Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 2: Mr. Wang who wants to commit suicide


It has been more than a month since the business opened, and there is not a single patient. Fortunately, this store is in his own home, and Xiaofeng, the assistant, does not require salary. Otherwise, you have to lose money and close the door.

Even so, the electricity bills, water bills, and daily meals are also expenses. The most important thing is that there are no patients, and I don't have the confidence to do it anymore.

The road to heaven is boundless, when I almost lost my confidence, the first patient came to my door.

It was a gloomy day, and a man who was not tall and honest-looking walked into the clinic. Xiaofeng quickly received him warmly. But the man started to ask about the cost. Xiaofeng briefly introduced the charging standard, and the man seemed to shrink back.

In fact, for a small clinic like mine, the originally set price is not high. Compared to the same industry, the charging standard is much lower. But after all, this psychotherapy is a novelty, and many people don't understand it, thinking that it's not worth it to charge according to the time.

I greeted the man quickly and told the man that he opened a big bargain and the first patient had a free consultation for the first time. He heard what I said, then looked at me suspiciously, and then hesitated to enter the consulting room. I asked him to sit on the sofa, let Xiaofeng serve the tea, and then started asking him if he had any questions for consultation.

"I want to commit suicide!" The man said astonishingly.

However, I don't believe that he really wanted to commit suicide. Does a person who wants to commit suicide still care about price issues so much? Obviously, he has some hidden feelings, and wanting to commit suicide is just an appearance.

I asked him to drink tea first, and didn't ask him anything for a long time. For a person who is in a state of affairs like this, he needs to calm down a little bit first. After a long time, he said to himself again: "I want to commit suicide. I have been thinking about it for a long time!"

Afterwards, he himself slowly talked about his experience.

The man's surname is Wang and he is a worker in a machinery factory. When I was young, because of my short stature and not very good-looking appearance, I never found anyone. It wasn't until he was more than 30 years old that he was introduced to his current wife. His wife is 5 years younger than him and looks good.

Mr. Wang, who has always been inferior, is actually wondering why his wife is willing to marry him with such good terms. And when her wife married him, she was no longer a virgin. He is a very traditional person, which he actually cares about.

However, based on his own conditions, he has no right to be faulty. Someone who is willing to marry him is already considered good, and he no longer struggles with such things, but treats his wife very well.

Soon after marriage, his wife became pregnant, which made Mr. Wang happy.

She was pregnant in October, and once she gave birth, the wife gave birth to a lovely son. This makes Mr. Wang happier, waiting around his wife and children, and working harder, producing more parts than others, and earning milk powder money for his children.

In this way, he really had a happy and happy life.

But the good times didn't last long. Once, when he was walking around in the community with his son in his arms, an old lady said a word, which made him still unable to let go. There were a few old people who surrounded him and his son. Some praised the child's good-looking appearance and others praised the child's growth. An old lady suddenly said: "Fortunately, this child is not like you, otherwise, how could he be so beautiful!" "

At that time, Mr. Wang didn't take it to heart, just laughed with everyone. But after returning home, he carefully observed his son, and there was indeed nothing like himself. Since then, there has been a shadow in his heart. Who knew that later, when a colleague came to the house as a guest, he said the same when he saw the child, and he was even more suspicious whether his son was his own child.

Since then, Mr. Wang has been suspicious all day like a different person. For a while, I feel that my wife has done something I am sorry for, and for a while I think that the child is not his own. Even when his wife answers the phone or plays on the mobile phone, he suspects that he is in contact with a close friend. But he was a bit weak in his bones, even if he had any questions, he didn't dare to speak out, let alone ask his wife directly.

He became more and more neurotic. Sometimes when he was at work, he suddenly thought about whether he was not at home and whether his wife was dating his lover at home. Then he immediately put down his work without asking for leave and ran home. But he found nothing.

In this way, he was suspicious all day, couldn't sleep all night, and had a nervous breakdown, until he finally had the idea of suicide.

"Since you suspect that the child is not yours, why not do a paternity test?" I asked after hearing his story.

"I also thought about it. I heard that it was expensive, and I was afraid of embarrassment..." Mr. Wang replied with his head down in frustration.

Having talked about this, I can already be sure that this is a symptom of mild delusion, Mr. Wang, if this situation continues, he is likely to get worse and even develop into schizophrenia. If you can't think about it anymore, you will find short-sightedness for a while, and the problem will become more serious.

But from his words, I can tell that it is basically impossible for him to commit suicide. Care about costs, care about reputation, it is impossible not to care about your own life. Mr. Wang just pushed himself into a dead end of thinking and couldn't get out.

"You have the courage to die, don't you have the courage to face it?" I asked suddenly.

"This..." Mr. Wang looked up at me, then lowered his head, "I don't have the courage to die..."

Afterwards, I asked Mr. Wang to lie down on the massage chair and gave him a psychological soothing treatment. The process is more professional, mainly Gestalt therapy, so I won't describe it in detail. In short, after finishing the work, Mr. Wang appeared to be much better and relaxed a lot in spirit.

But the heart disease still needs heart medicine. If the lump in his heart is not solved, he still can't pass this psychological barrier. In front of him, I contacted a classmate who works in the DNA test center, introduced Mr. Wang to do a paternity test, and introduced him to what the paternity test is all about, how to keep the client confidential, etc. Mr. Wang cares more. Things. Then he was taken away from the clinic.

About half a month later, Mr. Wang came to the clinic again with a happy expression on his face. He shook my hand and kept thanking him, saying that his son was his own after verification! And after learning the result, he no longer doubted his wife. He ate and slept steadily. Today, he went to the door to thank him and gave me 100 yuan, saying that it was a consultation fee, which made me dumbfounded.

After Mr. Wang left, Xiaofeng snatched the 100 yuan and said with a sneer: "Okay, I finally got my first income. I'll take it for you!"

Haha, what kind of income is this, it's not enough for lunch for a week! (End of this chapter)