Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 15: Thief?


"Xiao Cong's talent is not considered smart. Her good grades are earned by putting in more effort than others, but the higher the grade, the more things you need to learn and the more effort you need to put in. One day, she felt a little powerless, but she didn’t want to give up the aura of always getting good grades in the exam, nor did she want to lose this pride, so she was in a kind of worry all day. At this time, she might slowly Suffering from anxiety disorder."

"But her hometown is only a remote area, there is no psychological clinic at all, and there is no sense of mental health in people's minds. As a result, the expectations of parents, teachers, and classmates have all become The pressure made her feel more anxious and fearful every day! She was afraid of losing what she had, pressing her desperately, and gradually pushing herself to a dead end."

"Later, her mental illness became more and more serious, but on the surface she couldn't see anything abnormal. Until later, she was always the top three in the class, and she got a score of nearly 20 in the high school exam. The fear of losing her pride and glory suddenly overwhelmed her. That's why she got a serious mental illness."

After listening to my analysis, Wang Nan smiled and gave a thumbs up, and said quickly:

"Sure enough, he is a well-known psychologist, well-deserved reputation!"

Listening to her, I felt a guilty conscience. It was the old seventh guy, who would blow a little while drinking, false propaganda, and gave me such a title.

At this moment, the old man accompanied a smiling face and said to Wang Nan: "Let me just say, my brother is excellent, and you may find him more prominent in the future. You two should get in touch with each other more!"

When Wang Nan heard him say this, he became shy and lowered his head again. I blushed and shouted at Old Qi: "What is outstanding, don't you kid always talk nonsense!"

In embarrassment, suddenly there was a noise outside the private room.

Several of us stopped talking and laughing and listened carefully to the outside sounds. It seemed that someone was crying, and someone was clamoring for something.

I have always screamed when the road saw the injustice. At this time, the flames of chivalry began to burn again. In the words of Lao Qi, I just love to be nosy. So I stood up, opened the private room door, and went out.

Unexpectedly, I saw such a scene as soon as I went out:

A waitress knelt on the ground and cried. A group of diners surrounded her and kept telling her. There were also some people who abused her with swear words. Boss Hao had an embarrassed smile on his face, and he was already sweating profusely at the moment.

I quickly walked over and asked the boss: "What's the situation?"

"Doctor Gao, please help me persuade, I really don't understand..." Boss Hao said eagerly when he saw me coming.

"Wait, what the hell is going on?" I looked around the arrogant diners and asked. When they saw Boss Hao calling me a doctor, their arrogance was slightly reduced.

"She, steal from me!" A middle-aged man of medium build but the most arrogant, pointed at the waiter who was kneeling on the ground, and said angrily.

"What the hell is going on?" I turned to Boss Hao again, wanting to understand what happened. So Boss Hao briefly talked about what happened.

The waitress is called Xiaoxuan, and she has just come to work in the hotel not long ago. Today, she is responsible for serving the guests at this table. I don't know what happened, the guest's lighter was lost and I didn't find it after searching for it for a long time. In the end, it was found on Xiao Xuan's body. The client said that Xiao Xuan had stolen it, and she just cried. These guests wanted to call the police, and Xiaoxuan knelt down and begged them not to call the police. Boss Hao didn't want to make matters worse, so he was here to persuade these guests.

"Lighter?" I couldn't help but wonder, all that came to mind is the image of plastic lighters that cost one dollar each.

"It's this lighter!" The middle-aged man reached out and showed it to me.

After seeing it, I realized that it turned out to be a ZEPO lighter. This kind of lighter is more expensive, but it is only worth a few hundred dollars.

"Just because of such a lighter, you trained the little girl like this?" I don't know when, Lao Qi and Wang Nan also followed, and Lao Qi said to the diners with a dissatisfied tone at this moment.

"I didn't dare to steal you! You know how much this lighter is for me, it's a gift from someone else! It's priceless to me!" The middle-aged man was still reluctant.

I quickly stopped Lao Qi to prevent him from talking nonsense.

"This big brother, no matter what the price of this lighter is in your mind, its value is not enough to file a case. If you call the police, the waiter may be fine, but you will be in trouble!" I said to the middle-aged man word by word The man said solemnly.

"I was stolen, what can I do!" The middle-aged man looked unconvinced.

"You just found out that something was lost, and you didn't call the police immediately. Instead, you forcibly searched someone else's body without authorization. This is illegal in itself. No one, no matter how conclusive your evidence is, can't search by yourself, and can only be handled by the police."

"This..." The middle-aged diners suddenly became half short.

Seeing his bear look, I decided to add more weight to him.

"What's more, what you searched was the body of a woman. To a lesser degree, this is an assault on other people's **, and to a more serious one, it is sexual harassment!"

The middle-aged man was speechless for a while, as if he didn't know what to say. Only next to him, as if it was another man who came with them, said unconvincedly:

"What are you doing! What's up with you!"

"I'm a psychiatrist!" I looked at him squarely and replied neither humble nor arrogant. Afterwards, I faced the middle-aged man again and continued: "You are a sensible person, think about it, do you still insist on calling the police."

The middle-aged man obviously hesitated.

"Okay, okay, Harmony makes money! Harmony makes money! I apologize to you for what happened just now! So, today, a few meals are free, and I hope you Haihan!" Boss Hao hurriedly finished the game.

"That is, the lighter was also found, and you have nothing to lose!" Old Qi also interrupted nearby.

"Fortunately for you, I will spare you today!" The middle-aged man said bitterly, and then the few people who came with him packed up and left the hotel.

"Everyone, please continue to eat. What just disturbed everyone's Yaxing. The little shop will add dishes to each table in a while! Forgive me, everyone!" Boss Hao hugged his fist and apologized to other guests hurriedly.

Wang Nan stepped forward, helped Xiaoxuan up, and took her to the private room where we ate. Lao Qi and I followed them and returned to the private room together. (End of this chapter)