Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 30: Professor Yang is here


"Okay, let me see, there seems to be one day of class tomorrow, the day after tomorrow..." On the other side of the phone, Teacher Yang seemed to start checking his schedule. What kind of business is this? Now we must start the investigation immediately, and we can't delay a day!

Thinking of this, I anxiously said to the phone: "Mr. Yang, you... It's better to come over now. It's about a criminal case. A little girl... has been raped! Please!"

"That's it..." Professor Yang on the other end of the phone hesitated, "Well, you tell me the address, and I'll be right there!"

Afterwards, I told Professor Yang the address of the hospital and the floor of the ward.

"That is to say, your Xiao Gao has such a big face, today my wife has to blame me for being late to go home, hang up, I will go over." Professor Yang hung up the phone, I checked the time, and it was almost 5 o'clock. The bell is up. Unconsciously, the whole afternoon passed.

I explained to Police Officer Tong and Wang Kunpeng about asking Professor Yang to come over and give Xiao Meng a hypnotherapy. The detectives are really knowledgeable, they are not as surprised and puzzled as most people do, as if they heard a very normal thing.

So we came to the elevator together and waited for Professor Yang's arrival.

Suddenly, my cell phone rang again, and I saw that it was a call from Xiaofeng.

"Xiaofeng, what are you doing?" I answered the phone with an impatient tone. Originally, I was very impatient now, so naturally I didn't have a good attitude.

"Yeah? Who provoke you, so horrible!" When Xiaofeng heard that I was irritated, she couldn't resist on the other side of the phone, "You went out with that little girl, and there was no news all afternoon, I'll tell you. I’m a student, don’t you..."

"I don't have time to listen to this now, are you okay?" I asked in a blunt tone when I heard that she was going to talk about it again.

"Something! It's 5 o'clock, please tell the leader, can I get off work!" Xiaofeng seemed to be tougher than me over there. Only then did I realize that she was alone in the clinic after I came out one afternoon. Seeing that I didn't come back at this time, I should call and ask. Thinking of this, I couldn't help but soften.

"Ah! Then you take it, lock the door and get off work! Go back and pay attention to safety!" I told her.

"Huh, say it with you!" Xiaofeng hung up the phone dissatisfied. Alas, my eagerness has offended this girl, and I will have to say a few good things if I meet tomorrow.

After picking up the phone, the three of us waited for a while before Professor Yang came. I greeted me quickly, but wondered in my heart, how could it be so fast

"Hello, Teacher Yang!" I hurriedly bowed to Professor Yang, as if I was a student in school. One day as a teacher and a lifelong father, it should be so. "Why did you come so fast?"

"Xiao Gao, are you busy?" Professor Yang pointed to the wall and said. I followed his instructions, and I was happy too.

On the wall is impressively written: the words of the First Affiliated Hospital of XX Medical University. It turned out that this is the affiliated hospital of my alma mater, very close to the campus. When I came, I was anxious, but after I came, my mind was all about Xiaomeng's affairs, and I actually ignored this!

"Come on, let me introduce to you, this is..." I pointed to Officer Tong just about to introduce Professor Yang, but I didn't expect the two of them to look at each other and smile. Do they know each other

"Hello, Professor Yang!" Police Officer Tong stepped forward and held Professor Yang's hand and greeted him enthusiastically. They really knew each other! Now it is my turn to look at each other with Wang Kun and Peng.

"Officer Tong, we met again! I didn't expect you to be here!" Professor Yang responded with a smile. Instead, he turned to me and said: "I have met police officer Tong a long time ago, and he was responsible for investigating the case of the murder of a night runner by a high school student that I told you before!"

That's it, damn, what day is today, it can't be a coincidence. Although this city is a second-tier city, it is at least the capital of a province with a population of no less than 8 million. At this moment, I suddenly felt like living in a small village. The world is really too small!

