Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 16: Xiaoxuan's past


Xiao Xuan may have been kneeling for a long time, and was limping on foot. Wang Nan finally helped her into the private room and sat down in a chair. At this time, Xiao Xuan was still crying, sobbing on the table.

"What's wrong with the waiter?" Xiaofeng hurried forward to comfort him when he saw this, and glared at me and Lao Qi in angrily, and shouted.

"Heaven and Earth conscience, we just helped her!" Old Qiyi looked aggrieved and told Xiaofeng what had happened just now.

"Senior is a hero again?" Xiaofeng smiled and said to me after listening to Lao Qi's explanation.

I smiled helplessly, and I really couldn't change my habit of fighting and embarrassing. However, the person I helped is a "thief" today, which is contrary to my principles. Although Xiao Xuan is a girl, and she looks soft and weak, but the lighter was found from her after all, which made me have to figure out what is going on.

"Xiao Xuan, did you really get the lighter just now?" When Xiao Xuan cried lightly, I asked her.

Xiaoxuan raised her head to look at me, bit her lip, and nodded. But then she started crying again, crying while saying: "I'm sorry, I really didn't mean it, I really couldn't help it!"

"Don't get excited, don't get excited! It's all right!" I quickly comforted her. Xiaoxuan couldn't ask anything if she kept crying like this.

"My name is Gao Xin and I am a psychiatrist. If you have any difficulties, you can tell me!" Then I introduced Xiaoxuan again.

Who knows, after hearing what I said, Xiao Xuan grabbed my hand and said repeatedly: "Doctor, you help me, you help me!"

"I just want to help you, don't cry, tell me what is going on!" I quickly said to Xiaoxuan.

After that, Xiaoxuan took the tissue that Wang Nan handed over, wiped her tears, and began to talk about her past.

Xiaoxuan is 19 years old this year, and her home is not in this city. She came here to work from another place.

When Xiao Xuan was a child, she was just like her peers, she was an innocent little girl. That time can be said to be the happiest time in her life. But one thing changed her life.

Once, grandma took her to buy vegetables. The market was very lively, Xiao Xuan was very happy. However, when she saw her grandma buying potatoes, she quietly took two more and put them in the basket while the vendor was not paying attention, Xiao Xuan couldn't help being stunned.

On the way back, Xiaoxuan asked her grandma curiously. Grandma said to her indifferently at the time: The peddler is too dark and the potatoes are so expensive, it's cost-effective to get two more!

Originally, this trivial matter passed quickly, but Xiao Xuan later forgot.

Later, Xiaoxuan went to elementary school, and once she saw that a classmate had a very beautiful pen, and she didn't know where to buy it. Anyway, it was not sold in the shops around the school. At that time, she liked it very much and wanted a pen like that very much, but she couldn't buy it.

The frustrated Xiaoxuan suddenly remembered the incident that grandma bought potatoes back then, so a bold idea emerged in her heart, why don't it be better to seize it for herself

However, even though Xiaoxuan was young at this time, the teacher had taught her that stealing was wrong, so her heart was very contradictory. After that, Xiao Xuan's heart couldn't be calm for a long time, and she had been engaged in fierce ideological struggles, but she still did not dare to take action when she was timid.

Finally one day at noon, everyone went out to play, and there was no one in the classroom. Xiaoxuan's strong desire to own the pen drove her to take the pen secretly and hide it in her schoolbag.

Throughout the afternoon, she was in a state of panic, for fear of being discovered that she had stolen the pen. She regretted it several times and wanted to return the pen. But the student who lost the pen didn't know if he didn't find it, or didn't care, and didn't say anything. In this way, when she was over after school, she ran home like flying.

Back home, she secretly hid the pen in a box and put the box deep in her small cabinet. At this moment, Xiao Xuan was so nervous that she accidentally knocked over the vase. My mother also noticed something wrong with her expression, and asked her what happened. She said it was okay, so her mother didn't ask anything.

For the next few days, Xiao Xuan had been in a state of tension and fear. At first, I felt that everyone's eyes were not right at her, as if they knew she had stolen the pen. But then, the student who lost the pen didn't respond much, just as if he didn't notice it. She also slowly relaxed.

Xiao Xuan thought, I’m not to blame. Who can sell them in the surrounding shops? I can’t help it either. This self-comforting thought was exactly the same as what grandma said back then, and it really made Xiao Xuan feel at ease and resumed her previous laughter.

But from then on, Xiao Xuan also went astray. From then on, she wanted to steal everything she liked. Of course, not every time will be successful, but after a period of time, there are a lot of things in her box: pens, erasers, cartoon leather cases, stickers...all in all, they are all small things. Moreover, these things were lying quietly in her secret box, and she never dared to take them out and use them, but occasionally took them out to appreciate them when there was no one in the house.

Later, she became more and more experienced! I learned from the TV series. I didn’t put the stolen things in my own hands, but hid them in a flower bush in the school. When there is no one after school, she will get it again.

But her good fortune did not last long.

This time, she fell in love with her classmate's stationery box. It was a very special stationery box, which was said to have been brought back by relatives of this classmate’s family from a business trip. As soon as Xiao Xuan saw this unique stationery box, she missed it. She took the opportunity to take the stationery box away and hid it in the old place.

Stationery boxes are not like small things like pens and erasers. For elementary school students, this is a "big item"! Some small things were lost in the class before. Although some classmates also told the teacher, the teacher didn't care. He thought it was the child who lost it all by himself, and did not think who stole it. But this stationery box is different. If such a "big item" is gone, the teacher becomes suspicious.

The head teacher did not directly ask all the students who took the stationery box. Instead, they searched the entire classroom with the staff of the school security office while the students were out doing some exercises, but found no clues.

Later, the school gardener accidentally picked up the stationery box in the flowers and handed it to the security office. After discussing with the head teacher, the security office decided to put the stationery box back in the flowers and saw who was going to get it. Finally, Xiao Xuan was caught upright.

The head teacher originally wanted to deal with this matter in a low-key manner, but he just called Xiao Xuan's parents to communicate with them about the child's problem. But when Xiao Xuan's parents arrived at school, they didn't believe that their children could do this kind of thing. Instead, they said that the teacher was slandering Xiao Xuan. Her mother was still sitting on the ground crying and making troubles.

Later, this matter could only be ignored, but Xiao Xuan couldn't stay in this school anymore. Her parents transferred her to another school. (End of this chapter)