Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 145: Identify again


At this time, a terrible thought appeared in my mind. Could it be that Boss Ma went to do a paternity test, and it turned out that the relationship between father and son was not biological, but this woman was actually the ghost of this woman? Could it be that Xiaohua's child is the flesh and blood of Boss Ma

It's very possible! This female secretary tried every possible means to seduce Boss Ma, and eventually replaced his ex-wife as the real boss's wife. In fact, her purpose is to make money! But for so many years, she couldn't give birth to a child, and she was probably very impatient.

Boss Ma’s lover, Xiaohua, became pregnant and gave birth. She probably knew about it a long time ago, but pretended not to know! If that child is really Boss Ma’s own flesh and blood, then her boss’s status will be in jeopardy!

This also means that her status and wealth, everything she has, will likely be lost! It is estimated that she knows how Boss Ma is. If Xiaohua really gave birth to Boss Ma's child, then he would abandon himself ruthlessly!

The sentence that Boss Ma said just now is the sentence of this slut, which proves everything!

Although she has been a regular wife for so many years, the financial power of the company is firmly in the hands of Boss Ma. Once she ceases to be the boss's wife, she will not get much money at all! Everything she has will become a fleeting moment!

Therefore, it is not impossible for her to take the risk and buy people from the appraisal center, or to secretly replace the child's DNA sample obtained by Boss Ma!

Also, she may have realized that this is not the way to go. Boss Ma has so many lovers, it may not be that another lover is pregnant someday, so she secretly hired Zhang Ketao to check evidence of Boss Ma’s derailment for her. Share more property when Yitu divorces!

This woman is too sinister! If all this I guess is true, then she is the initiator of all this! Boss Ma shares the bed with such a woman every day, which is scary enough to think about! It's not bad if she didn't put some poison to kill Boss Ma!

At this moment, my mood is very conflicted. If I tell this guess, Zhang Jianhua will definitely be disadvantageous to that woman. If I get excited and kill her, then I am very guilty! But if you don't say it, Mr. Ma can't pass this level again. What should I do

At this time, Zhang Jianhua didn't feel anything unusual about the woman's performance. Seeing Boss Ma had said sincerely just now, the hand holding the gun gradually relaxed and no longer pointed at his head.

I could see that Boss Ma exhaled at this moment, and it felt like walking behind a ghost door.

"Doctor Gao, what are you talking about?" At this moment, Zhang Jianhua turned to me again and asked suspiciously. "I definitely don't believe that Xiaohua is such a casual girl. She may have followed Boss Ma for money, but I definitely don't believe that she has an affair with so many men at the same time!"

Zhang Jianhua saw that I didn't have any response for the time being, and said: "It was the one-night stand she had with her ex-boyfriend before. It is estimated that this bastard was not good to her, and she was confused for a while!"

"It must be her ex-boyfriend who is lying!" Boss Ma listened to this sentence, as if he had caught a life-saving straw, and quickly poured dirty water on others, trying to clear his suspicion.

"Huh! What the kid said is true, I have verified it!" With that, Zhang Jianhua took out a strand of hair from his pocket and showed it to us, "This is my poor little nephew's hair!"

Later, Zhang Jianhua said that it was impossible for him to just listen to Xiaohua’s ex-boyfriend, holding his nephew’s hair, and taking that ex-boyfriend to the appraisal center, but the result was indeed as he said, it was not a parent-child relationship.

"It's you, what did you use for the identification?" After speaking, Zhang Jianhua shook his pistol again and asked Mr. Ma.

"I asked the doctor to draw the child's blood!" Boss Ma said, at that time, the newborns also needed to be checked for many items, and blood needed to be drawn. He just asked the doctor at the time to draw an extra tube of blood, but he didn't dare. Delayed, immediately rushed to the appraisal center!

"Could it be that it was a problem with the appraisal center?" Boss Ma finally speculated.

