Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 137: Something happened


Subsequently, Zhang Shuang hung up the phone. Only I was holding the phone, confused.

problem occurs? Who is in trouble? What happened? This girl, it doesn't make sense! I really want to call back again and ask what is going on.

There are only a few people I know about Zhang Shuang: Sister Wu, Xiaohan, and Boss Ma. Wang Kunpeng should also be counted as one. He and Zhang Shuang are colleagues, and they are my faculty members.

The matter with Sister Wu has been resolved smoothly. Xiaohan is still in the hospital. Boss Ma just left me. It seems that something shouldn't have happened to these people.

Could it be Wang Kunpeng, he was investigating the serial murder, could it be that he encountered some danger, was bravely injured, or...

I didn't have an answer, but the more I thought about it, the more worried I became. I kept looking at the door of the clinic, hoping that she would show up quickly.

"What's wrong?" Zhang Ketao asked curiously when he saw that my face was wrong.

I just remembered that he is a detective, and he has been following Boss Ma. Zhang Shuang is here and they two met, okay...

"Who is calling?" Zhang Ketao couldn't help feeling a little nervous when he saw me staring at him.

"That's the one I said, the detective responsible for the investigation of Boss Ma!" I said with some worry, "Do you have to... avoid it?"

This worry of mine is not pretentious. Zhang Ketao is a private investigator. He did follow Boss Ma. His job is a profession on the edge of the illegal red line, and Zhang Shuang happens to be the police officer in charge of Boss Ma tracking the case. Wouldn't it be embarrassing for the two to meet!

Zhang Shuang’s temper, he didn’t find out that anyone was following Boss Ma. If he knew that there was such a person, wouldn’t Zhang Ketao be arrested for assaulting others

Sure enough, Zhang Ketao became more nervous after hearing what I said, and quickly stood up and said, "Ah? Who are you provoking!"

I didn't understand what it meant to provoke someone. It was just a coincidence that Zhang Shuang and I knew each other. Who offended her!

"Is this police good?" Then he asked again.

"Isn't that amazing? I don't know, a young policewoman..." How dare I comment on others behind my back, I can only say that.

"Policewoman? Police flower?" Zhang Ketao's eyes widened after hearing what I said, and then his face changed suddenly, "Is it pretty?"

I go, this man! How hungry he must be! The matter with Xiaomei is still unclear, she heard that she was a policewoman, and she immediately squinted! What's the matter, do you still have any ideas

"Yes, the policewoman, she's pretty!" I was helpless, looking at his shameless appearance, I simply told him, "Still single!"

"Single!" Zhang Ketao was not as nervous as he was just now. He sat down again, folded his arms around his chest, and raised his legs!

"Why are you interested?" I looked at him disdainfully, "Aren't you afraid of being caught by someone?"

"Don't be afraid!" He was still nervous just now, now he feels calm, and he really feels not afraid! This rascal is really the one who sees women unable to walk! What's more, Zhang Shuang hasn't seen him yet, just like this!

"I was caught by her, maybe I will know each other from now on!" Zhang Ketao added grinning again, "We are also peers, maybe the whole period of chivalrous loves!"

I bother! This shameless guy is pretty beautiful! To such shameless people, I was really speechless, so I had to keep silent.

A little bit of time passed, but Zhang Shuang never came. Maybe it's because I'm worried, so I feel so slow.

Zhang Ketao and I are in no mood to talk anymore, just occasionally say a few irrelevant words unintentionally.

As if waiting for a long time, I heard the sound of a car rushing outside the door, and hurriedly greeted me outside the clinic.

I saw a police jeep rushing forward and didn't drive to the door of my clinic. It was just on the side of the road, and a sudden brake came to a halt! Immediately, the window of the co-pilot was lowered, and Zhang Shuang was in the driver's seat, waving at me, and eagerly said, "Hi-tech, come up!"

When I saw this, I hurried over, "What happened?"

