Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 3: Past murders


Mr. Wang’s case is actually a very typical and common case.

The story of the suspect stealing the axe can be found in the textbooks of elementary school. Take Mr. Wang as an example. When his heart knot is not untied, he looks like his wife has cheated. A simple behavior and expression can make him suspicious, and the more he looks, the more he looks. But when the knot is open and no longer entangled, no matter how you look at his wife's behavior, it doesn't seem to be cheating. Everyone understands the truth, but some people can't get around this corner.

In fact, in this society, people are generally under greater mental pressure, and most people have psychological problems of all sizes. But this mental illness is not as obvious as physical illness. If you catch a cold, you will have a fever. If you have arthritis, you will have a pain in your knees. If you feel uncomfortable, you will see a doctor. Mental illness does not have such obvious symptoms. Many people do not realize that they have a mental illness, or realize that something is wrong with them, but they do not know that it is a mental illness.

Many people regard mental illness as a result of their personality, and encourage people to be optimistic, willing, and generous. This is all right. But mental illness is a kind of illness that requires timely scientific guidance and treatment. If you are already sick or even in a serious condition, you cannot solve it by yourself. If the illness gets worse and can even evolve into various mental illnesses, it will be difficult to cure.

When I was in college, I heard a professor talk about such a case of delusion.

That was a sensational murder case, at least in our second-tier city, many people still remember: a high school student brutally murdered a young woman running at night.

According to the professor, the high school students did not escape after committing the crime, and soon arrived at the crime. When the police interrogated him, he confessed to his murder and kept insulting the victim as a bitch and a bitch. The interrogator obviously felt that the boy had a problem with his speech, so he invited a psychologist, that is, a professor at our university, to talk to the boy. It was only then discovered that the high school boy suffered from severe delusions. Later, after talking to the child's teacher, parents and witnesses, the professor finally restored the entire incident.

The boy’s family environment is average, and his parents have placed high hopes on him since he was a child, hoping that he can change the fate of himself and his family through reading. Therefore, the parents are very tight for schoolwork, and the boy is under a lot of pressure. I don’t know when, the boy started telling lies to lie to his family, trying his best to convince the family that he has excellent academic performance and good performance. In fact, the situation is not as perfect as he said. At the beginning, he was also very nervous, afraid that the lie would be seen through by his parents. However, parents trust their children and are very happy to hear the good news.

So he began to falsify frantically. Scores, scrolls, rankings, teacher comments, etc., were all fake. Someone may ask, isn't the school holding a parent-teacher meeting just revealing it all at once? The child made all kinds of excuses not to let his parents go to the parent conference, and there were all kinds of lies at the school to deceive the teacher. With so many people in a class, the teacher didn't care too much, and actually believed it ●31 Novel app download address ●He.

However, at this time, the boy had already begun to get sick. He slowly began to believe the lies he had fabricated. Those fake scores, fake rankings, and fake comments were all from him, but in his subconscious mind, he actually believed in them. In his heart, all of this became real.

Later, when the boy was running one night, he ran into the victimized young woman. It may be because (cannot confirm, can only say that it is possible) that the young woman accidentally glanced at him, and was missed by the boy. No one can tell what kind of eyes the young woman looked at him at the time, but from the boy's later self-description, it can be heard that in his heart, it was a seduce signal.

The high school student has just turned 18 and is in the budding stage of youth, and he is also suffering from delusions, so the boy goes for a run every day, looking forward to meeting the young woman often. Not to mention, two people will meet almost every time. The young woman runs at a fixed time every day. The boy has mastered the rules, so he deliberately waits for her at that time every day, and imagines that the young woman is also waiting for him deliberately. Although they just pass by each other and never say anything, they have already regarded her as a lover in the boy's heart, and passing by each day is a date.

Slowly, the boy fell in love with the young woman crazily, and didn't want to do anything every day, so he looked forward to the evening to come quickly so that he could see her again. One day, the young woman didn't come out for a run. He actually waited for her in that place and didn't go home all night. At this time, the parents had discovered that the child was a little wrong, but they really didn't expect the child to have such a serious psychological problem. They just criticized and educated him for not returning home at night, and nothing came of it.

Later, the boy still insisted on running every day, in fact, to wait for the young woman. But the woman didn't show up for many days, and she didn't know if she discovered the boy's weirdness and didn't dare to come, or if there was something at home. But under the boy's delusion, it turned out that the young woman had transferred and fell in love. In his mind, it was all shots of her meeting with other men.

In the boy's heart, a hatred was sprouting.

After that, he didn't know where he bought a knife, hid it carefully, and took it with him every time he went for a run.

Finally one day, he met the young woman again. According to witnesses at the crime scene, he thought it was a couple arguing at the time. He only heard the boy questioning why the woman didn’t come and why he was betrayed. He, the woman scolded the boy a few emotionally, and then turned to leave, but the boy suddenly took out the knife and stabbed the woman frantically from behind. After forensic identification, there were more than 20 knives. The young woman was on the spot. die! Witnesses hurriedly called the police, but the assailant didn't even run away. He stood still on the spot, with a strange smile on his face, which made the witnesses feel horrified and terrified every time he recalled it.

Later, the case entered the judicial trial process, and the boy's family members asked for a psychiatric appraisal. The authoritative judicial appraisal agency gave the appraisal result—not a mentally ill patient, but a person of full capacity! Later, the court considered that the boy had just turned 18 when he committed the crime and was still a student. In addition, the victim's family had already obtained the understanding of the victim's family (it is estimated that his parents did not sell iron to raise money and kneel down), and finally sentenced the murderer to death with a two-year suspension. Executed every year.

This is a tragedy! (End of this chapter)