Zhang Jianhua was also a little moved when he heard this. This year, any link may have problems! Could it be that I really wronged Boss Ma

In fact, during the month he was a driver and bodyguard, he also found a few hairs of Boss Ma’s hair in the car. He wanted to take it to the appraisal center to find out if his nephew was his biological son, but the appraisal center said that this hair The sample can’t be done. Because there are too many hairspray and hair wax on it, and because of the hair dye, the hair is damaged very badly!

Therefore, Zhang Jianhua never knew whether Xiaohua’s child was Boss Ma’s own birth!

"You, give me the stage!" Zhang Jianhua said to Zhang Ketao immediately. Zhang Ketao hesitated for a moment before handing the walkie-talkie to him.

"The police outside heard clearly. Now I will find someone from the DNA identification center, or your forensic doctor. I will draw Ma Dequan’s blood and take the hair of the child in my hand for identification. I will get the result within an hour. , If there is no result at that time, or if you play any tricks, I will start killing the hostages, I will do what I say!"

After speaking, he handed the walkie-talkie back to Zhang Ketao.

"Why don't you take it? It's also convenient to talk to the police..." Zhang Ketao spread his hands and said with a wry smile.

Zhang Jianhua heard the same reason, so he left the walkie-talkie. At this time, the intercom suddenly rang.

"Zhang Jianhua, you have to calm down, what conditions can you discuss!" Hearing that voice was full of officialdom, it was not Team Zhang who was talking. "I am Liu Jianye from the Municipal Public Security Bureau, and I am now in charge of this case!"

"Liu Jianye? Which green onion?" Zhang Jianhua muttered to himself with some confusion.

"It's Director Liu of the Municipal Bureau!" Zhang Ketao was aside and quickly explained.

"I don't like your voice, change the team to talk!" Zhang Jianhua didn't save the face of Director Liu at all, and angered at the walkie-talkie!

The intercom was silent for a while, and then rang again. "I'm Zhang Xin, please speak!" Zhang Xin should be the name of Team Zhang.

"Team Zhang, let your shit director stay away! Just for meritorious service, I also let you do it. He ran here to direct something!" Zhang Jianhua said angrily.

I never thought that Zhang Jianhua is really cunning! He seems to be in friendship with Team Zhang and scolding Director Liu, which is actually a strategy to disrupt the police's thinking. Not to mention it was a divorce, at least it also made Director Liu upset!

"Have you heard the request just now? Hurry up and take a snapshot!" Zhang Jianhua added to the walkie-talkie.

"Yes, but you have to show some sincerity! How about taking a few hostages?" Team Zhang's voice came again. This should be a police negotiation routine.

"As long as you do what I said, and after drawing Ma Dequan's blood in a while, I will put 10 people along with the blood sampler! If the result can be found within an hour, I will put 10 more people!"

Hey, this Jianhua is very generous, and he actually promised to let so many hostages! He may have more than 30 hostages in total, so he promised to let go of 20. What does he want to do

"Well, don't be impulsive, people can go up right away! It's our forensic doctor!" Team Zhang said on the intercom.

"Send a female forensic doctor, not a man! I'm afraid you will play tricks!" Zhang Jianhua added at this time.

"Okay! Wait a minute!" Team Zhang replied.

After that, there was no sound from the intercom, and the whole office was silent. Suddenly, my mobile phone rang, and I almost didn't even look at it, so I quickly refused to pick it up.

Who knows, I just refused to answer and the phone rang again.

"Who did it?" Zhang Jianhua asked suddenly.

I quickly took a look, and it turned out that it was Wang Nan's call! "This... my girlfriend's phone number!"

"Go ahead, she must be very worried!" Zhang Jianhua smiled knowingly, but said generously. But he saw that I was turning around to go out to pick him up, and he quickly added: "Pick up here!"

I hesitate, here, answer Wang Nan's call? I'm really embarrassed. It's not good to talk between lovers and let others hear you!

The kidnapping case has already been broadcast live on the web. I guess she already knows about it. Calling at this time, she must be worried. I'll bite the bullet and pick it up!

"Nan Nan..." I answered the phone. (End of this chapter)