Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 142: The purpose of the kidnapper


After thinking about it, I decided to test Zhang Jianhua. But before I could speak, Boss Ma completely collapsed, and he actually started to count the dirty things he had done in accordance with Zhang Jianhua's request.

This boss Ma is also an entrepreneur worth hundreds of millions. There is no city government, and his psychological quality is too bad! The more you follow the kidnappers, the more arrogant they will be, and they may make more demanding demands. He doesn't even understand this truth

In fact, Boss Ma is not ignorant, but he was really frightened and collapsed! This guy, babbling, confessed a lot of bad things that he had done. He even talked about smashing the glass in the principal's room when he was a child and peeking at the female classmates to go to the toilet!

However, he talked for a long time, and they were all trivial matters. He didn't mention anything about the key things, including the few things I knew. It seems that he still retains a bit of reason, knowing that some things are too embarrassing to say.

"Enough!" Zhang Jianhua yelled at this time, "Talk about the point!"

"Comrade, I really don't know what you want me to say!" Boss Ma said with an aggrieved expression in tears.

Hey! I really read him wrong, this old boy is not simple, he is actually going around with Zhang Jianhua!

"What have you done, don't you know?" Zhang Jianhua asked sharply at this time.

Boss Ma didn't shed tears at this time, blushed, and said nothing!

"Um... Detective, tell everyone why you are here!" Zhang Jianhua looked at Boss Ma's bearish look, and asked Zhang Ketao again. He might want to say a "crappy" or "second-rate" detective again, but he swallowed that word anyway.

Zhang Ketao ignored him and said nothing. That looks very arrogant.

Zhang Jianhua didn't get angry at this time, but tore off the tape from the woman's mouth, and then said sharply: "You! Tell everyone, who you are and what you have done!"

The woman collapsed when her mouth was sealed, her nose and tears flowed, she was startled by Zhang Jianhua at this time, and she said everything.

"I'm Ma Dequan's wife... That... detective, I hired it!"

"Haha! Why did you hire a detective to investigate him!" Zhang Jianhua said when she saw her, and hurriedly followed the mode of a live interview, and asked again.

"He has an extramarital affair, he has a lover, so I will check him!" Boss Ma's wife, already hysterical at this time, said everything.

"Smelly lady, don't talk nonsense! You spit someone!" Boss Ma scolded the woman at this time.

"I'm nonsense! You have six or seven lovers out there, and women give birth to you!" Boss Ma's wife retorted without showing any weakness.

"That's not my child at all..." Boss Ma wanted to deny, but suddenly realized that this involved his own infertility problem, and swallowed the second half of the sentence.

"Deserve it! Let you raise a lover, ask you to have a mistress, and you are cuckolded by someone!" The woman was almost insane at this time, angrily.

This is what I said before, when people are extremely frightened, they will become angry.

"Smelly girl! Don't think I don't know why you searched me!" Boss Ma also started to fight back. "It wasn't for my money. Do you think you can get more money if you find evidence of my extramarital affair? A joke !"

Boss Ma's wife became even more furious when she heard this. She just wanted to scold him back, but Boss Ma didn't give her this opportunity.

"You are raising a little white face outside, don't think I don't know! You can check me, but I can't check you? If you dare to divorce me, I will let you go out of the house! Don't want to take anything away!" Boss Ma simply He also revealed all the details of the woman.

At this time, watching this farce, I was completely speechless. What kind of two people are these? The men are rich and do whatever they want, while the women's money is not clean behind their buttocks. These two people are really the same!

"Wonderful! Wonderful!" At this time, Zhang Jianhua smiled and said while applauding. "Everyone has seen it, what kind of couple is this?"

He looked at the computer screen, then looked at me and Zhang Ketao. Then he said: "Mr. Detective, you just work for this woman, don't you know?"

Zhang Ketao did not know before. However, he should have guessed. At this time, he heard Zhang Jianhua's question, his face was green and purple. I can feel the feeling in his heart now, it is a feeling of shame and anger intertwined.

Needless to say that he is ashamed, but the anger should not be directed at Zhang Jianhua, but at the boss and her wife. I actually have this feeling, but it's not as strong as him.

"This month, haven't you found that you often talk to boss Diuma?" Zhang Jianhua then asked Zhang Ketao again.

"Hmph, it's not that you are making trouble!" Zhang Ketao replied unconvincedly.

"Haha, I'm making a fool of me? I want you to quickly find out and see what other jokes the male and female can make!" Then, Zhang Jianhua said that he had actually discovered that Zhang Ketao had been following, but he had always pretended to be Didn't find him, let it be.

However, he later discovered that it was not only Zhang Ketao who secretly investigated Boss Ma, but also others!

What the hell! Is there really someone else? This is the same as what Zhang Ketao had previously speculated! He said before that that guy is a master, he didn't even notice it, just felt it. Moreover, boss Diuma seems to be the ghost of that guy.

Who is this boss, how many bad things he has done, and why are so many people investigating him at the same time

"Haha, be curious, I also checked it secretly later, and then I knew what those people came from!" Zhang Jianhua said immediately.

"Exactly... who?" Zhang Ketao also wanted to figure it out at this time. Because those people are really amazing. For example, they can deliberately arrange one thing so that he loses his goal at once. With such an efficient organizational ability, can it be said that...

"What's the background, you still can't guess?" Zhang Jianhua looked at Zhang Ketao strangely, and said with a smile.

"Could it be... the secret department?" Zhang Ketao was extremely surprised. He quickly looked at Boss Ma. The expression on his face was very complicated, but more should be surprised.

What secret department? CIA or Krupp? Or is it the security bureau? I am also at a loss at this time! This boss Ma is just a local tyrant. What did he do that can actually attract the attention of the secret department

However, one thing is certain. This bodyguard has been lurking for so long. The reason for the sudden start today is definitely because the investigation by the secret department is nearing completion. Maybe at some point, Boss Ma will be taken away, and he has no chance. NS!

"Haha, detective, your imagination is a bit too rich!" Zhang Jianhua laughed after hearing Zhang Ketao's words. Could it be that Zhang Ketao guessed wrong

"In fact, in addition to those people who followed and investigated him, there was another person who was also following him!" Zhang Jianhua broke the news continuously and unexpectedly said another person.

"The police outside, listen. This man is named Wang Kezheng. He was also a boss before. He was sent to jail by Ma Dequan. He was released not long ago!" Zhang Jianhua continued. He was very loud and seemed to want to pass. The hand stand in Zhang Ketao's hand was for the police outside.

When I heard this, this person named Wang Kezheng must be the competitor mentioned by Boss Ma before! It turns out that even he was following Boss Ma

Boss Ma did not run a ceramics factory, but I think he opened a Longmen Inn. How come there are so many "heroes" from all over the world? This is too weird! So many people are monitoring and tracking him at the same time!

"That Wang Kezheng attempted to kill Ma Dequan, but after I stopped him, he didn't show up again. Your police should hurry up to catch him!" Zhang Jianhua broke out another sudden surprise at this time!

It seems that the competitor who was hurt by Boss Ma really wanted to kill him!

However, judging from Zhang Jianhua's actions to prevent the competitor from killing Boss Ma, he should not hurt Boss Ma at this time, at least until his goal is achieved, he certainly won't! Today’s live broadcast is his means to achieve his goal, and his ultimate goal is to expose the crimes of Boss Ma!

"Today's live broadcast is for Xiaohua!" I, who had been silent, finally spoke at this time. (End of this chapter)