Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 149: Eventually ended


Everyone looked at me puzzledly, and I quickly explained: "He is still being hypnotized, I have to untie him!"

Yes, Zhang Jianhua is already under control at this time, and I must relieve him of hypnosis. If this hypnotic state is not relieved, although some people will wake up on their own under certain stimuli, some people may not be able to wake up for the rest of their lives.

So to be safe, I must relieve his hypnosis at this time.

I asked everyone to keep quiet and walked into Zhang Jianhua's dream. Through what he said, I found that, in fact, the hatred in his heart had not been resolved, so I guided him to eliminate the seeds of hatred under hypnosis. I think this is definitely good for him.

If a person lives with hatred in his heart, he will definitely be very entangled. He has already committed a big mistake, but he can no longer continue to suffer from the torment of his soul. I hypnotized him without his permission. To be honest, I was very sorry.

If it can help him out of the painful hatred, it can be regarded as a kind of compensation for him!

"One, two... Three!" I counted the wake-up passwords, and as soon as I snapped my fingers, Zhang Jianhua woke up and found himself under the control of the police. He was surprised!

"Just... What happened just now?" Zhang Jianhua asked suspiciously.

Naturally, I can't answer him, because I actually don't think he is a bad person, but he did these things because he was harmed by a bad person and his eyes were fascinated by hatred. But I caught him with hypnotism, and I felt a little uncomfortable.

"Don't talk nonsense, take it away!" At this time, Director Liu gave an order, and Zhang Jianhua was taken away. I looked at his back and thought to myself: I hope he can understand in the future that revenge will not bring anything to himself, and it will not bring anything to the deceased. I hope he can reform and strive for a better tomorrow. Bar!

"How long will Zhang Jianhua be sentenced? Can he be sentenced lightly? He is actually quite pitiful!" At this time, I looked around a room of police officers, as if pleadingly.

Everyone heard what I said, but they all remained silent. In the end, only Team Zhang stood up and said: "Doctor Gao, this is the matter of the court, and we don't count it..."

I think so too, alas, I hope the court can consider it at its discretion and make the sentence lighter!

"Haha, you all deserve to die, die!" A shrill shout came at this time, which shocked me. It turned out to be Boss Ma's wife! She was kidnapped by Zhang Jianhua, and because she had done bad things, she had a ghost in her heart, and she was actually frightened crazy. Alas, there is a reward for evil!

Immediately, the police tormented her and took her away. Looking at her figure, I couldn't help but be afraid for a while!

It's not her madness that scared me, but that I missed her in my plan just now! If I was in the process of preparing to hypnotize Zhang Jianhua, if this crazy woman suddenly screamed, Zhang Jianhua would definitely wake up! Then everything is in vain!

However, I guess, it may be that Boss Ma madly beat her and knocked her out, so she hadn't made a sound just now, she just woke up after this time!

In order to make money, this woman tried her best. Not only did Boss Ma cut off her sons and grandchildren, but she also killed Xiaohua and her son. Nowadays, although she is crazy, but I don't think she can escape the sanction of the law! Because when she committed the crime, she was not crazy!

"Hey! That comrade, Zhang... Zhang what?" Director Liu suddenly called Zhang Ketao again.

"My name is Zhang Ketao, hello Liu Ju!" At this moment, Zhang Ketao with a flattering smile, went up and took Director Liu's hand with both hands.

"Zhang Ketao! I've heard about your situation! Doctor Gao is a hero, and you are also a hero! Just as you dare to accompany Doctor Gao in, and the courage to finally subdue the criminal suspect, you should also apply for a righteousness award!" After Director Liu finished speaking, he gave Team Zhang a meaningful look.

Team Zhang also nodded quickly and said yes.

I'll take it. Zhang Ketao just used the handcuffs in his crotch to hold Zhang Jianhua up. He has become a hero too? Regardless, look at the face you are willing to accompany your buddies in, let your kid get some light!