"Come up, say on the road!" Zhang Shuang's tone was eager and blunt, and I had to quickly sit in the position of the co-pilot, even the white coat had no time to take off.

I just closed the door, and just sat firmly, Zhang Shuang kicked the accelerator and the car started quickly! This Nizi drove really hard! I quickly fastened my seat belt and held my hand tightly to the armrest of the car. Even so, I was shocked.

"Drive slowly..." I didn't look at Zhang Shuang, staring straight at the road ahead, really nervous. At this time, she was driving at no less than 100 kilometers, and she was traveling between various cars on the road. ●It had the feeling of speeding and chasing in American blockbusters.

"What the hell is going on!" After I gradually got used to the rapid speed, I came out of my mood and asked Zhang Shuang.

"Boss Ma was kidnapped!" Zhang Shuang stared straight ahead, busy with his hands and feet, and said briefly.

"Huh?" I was shocked! Boss Ma has just left me not long, why was he kidnapped? I just guessed for a long time who had the problem, but I didn't expect it to be him!

Who did it? Is it the mysterious stalker Zhang Ketao said? What is his purpose? Because of what

Thinking of Zhang Ketao, I realized that the kid had no chance! Zhang Shuang took me away without even getting off the car, he still went back honestly, don't be foolish!

"Who... who did it!" At this time, I dared not look at Zhang Shuang again. She drove so fast. It was the first time for me to experience such a ride. Therefore, I also asked while looking at the road ahead.

"Guess who it is?" Zhang Shuang didn't answer, but instead asked. I said girl, when is this, do you still have this mood? Let me guess! Do women like to let others guess

"Is it his competitor?" I was nervous at this moment, and I blurted out. But after finishing speaking, I regret it a bit. This is something that Boss Ma has not disclosed to others, how can I tell it!

However, I changed my mind and thought again, at such a critical juncture, don't worry about it. This might also be a clue.

"What competitor?" Zhang Shuang was puzzled. She was "in her busy schedule" and turned her head to look at me.

"Look ahead and don't look at me!" I was too nervous at this time, for fear that her way of driving would cost my life.

"Is it his ex-wife?" I guessed again.

"He still has an ex-wife?" Sure enough, Zhang Shuang knew nothing about Boss Ma. At least, Boss Ma didn't seem to have mentioned these sexual affairs to her.

"Don't let me guess, when is it all!" I complained very anxiously at this time.

"His driver and bodyguard did it!" Zhang Shuang didn't reveal the answer until then!

"Huh?" I was stunned again, how could it be him! The driver didn't enter the clinic just now, but just kept waiting outside. Later, when he paid the money for Boss Ma, I glanced at him in a daze, almost impressed.

I just remembered that the man should be about the same size as me, with a flat head and darker complexion, as if he was wearing sunglasses.

Boss Ma, Boss Ma, you're so clever and confused for a while! Suspiciously thinking that someone is going to harm him, but I didn't expect that the last person would turn out to be the bodyguard he hired. You really led a wolf into the room!

"Because of what?" I hurriedly asked Zhang Shuang.

"It's not clear yet. The police have only temporarily surrounded there, and the suspect hasn't put forward specific conditions yet!" Zhang Shuang explained.

"Where?" I asked again.

"Boss Ma's office!" Zhang Shuang replied.

What is the origin of this bodyguard? I heard Zhang Ketao say that he is a retired scout. Boss Ma himself said that he is a retired special soldier. It stands to reason that he should not do such a thing! What kind of grudges are there between him and Boss Ma? Why didn't Mr. Ma mention it

Could it be that he was also instigated by others? It's not right. If someone instructed him, he could just attack Boss Ma directly. Why should he kidnap him? Moreover, it was still in a crowded place with so many people in the company, which alarmed the police.

He has been the driver and bodyguard of Boss Ma, not a day or two. Why did he only start today? He obviously has better opportunities, and he should be more fully prepared! Could it be that he was dissatisfied with something and made a temporary conscious? (End of this chapter)