Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 33: Hypnotherapy


"Haha, I knew you had a problem. When you were in school, you were one hundred thousand why, let's talk!" Professor Yang said that I suddenly blushed. Indeed, when I was in school, I asked the bottom line and asked him frequently.

"Ms. Yang, when you were in school, you also taught us hypnotherapy. To be honest, I tried it when I went back. It didn't work at all. How did you do it?"

"This therapy requires long-term practice and practical experience to master it slowly. It's not a matter of overnight." Professor Yang suddenly sold off at this time.

When I heard Professor Yang say this, I was very anxious. As a psychiatrist, it is the same as a bird can't fly, lacking an important professional skill.

"There will always be some tricks or something," I asked quickly, "or how to practice."

"The trick... It's not completely absent." Professor Yang blinked inexplicably, pretending to be mysterious.

"Teacher Yang, please teach me!" I quickly picked up my glass again.

"Let's put down the wine first, and I'll focus on your studious energy. I will teach you." Then, he glanced around the dishes on the table, "Also for the dishes on this table, haha!" Then Professor Yang began to speak.

The reason why this hypnotherapy is so mysterious is that not everyone can learn it. For example, people with irritable temperament, people who are not calm enough, or people whose voices are too distinctive are not able to be mastered.

Secondly, not everyone can be hypnotized. Hypnotherapy is not as magical as it is in the movie. Anyone can be hypnotized without knowing it by saying a few words. That is pure nonsense.

Under normal circumstances, people with fragile hearts and susceptible to external disturbances are more likely to be hypnotized. There is also a patient with a mental disorder, which is easy to be hypnotized. People who have been specially trained, such as agents, negotiators, lawyers, etc., can hardly be hypnotized.

Patients with mental disorders must also be in a less serious condition. If they are already suffering from severe schizophrenia, hypnotherapy cannot be used, otherwise their thinking will only become more chaotic, and they will even develop multiple split personalities.

Professor Yang told me two tips, one is to practice speaking and the other is to enrich my knowledge.

To practice speaking is to practice the magical voice and tone in hypnotherapy. The trick is to learn more from the kindergarten teacher’s way of speaking. The other is to watch movies and TV shows so that you can put yourself in the plot and imitate. The actors speak.

As for enriching one's own knowledge, it is to guide the patient into the situation in practical application. If the patient tells you that he likes the terrain of the desert wasteland, but you don't know what the desert wasteland is like, how can you guide the patient.

In addition, some auxiliary tools can also be used when the experience is insufficient at the beginning. Such as tick clock, swing hammer, massage chair and so on. The purpose of everything is to allow the patient to relax completely and enter a hypnotic state more easily.

"The rest is to practice a lot..." Professor Yang said after taking a sip of wine.

I quickly recorded what the professor just said in my mind. In addition, I also remembered the detailed process he described in class that year, which combined to form a comprehensive memory.

"Also, that girl named Xiaomeng, you should pay more attention to it in the future. Although I have gone through a hypnotherapy to get rid of her inner demons, I am afraid that she will have repetitions in the future. You are responsible for this matter. !" Professor Yang then told me again.

I quickly agreed and thanked Professor Yang again and again.

"What are you polite? You will be a teacher for one day and you will be a teacher for life. If you have any difficulties in the future, please feel free to find me!" Professor Yang said with a smile.

I quickly picked up the glass again and toasted to the teacher. In this way, we talked a lot and drank a lot of wine. Until he felt dizzy, Professor Yang still seemed unhappy.

"Teacher, I have reached the measure, so I can't drink anymore..." I begged Professor Yang helplessly.

"It's okay, you take a moment, I don't need to accompany you to drink by myself." Although they are all drinkers, Professor Yang's wines are much better than those of the old seven, and I can't help but think of the old seven.

"Ms. Yang, do you remember Lu Fei?" I asked suddenly.

