Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 4: A few short stories


Some people may ask, why does this boy have to be punished for his behavior so abnormal? Doesn't it mean that killing people with mental illness is not illegal? The legal provisions are very clear, so there is no need to go into details. What we have to figure out here is the difference between mental illness and mental illness.

If I make a long speech, I guess everyone will be sleepy, and I will simply extract three differences. Of course, this is not an absolute standard, but a relative term:

1. Need to take medicine and do not need to take medicine

2. Hallucinations and no hallucinations

3. The behavior is particularly abnormal and the behavior is basically normal

In order to prevent my narration from becoming an academic paper, I won’t say anything that is too professional. You only need to remember these points.

Going back to the case of a high school boy, although the boy suffers from severe delusions, he can go to school normally, exercise normally, and has no hallucinations. The reason for the murder was that he believed that the young woman had betrayed him, and because of love and hatred, he committed the crime. Therefore, the cause of killing is not because of illness, but because of hatred. But it is undeniable that the cause of hatred is related to illness, but illness is definitely not the direct cause. If you think it's too circumstance, then I will summarize one sentence: not everyone who is broken in love will kill someone!

At that time, this affair was agitated by the media, and various commentary articles were flying all over the sky. However, most of them stayed at the discussion on student education and social security. There were even people with ulterior motives who made up all kinds of obscure lace gossip, but few people really paid attention to the mental health of a student.

The professor felt distressed about this. Such a tragedy should have awakened people's attention to mental illness and mental health, but in fact this point was ignored by the media and the public and did not cause widespread concern.

Speaking of this, I have to mention one star chaser who has been very popular on the Internet in the first few years.

A girl, who liked a superstar Uranus since she was a child, dropped out of school at the age of 16 and joined the ranks of professional "star chasers". In order to support his star-chaser "career", his parents went around raising funds and sold the family house. After numerous setbacks and persistently chasing stars, she finally realized her long-cherished wish to meet her idol. However, because the time to meet with the idol was too short, I didn't say anything. Afterwards, he shouted deceived and his father jumped into the sea and died.

Later, on the Internet, he was vilified by other fans of the superstar, and another lawsuit was fought. It was not until later that when I was interviewed by the media that I regretted it.

I have never seen this girl, and I can't diagnose it, and I can't talk nonsense. However, judging from the performance of some of the so-called star chasers around us, these people generally have some psychological problems.

This is also a mild paranoia, which occurs mostly in adolescent boys and girls. At this time, they are in the enlightenment stage of physical development and emotional dimness. It is normal to begin to appreciate, attract and become obsessed with the opposite sex.

Star chasers, most of them chase stars of the opposite sex. That is, boys like female stars, and girls like male stars. This kind of liking and obsession is different from ordinary people: ordinary people are in contact with and socializing with the opposite sex that really exists in life, but the star chasers lock themselves in a closed world, in this world only he (she) and That star.

However, the star is not what you want to see, especially the hope of actually contacting them is even slimmer. Therefore, what this kind of crowd likes or even falls in love with is actually an imaginary target person, even if the stars are indeed living people.

When the boys and girls feel that they are in love with this "non-existent person", they have actually had psychological problems. But this is not too serious. What's more serious is that in their own imagination, the star also loves themselves, and even fantasizes about marrying or marrying this star in the future. At this time, they are already paranoid, they themselves weave a beautiful dream for themselves, and they can't wake up.

In fact, the famous star-chaser girl on the Internet shouted deceived after seeing an idol, and later regretted her behavior, not because the star really did something to her, but because she has always The dream we wove for myself is broken. Even if the celebrity is handsome, it is certainly not as perfect as she imagined, and it is impossible to talk to her and me like she imagined. So she was disappointed when we met this time, and finally woke up after dreaming for many years.

I have watched a TV program that helps people regulate emotional problems. In one episode, a man asked the show crew to help him. This man is from a science background, let's call him a science man!

The science male graduated from a well-known institution of higher learning. During college, I met his current girlfriend, Xiao Wei. This science man is very shy and doesn't know how to express his feelings. But he is very kind to Xiao Wei, it can be said to be meticulous. But from the day when his girlfriend agreed to get along with him, she has always been lukewarm to him, as if she didn't love him. But the science male loves Xiao Wei very much and still sticks to this feeling. Xiaowei had asked him to break up many times, but he didn't understand why, but after repeated pleadings, Xiaowei told him the reason.

It turns out that Xiaowei already has someone she loves in her heart! The science man who was shocked by the bad news was very sad, but under questioning, he found the problem. It turned out that the person Xiaowei loved was a male classmate from her high school. Since graduation, the two people have lost contact and have not had any contact. At that time, they all graduated from postgraduates! How many years have passed since? She still can’t forget her ●31 novel app download address ●First love? He also tried to persuade Xiao Wei, but they all failed. Helplessly, he thought of asking the program team for help.

Coming to the show, Xiaowei first recalled that first love.

It turned out that from the first grade of high school, Xiao Wei fell in love with a male classmate in the same class. The boy was tall, handsome, and a basketball boy with excellent academic performance. But the introverted Xiaowei has always kept this love in her heart and dare not confess it. Until the college entrance examination was about to graduate, she bought two necklaces. The two pendants are the kind that can be combined to form a complete heart. She mustered up the courage to confess her feelings to the boy.

At that time, the boy said to her: Your academic performance is so bad, you will definitely not get into a university with me. I will go abroad in the future, and we have no future.

Xiaowei insisted that she would be admitted to a key university, and that she would accompany him to go abroad in the future, and asked the boy to accept this necklace.

The boy couldn't help but accepted the necklace. Say: Let's talk about it in the future!

In fact, the boy didn't want to accept her feelings. What he said was just an excuse. But to Xiaowei's sound, this is a promise.

After that, she studied hard and was admitted to a good university, but she broke contact with the boy ever since. She kept this promise in her heart. She studied hard and was later admitted to graduate school, just to prove that she was worthy of him.

However, this is a fruitless effort. She has worked very hard, has always been very persistent, and sticks to this love, but she has never tried to contact the high school basketball boy. Until I met a science man. (End of this chapter)