Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 20: Or is it delusional?


This is simply sensational. At this moment, the gossip fire in my heart is burning again, and I am impatient to know the specific plot!

But soon, the little angel of professional ethics suppressed that strong curiosity.

I hurriedly sorted out my thoughts and made a preliminary judgment calmly. Sister Zhang may be suffering from delusion. Father and daughter are getting better? How can this be

Sister Zhang said this, covering her face and crying bitterly. While crying, I said that I don’t want to live anymore!

I quickly took out the tissue, handed it to her, and comforted her:

"Sister Zhang, don't get excited, speak slowly!" I hesitated for a while, and then asked, "Is your daughter your own?" I suddenly thought of the domestic movie about the earthquake, the daughter adopted by the movie emperor Chen. The plot that once aroused his wife's jealousy, I wanted to clarify this problem first.

Sister Zhang whimpered with tears in her eyes, looked up at me and said, "It's her own life!"

After hearing this, I relaxed, leaned on the back of the sofa, folded my arms around my chest, and looked confident. I am even more convinced by the judgment just now that Sister Zhang should be suffering from delusion.

"Do you think I have delusion?" Who knows, when Zhang Jie said such professional words, I was a little confused. Is she a psychiatrist or am I a psychiatrist

"No... Why do you think so?" I quickly denied.

"I've been to the big hospital before, and that's what the doctor there said." Sister Zhang looked at me with the expression on her face as if she believed that I was the same as the doctor there.

In fact, it's really the same! But... I vaguely feel a little strange. After thinking about it again and again, I still want to listen to her first.

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"Sister Zhang, I won't make a diagnosis lightly. Let me tell you how you discovered it!" I pretended to be calm and said to her solemnly.

Sister Zhang looked at me suspiciously for a while, sighed, and said:

"Well, at least you are still willing to listen to me. The doctors in the big hospitals don't even listen to what I say..."

After that, she continued to tell.

Sister Zhang's husband is a bit patriarchal. When she gave birth to her daughter, her husband was a little disappointed. But later, seeing that my daughter was pretty and lovely, I dispelled the idea. However, his daughter has always been called "son" since he was a child, and when outsiders talked about his daughter, he always said, "What's the matter with my son."

This phenomenon is not uncommon. Many people call their daughters their sons, which is not uncommon. But Sister Zhang's husband, in addition to his address, also raises his daughter as a son. Not to mention anything else, just talk about bathing his daughter. The child is about to go to middle school, so Mr. Zhang actually bathed his daughter himself.

Sister Zhang felt wrong a few times, and told her husband in private that his daughter shouldn’t be like this anymore when his daughter is older. But his husband disapprovingly said, I am afraid of giving my son a bath. Sister Zhang is weak in character and listens to her husband very much, so she didn't say much. This situation continued until the child's sixth grade menarche.

At the insistence of Sister Zhang, she took her daughter to the bath outside to take a bath ever since. Later, even when washing at home, his husband took the initiative to avoid it. In fact, these are nothing, the most important thing is the state of daily contact between father and daughter.

Sister Zhang said that since she was a child, her daughter would hug and kiss his father whenever she went home or when she was going out. When the child was young, it was okay. But then the children went to middle school, and this habit continued day after day, which made her feel uncomfortable again.

But when I talked to my husband, the husband looked nonchalant, or said that his son was afraid of something. Sister Zhang was also afraid that she was worrying too much, and she didn't dare to tell her daughter directly. I've been watching this happen.

Until one day, an event that happened on a rainy night made her feel completely suspicious.

It rained heavily that day, and thunder continued to thunder outside, making the noise very loud. It was almost night, and the daughter came to their husband and wife’s room and said that she was afraid that she would not be able to sleep. Sister Zhang was very sleepy, so she ignored it, but the husband got up and went to the daughter's room.

Later, Sister Zhang fell asleep in a daze. She said that she slept very heavily, let alone thunder, but sometimes she couldn't hear the alarm clock, so she slept until the early hours of the next morning. Sister Zhang went to the bathroom at night, touched her side, and found that her husband was not there.

Sister Zhang hurriedly came to her daughter's room and saw her husband in her daughter's sex. The two of them were sleeping with their arms around each other. At the scene, if you didn't know that it was your own daughter, you thought it was him holding a little lover! That kind of holding posture made her really unacceptable. The husband's hand was actually placed on the daughter's slightly raised breast!

Sister Zhang was so angry that she awakened her husband and told him to go back to the house to sleep. The husband was awakened sleepily, and left with a look of reluctance. Looking at her daughter's blushing face, she couldn't bear to call her daughter, but instead covered her with a quilt.

But after daybreak, her daughter left for school, but Zhang Jie had a fierce quarrel with her husband. Sister Zhang said that her husband's shame was an animal, and her husband said that she was neurotic, menopausal, and mentally ill. In the end, there was no result. The two of them should get out of the car and go to work.

Because of this incident, Zhang Jie and her husband had a cold war for a long time. Even her daughter found that their relationship was extremely tense. She asked Sister Zhang several times, and she told her daughter that it was okay to study hard and don't think too much.

In this way, nearly half a year passed awkwardly.

One day, Sister Zhang came home from get off work and found that her daughter's sheets were washed and dried on the balcony, and she also put on a clean sheet. She asked her daughter who did the washing, and her daughter hesitated, saying that she changed the washing herself.

Later, the daughter admitted that it was an official holiday and accidentally missed it and soiled the sheets. She was afraid that Sister Zhang would say her, so she changed the sheets by herself.

Sister Zhang laughed at the time and asked her daughter if she had changed the mattress, but the daughter said no. While changing the mattress for her daughter, Sister Zhang told her not to wash it by herself in the future. Don't touch the cold water during the menstrual holiday. You will get sick.

But while Sister Zhang was washing the mattress, the more she thought about it, the more something went wrong. She knew her daughter's menstrual period very well. It wasn't these few days at all. Could it be earlier? She hurriedly looked at the laundry area at home, but did not find her daughter's sex, which made her feel suspicious, shouldn't it

But Sister Zhang didn't have the courage to ask her daughter anyway. She couldn't tell her directly about such things just because of the doubt in her heart! But she became more and more suspicious in her heart, could it be that... She couldn't imagine it anymore.

However, this is just the beginning of the nightmare! (End of this chapter)