"Remember, that naughty kid didn't get into trouble at school at the beginning, what is he doing now?" Professor Yang asked with a smile.

"He, he is a psychiatrist in the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center!"

"Does this kid still have this talent?" Professor Yang was a little surprised.

"Yeah, I didn't expect it either!" I replied. After speaking, we looked at each other and laughed. Later, I continued to eat and drink, and talked about the current situation of many classmates and teachers.

After three rounds of wine and five flavors of food, Professor Yang hiccups and is finally full of wine and rice. I quickly got up to check out.

A table of tofu doesn't really cost much. When I checked out at the front desk, Professor Yang whispered in my ear: "Xiao Gao, it's a waste. My wife wants to prevent me from drinking, so I don't have any money to go out now..."

I listened for a while, and it turned out that Professor Yang is still a strict wife. "Where, I should invite you to dinner, I didn't say that!" I said quickly.

After checking out, I took a taxi to take Professor Yang home, and finally returned home by myself.

I really drank too much alcohol today, my head hurts, and later I vomited. So, not long after returning home, I fell asleep groggy.

The next day, I got up late and hurried to the clinic in a hurry. As soon as I entered, I found that Xiaofeng had already arrived.

"Senior, how did you come?" Xiaofeng said with a disdainful expression, "As a leader, are you still late?"

"Haha, I drank too much wine with Professor Yang last night." I replied with a silly smile.

"Professor Yang? Professor Yang from our medical school?" Xiaofeng asked suspiciously.

"Yes, he teaches your class too, right?" I replied.

"Why did you have a drink with him? Didn't you go to the hospital with Xiao Shuang? By the way, what happened to the girl named Xiao Meng?" Xiao Feng asked intently.

No way, I had to describe what happened to her again.

"Oh, it turned out to be like this..." Xiaofeng thoughtfully, "poor girl!"

I suddenly remembered the hypnotherapy. There are no patients anyway, it's better to...

"Xiaofeng, come and cooperate with me!" I said to her quickly.

Unexpectedly, when Xiaofeng heard this, she immediately put her hands on her chest and said nervously, "Senior, what do you want to do, I'm just like a jade!"

"Nonsense, where did I want to go to you!" Sometimes I really don't take Xiaofeng as a girl. "I mean to ask you to cooperate with me. I want to practice hypnotherapy."

What a thought, this Nizi heard me say this, and became even more nervous! "You want to hypnotize me? Do you want to take advantage of me!"

I couldn't laugh or cry, and quickly explained to her what Professor Yang said to me yesterday.

"That's not okay, I'm not a patient, besides, in case you..." Looking at Xiaofeng like that, I don't know if she is really nervous, or deliberately teasing me.

"Just in case, I'm not interested in you." I said.

After hearing this, Xiaofeng put on an angry expression, "Hey? Senior, what do you mean? How do I say it is like a shameless flower and a wild goose, you actually said that you are not interested in me?"

I am dizzy! You can really put gold on your face.

"Then should I be interested or not?" I asked her simply.

"Yes, don't be interested anymore, my old seventh is pretty good..." she pretended to say, but she couldn't hide her urge to laugh. This girl is not right.

"Okay, stop making trouble, come in quickly!" Stop teasing her, I went straight into the consulting room and got the massage chair ready.

"Usually I say relax, you won't let me use it, it's generous today!" Xiaofeng also walked in and complained to me.

"Okay, lie down quickly!" I commanded.

"Just lie down, what a fierceness!" Xiaofeng pressed her mouth hard, but still lay down on the massage chair obediently.

I turned on the switch of the massage chair, and I started preparing to hypnotize Xiaofeng.

"Oh, no, I am itching!" Xiaofeng yelled, twisting her body.

"I'll turn it down for you!" As I said, I adjusted the gear to the lowest 1st gear.

"It's okay, it's so comfortable!" Xiaofeng closed her eyes with a pleasant expression on her face. (End of this chapter)