Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 143: dialogue


Obviously, I was right! When Zhang Jianhua heard what I said, he was shocked and his expression became unnatural. He stared at me closely, the expression in his eyes was very complicated, I could see that there was confusion and surprise in it, but more admiration.

"Hehe, I was right to ask Doctor Gao to come over!" Zhang Jianhua then eased from the surprise and nodded with a smile.

"However, I still don't understand. Why are you asking me to come over?" Then I asked again.

"Psychiatrist, don't you see what I mean?" Zhang Jianhua was very naughty and didn't answer my questions directly. He actually used the profession of a psychologist to talk about it.

"Psychiatrists are not gods, and it is impossible to see everything!" I have actually said this many times before, and the whole society has a deep misunderstanding of psychologists.

"Why don't you guess?" Hey, this Zhang Jianhua, how is it like Zhang Shuang, let you guess at any time, whether you are in a hurry or not!

However, in this situation, Zhang Jianhua is a kidnapper with a gun in his hand and his psychological advantage is extremely obvious. He is now playing a game of cat and mouse, and we are all mice!

"If I guessed correctly, you are Xiaohua's brother!" I don't think I can guess wrong, so I didn't use interrogative sentences, but said in a very positive tone.

"Great, what else can you guess?" Zhang Jianhua closed his smile and asked again.

"The reason you did this is to seek justice for Xiaohua!" I still replied in affirmative sentences.

"Yes, what else?" Zhang Jianhua couldn't help being more and more interested in what I said. At this time, he had been holding the hand of Boss Ma's collar, and he slowly loosened it, turning his body completely toward me.

This body language represents the attitude that his attention has been completely attracted by me, and he is very interested.

"The reason why I was called is for two reasons!" At this time, the more I said it, the more sure I was, and there was no doubt or uncertainty in the words.

"Oh? Tell me!" Zhang Jianhua looked at me with interest and said.

"First, I am an insider of Xiaohua's incident. Second, I am a psychologist. You want me to be a testimony and to be fair!"

"Haha, almost! Actually, it's not just because of your identity as a psychologist..." Zhang Jianhua sneered and said something meaningful.

His tone of voice clearly represented a loosening of his heart. I immediately seized this opportunity and asked, "What's the reason for that?"

Zhang Jianhua looked at me and said, "When Ma Dequan went to your clinic to see a doctor, I heard what you said! Moreover, I could see your expression and reaction clearly at that time."

When I heard this, I was really surprised, and suddenly felt my back hairy. Zhang Jianhua had been waiting in the car at the time, but he didn't come in. How could he hear it all? He even said that he even saw my expression

"Oh! Boss Ma has a camera and a bug on him!" This sentence, I dare not say so surely, because after all, it is just speculation.

"Or I would say that Doctor Gao is Gao, haha, he deserves to be a doctor with the surname Gao, it is Gao!" Zhang Jianhua is still in the mood to tease me at this time, I am not tall, what else can I do because of my surname

"I can see that you are a good person with a conscience, unlike them..." Immediately, he pointed the gun at the boss and his wife.

For some reason, Boss Ma’s performance at this time was still very scared, but it was still normal. But his wife, at this time, was so scared that she was trembling all over.

But I understand why Zhang Jianhua wants to ask me to be a witness. I am a bit nosy, and a chivalrous heart, I know this very well myself. It is estimated that he is also a guy who is very good at observing people's hearts, and I think it is more appropriate for me to play this role.

"And him," Zhang Jianhua then turned to Zhang Ketao and said, "Mr. Detective, you are also a good person. You were expelled from school for being brave for righteousness in the past. It's a good thing!"

Hearing what he said, Zhang Ketao still looked like a deflated eggplant just now, and now suddenly he was energetic. However, Zhang Jianhua's words made him frustrated again.

"Haha, the level of being a detective is a little worse!" Zhang Jianhua satirized him again.

At this time, I didn't want to let Zhang Jianhua play anymore, decided to take the initiative, and then said: "Xiaohua's incident is not entirely the responsibility of Boss Ma, is she okay?"