"It turns out that Doctor Gao said that Professor Yang is your old man!" Police Officer Tong also gave me a smile. "Sure enough, a famous teacher has a good apprentice. It's no wonder that Doctor Gao is so good. It turned out to be Professor Yang's student."

Hearing what he said, I felt guilty for a while, a good ass, and in the end I had to ask the teacher to come out and help.

"Where, this is your apprentice!" Professor Yang pointed to Wang Kunpeng and said, "The young man is very energetic! At first glance, he is an excellent police officer!"

When Wang Kunpeng heard Professor Yang's praise, he greeted him with a smile.

Good deed, I just said a few words to Professor Yang on the phone just now, and they thought I didn't talk about the subject, but now they are sympathetic and greet each other non-stop. But after all Professor Yang was present, I had to remain silent.

"I'm afraid you will have to trouble you to get old again today!" Finally, after a brief greeting, Officer Tong got to the point.

"No trouble, no trouble! Tell me about the situation first?" Professor Yang looked around the three of us and said.

Therefore, I gave him a detailed introduction to Xiaomeng's situation. After listening to Professor Yang, he also looked thoughtful and fell silent.

Seeing him like this, I felt a little anxious. Could it be that the famous Professor Yang couldn't solve this problem

"I'll see the little girl first!" The professor thought for a while and demanded.

"Okay, you come with me." I quickly took the professor and two police officers back to Xiaomeng's ward again.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw Xiao Meng crying, very sad. I didn't know I looked at Xiao Shuang inside. Seeing me looking at her, Xiao Shuang quickly said, "Auntie has already told Xiao Meng."

Seeing us coming in, Xiao Meng tearfully said to us excitedly: "Doctor Gao, two police officers, please help me." Then, she gritted her teeth with a bitter look, "You must catch that bastard. Let him return my innocence!"

"Xiao Meng, do you remember anything?" I hurriedly came to Xiao Meng's hospital bed, stroked her shoulder, and asked carefully.

"No, I still can't remember anything!" Xiao Meng shook his head desperately, crying very sadly.

"Don't worry, I think you just temporarily lost that memory, we will help you remember it!" I quickly invited Professor Yang over and introduced to Xiao Meng: "This is Professor Yang, who is also a teacher at my university. He can help you!"

"Hello, Xiaomeng!" Professor Yang said hello to her with a soft smile on his face.

Seeing Professor Yang, Xiao Meng gradually stopped crying, with a puzzled expression in her eyes, "How are you going to help me?" She asked Professor Yang.

"Hypnotherapy!" Professor Yang said with a kind expression on his face.

"Hypnosis?" Xiao Meng, Xiao Meng's mother, and Xiao Shuang couldn't help being surprised in unison. It's no wonder that most people will have such a reaction when they hear this mysterious thing that is close to the legend.

"Yes, don't be nervous, let's take it slow!" Professor Yang said, and asked everyone to go out politely. He needs a quiet space for hypnosis.

Several people hesitated and left the ward according to Professor Yang's instructions. I just wanted to get up and go out together, but he stopped me.

"Xiao Gao, you stay!"

I looked back at Professor Yang for unknown reasons, but suddenly understood what he meant. Teacher, this is to let me have a long experience through Xiaomeng. This is a rare opportunity to witness the whole process of hypnosis with my own eyes. I came back quickly, found a stool, and sat down quietly.

"Xiao Meng, I need your cooperation, don't be nervous, take a deep breath, and slowly relax your body..." Professor Yang said softly to Xiao Meng. The sick Xiao Meng took a few deep breaths as he ordered, and lay down, as if he really relaxed a lot.

"Xiaomeng, what kind of scenery do you like?" Professor Yang asked again.

"I... I like mountain streams." Xiao Meng closed his eyes and replied softly.

"Okay, Xiaomeng, now you can imagine in your mind that you are in a beautiful mountain forest, and you are in front of that clear stream with a bottomless stream. There are still a few small fish in the stream..." Professor Yang suddenly used one. A voice that seemed to have magical powers softly said to Xiao Meng. (End of this chapter)