"I heard that you were also a student of the police school? What a pity! Do you want to take a civil service exam and consider becoming a police officer? Or arrange a co-policeman for you?" Director Liu is now a network talent!

"Thank Liu Ju for his love, I will consider it!" Although Zhang Ketao was smiling, he did not directly agree.

"Work hard! It's all good!" Director Liu looked around us and the other policemen in the house, and then said: "I have to go to the city and the province to report on the situation. This is a big mess and a lot of mess. Need to clean up!"

"Send Liu Ju!" Several criminal policemen under the leadership of Team Zhang shouted in unison. After that, Director Liu left, and all the special police officers withdrew immediately.

"Gao Xin, you are amazing!" Zhang Shuang took my hand again at this time, let alone the active and enthusiastic energy, which made my face flushed and too hot.

"Yeah, you kid, I really didn't see it!" Team Zhang patted me on the shoulder at this time, and it didn't feel like the way I had just met me, as if he was a buddy for many years!

"Hey... It's a coincidence, it's a coincidence..." What can I say, in fact, I'm still scared now, why I was so horrible at the time, if the hypnosis fails, Zhang Jianhua will give me a shot. What's the matter with me inside!

At this moment, several capable personnel wearing dark blue suits and uniforms with a chest badge on their chests walked in.

"Team Zhang, you have worked so hard, are you finished?" The leader of those people is a tall, energetic man. At this moment, he looked at Team Zhang and asked.

"It's over, let's do things!" Team Zhang waved, and the group of people walked to the front of Boss Ma, who had been silent forever.

Boss Ma was also greatly stimulated after this incident. Especially when he learned that Xiaohua's son was his own and was killed by his wife. At this time, he suffered a huge blow and almost broke down.

"Ma Dequan, we are from the Anti-Corruption Bureau. You are suspected of bribery. The amount is huge. This is an arrest warrant!" The leading capable man showed Boss Ma a piece of paper, and then he handcuffed Boss Ma's hand with handcuffs. He took it away.

During the whole process, Boss Ma did not resist, he just looked up at the arrest warrant and said nothing. It seemed that the death of his son was really a big blow to him, and he already felt a little disheartened at this time.

"Oh! It turns out that the person who was secretly investigating Boss Ma was from the Anti-Corruption Bureau! I thought it was a secret department!" Zhang Ketao realized it was then and said to himself. Of course, it was only then that I learned that it was them who secretly investigated Boss Ma.

This boss, Ma, did too many bad things, but in the end only caught a bribe, but it was too light! Most of the bad things he did were against the bottom line of morals, but the law was difficult to punish him, which was really helpless. After all, the law is only the final red line of morality.

In this society, there are actually quite a few people like Boss Ma. Relying on a few money, we have done a lot of bad things, but it is difficult for us to punish them with the law. We can only criticize them morally. But the power of moral criticism is limited, and it is really helpless!

However, he finally got the punishment he deserved, and he, who had always wanted to have his own child, was shocked to hear that his own flesh and blood had been killed by others, and it was also considered retribution! This kind of spiritual punishment on him is probably more painful to him than punishment.

As for criminals like his secretary’s wife, they deserve to be severely punished by the law. Although Boss Ma is the cause of all crimes, she actually committed the crimes, and actually killed Xiaohua mother and son in order to protect her own interests! Especially that child, who is not yet one year old, who did he provoke? Must be severely punished!

"Why this live broadcast has not been interrupted! How did the technical department do it!" At this time, a criminal policeman found that the interface of the live broadcast room was still in the live broadcast state on the computer on his desk, and couldn't help but complain.

Immediately, he stepped forward and closed the live broadcast room!

Director Liu was right. This kidnapping case was broadcast live by Zhang Jianhua through the webcast room. Because he threatened to kill the hostages, the police could not disconnect the Internet or use any technical means. As a result, this matter was really true. It's a big trouble!

However, the live broadcast was closed at this time. The police had neglected. After the matter is resolved, it should be closed quickly!

"No! Is the live broadcast... just turned off?" I was suddenly shocked! (End of this chapter)