Zhang Jianhua suddenly heard me say this, with a trace of anger on his face. "Oh? Why do you say that!"

"Boss Ma spoils the little girl if he has two money. This kind of thing is indeed a shameless behavior, but the flies don't bite and bite. If there is nothing wrong with Xiaohua himself, he will not be fooled!"

This sentence, I said very firmly, the tone was also very fierce, and Zhang Ketao, who was next to me, was so scared that Zhang Ketao looked at me carefully. Although he did not speak, he probably meant to blame me, just like I blamed him just now.

In fact, when I said this, I also took a risk. If Zhang Jianhua is already frantic and irrational, then he will definitely not be able to say this, but it will arouse his anger. Because in the eyes of a person in that state, everything is the responsibility of others, and he will not find his own reasons.

My bet is that Zhang Jianhua has not completely lost his sanity yet, and he can still listen to what I said.

After that, Zhang Jianhua stopped speaking. He didn't look at me, his eyes were fixed on the ground, and he was silent for a long time. The atmosphere at the time was so tense that people dared not breathe, and there was almost silence in the office.

"You're right, Xiaohua is also... spoiled by me..." After a long time, Zhang Jianhua broke the silence and said hesitantly. After that, he also talked about the past to himself.

Xiaohua's original name was Zhang Aihua, and she was Zhang Jianhua's relatives. They were all children from the countryside. Xiao Hua is 10 years younger than him. She is the child left behind by her mother's accidental pregnancy, so the whole family loves her very much.

Especially Zhang Jianhua, he loved his sister very much since he was a child, and treats her better than a father treats his daughter. He can be satisfied with what he really wants. At the beginning, my sister liked a very expensive schoolbag, Zhang Jianhua also secretly went to work in the lumber yard to make money and bought it for her sister.

Later, Zhang Jianhua became a soldier and performed well in the army. Later he was transferred to a non-commissioned officer and even became a special soldier through selection. However, in those years, he spent almost a penny on the salary of the army, and all of it was squandered by Xiaohua.

But after all, he is a big soldier, how much can he earn in one month? Xiao Hua, who is so lazy, didn't even go to high school, so she let her elder brother raise her. As for herself, she didn't even look for a job.

Being spoiled by Zhang Jianhua, Xiaohua's appetite is getting bigger and bigger. It costs 10,000 yuan to buy a bag, and thousands of yuan to buy a set of cosmetics! Although Zhang Jianhua had the heart to persuade his sister, years of petting has become a habit, and he still didn't open his mouth.

Sometimes, he even needs to borrow money from his comrades for his sister to splurge.

A year ago, Xiaohua suddenly stopped asking him for money, saying that she had found a job and the salary was not low enough to support herself. Zhang Jianhua was still very happy at the time, thinking that his sister had grown up and was sensible.

Unexpectedly, in the end, he received a bad news, his sister Xiaohua was dead!

I was also surprised when I heard this! This is different from what Boss Ma said! He only said that Xiaohua was crazy in the end, but he didn't mention that she was dead! Could it be that Xiaohua still couldn't pass this hurdle in the end and found a short-term vision

Although I thought so in my heart, I didn't interrupt Zhang Jianhua's memory. I also wanted to get more information, which would be conducive to the settlement of this kidnapping case.

Zhang Jianhua said that he only learned the news after receiving a call from the police station. At that time, he was dumbfounded and hurriedly asked the troops for leave and rushed to the city. It was only after arriving at the police station that Xiao Hua committed suicide by turning on the gas.

Zhang Jianhua couldn't stand at the time, he just felt that the sky was spinning. However, what the police said afterwards made him think this matter was strange!

The police said that Xiaohua committed suicide with her child in her arms!

Zhang Jianhua knows nothing about it! Xiaohua is not married, where's the child? At that time, he decided that his sister must have been bullied by a man, and she had given birth to a child, but was cruelly abandoned, so he could not think of committing suicide!

Therefore, Zhang Jianhua was determined to check it out personally! (End of this chapter)