaofeng to make tea. He said that he was not used to drinking tea, so he had to pour him boiled water.

Afterwards, we began to talk about the past, talking about a lot of things from our childhood. I mentioned Wang Kunpeng and told Zhang Ketao that he was already a criminal policeman.

"Oh? That kid wanted to be a policeman when he was young, and he really became a policeman!" Obviously, Zhang Ketao still remembers playing games in our childhood, and Wang Kunpeng always played the role of police in catching bad guys.

I also mentioned Bai Lu to him, the elementary school classmate who works in the optical shop. In fact, she and Zhang Ketao are also elementary school classmates, and we are both in the same class. Unfortunately, Zhang Ketao has no impression of her anymore.

"Where do you work and what do you do?" Zhang Ketao and I chatted for a long time before I remembered to ask him about his current situation.

"I—" He also made a long tone, pretending to be mysterious. "Actually, I'm almost like you!"

"Oh? Are you a doctor too? A psychologist or..." I asked quickly, a little surprised.

"Haha, no, do you think I am like a doctor!" Zhang Ketao listened to me and laughed, "I mean, I also opened a store..."

"Oh? What exactly do you do?" In fact, hearing him say that, what immediately came to my mind was a supermarket or convenience store.

"I am a city hunter!" Zhang Ketao said immediately. (End of this chapter)