Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 41: Keep acting


"Alright, alright! Today Xiao Gao is a guest, don't talk about these unpleasant things!" Father Wang couldn't help but interject.

Unexpectedly, Mother Wang would not buy it!

"Pharaoh, so are you. You never support me when I do this, and you always prevent me from recommending products to others. I don't know what you think!"

Good deed, even if she was once a leading cadre, she would never be older than Vice Governor Wang. At this moment, she was actually full of reluctance, and complained to Dad Wang with an almost arrogant attitude. However, they are husbands and wives after all, and it is not uncommon for this wife to talk to her husband. After all, this is at home.

"If you recommend your product, people will naturally want it! How many people want to give gifts, just wait for you to recommend it! If you eat this thing or not, this is a disguised bribery! You are also a long-time old party member, so Haven't even a little bit of enlightenment?" Father Wang obviously refused to give in, and kept teaching her!

"Pop!" Mother Wang dropped the chopsticks on the table, hugged her arms around her chest angrily, and leaned on the back of the chair without speaking.

The scene at this time became more and more embarrassing...

"Mom, what are you doing, in front of Gaoxin!" Wang Nan complained, and then turned to Dad Wang, "Dad, don't you say a few words, the hat is too big. You are all retired, what kind of bribery? !"

I was aside, not daring to let out the atmosphere, the hand holding the chopsticks kept on the table and did not dare to move, the whole body became a little stiff. The atmosphere was too embarrassing, and I looked at these people in front of me with an unnatural face.

"Let's make Xiao Gao laugh! I'm happy today, I won't mention these! Come!" Father Wang raised the glass again, and I immediately raised the glass with both hands when I saw it, and drank again.

Afterwards, the meal was still going on, but the atmosphere was always very embarrassing. Several people said nothing, but they still failed to defuse the atmosphere.

Finally, everyone had almost eaten, and the table was scattered. Wang Nan took my mother into the house, and Dad Wang took me to the side of the coffee table and made a pot of Kung Fu tea.

I took a cup of tea and took a sip. The taste was quite ordinary, just ordinary jasmine tea. It seems that Vice Governor Wang is truly well-deserved, simple in life, and clean.

"Xiao Gao, I think you are a bit familiar?" Father Wang said suddenly.

I thought to myself, no, it's normal for me to know him, how could he also see me familiar? I hurriedly searched for memories in my heart, thinking back to various possibilities.

"Which unit does your father belong to? Is he retired now?" Seeing how I tried to remember, Dad Wang offered a new idea.

"My father is from Fenghua Machinery Factory... and retired." I replied quickly.

"Oh? Fenghua factory?" Father Wang suddenly became interested, his eyes widened, "What is your father's name?"

"My father Gao Yuliang..." I replied quickly.

"Haha, you turned out to be Lao Gao's son! No wonder you are so familiar, you look a lot like him!" Father Wang laughed, with a kind face on his face.

"Why, do you know my father?" At this moment, I am a bit messy. How can it be so coincidental that Vice Governor Wang knows my dad? Why have I never heard of it at home

"Haha, I originally belonged to Fenghua Factory." Father Wang smiled happily, "I've known your father a long time ago!"

I drop a good boy! It is said that the world is small and the earth is a village, but now I feel that this village is too small! Can you meet such a coincidence? However, I also deeply admire Dad Wang’s ability to recognize people. How many years have passed, he can actually read people without forgetting!

Later, Vice Governor Wang talked about the experience that year.

At the time, Vice Governor Wang returned to the city after graduating from University of Workers, Peasants and Soldiers, and was assigned to Fenghua Factory. At that time, Fenghua Machinery Factory was a well-known industrial enterprise in this city. He was my dad I knew then.

At that time, Vice Governor Wang was still an ordinary technician, and my dad was just an apprentice. At work, the two have an intersection and they know each other. Later, there was a time when the two of them rubbed their backs and chatted with each other in the large bathhouse of the unit, so they were deeply impressed. Vice Governor Wang said that he felt that my dad was very honest and didn't talk very much. Indeed, my father is like that.

Later, Deputy Governor Wang made positive progress, and soon hired technicians and engineers until the deputy director and director of the factory. Later, he was transferred to the Industrial Bureau of the city and began to embark on an official career. But my father has always been an ordinary worker, and the workshop director has never been appointed.

After listening to his story, I don't think there is anything special about this experience, and I wonder why Vice Governor Wang remembers my father. It is estimated that our old man has long forgotten that he had an intersection with the later deputy governor.

"Your memory is so good, you can still remember my father!" I sincerely admired.

"Haha, it's nothing! It's such a coincidence, and I saw you again today!" Father Wang said happily.

"What are you two men talking about so happy?" Wang Nan asked curiously when he came over at some point, seeing us chatting in a harmonious atmosphere.

"Nan Nan, Xiao Gao's father was actually my comrade when I was in Fenghua Factory, what a coincidence you said!" Father Wang said with a smile on his face.

"Yeah? What a coincidence, have you all talked so meticulously?" Wang Nan looked at me, and then said to her father, "You didn't check his account?"

"This kid, what nonsense! Do you think..." Dad Wang looked around secretly, lowered his voice and said, "You think I'm like your mother!"

Then the two people smiled knowingly, the content in their expressions was very complicated, and I was the only one who was stunned.

"Gao Xin, come with me, my mother wants to talk to you." Wang Nan suddenly called me, and I looked at Vice Governor Wang.

"Go!" Vice Governor Wang nodded.

I had to follow Wang Nan to another room.

As soon as I entered the room, I saw that there were piles of that kind of products all over the room, of all kinds, and there were really a lot of them. It seems that what Wang Nan said before is still real.

"Come on Xiao Gao! Sit!" Mother Wang greeted me enthusiastically to sit down, but I looked around the messy, warehouse-like bedroom, and I really didn't know where to sit.

"Sit here!" Wang Nan brought me a stool from nowhere and asked me to sit down.

"Sorry, Xiao Gao, I am too messy here!" Mother Wang said embarrassedly.

"I came to you because I wanted to... and talk about your marriage with Nan Nan." Mother Wang saw me sitting down and said straight to the door.

Hearing these words, I almost didn't slip off the stool. What? marriage? Where does this go! I'm here today, just acting, how come I just talked about this topic directly! At this moment, I was shocked and surprised.

"Mom, what are you talking about? It's not this!" Wang Nan flushed with anxiousness from the side.

Mother Wang was a little embarrassed to see that we were all embarrassed, and she quickly said, "Ah, yes, that's about you two, I'll talk about it later. Just now Nan Nan persuaded me for a long time, saying that you are an excellent psychologist?"

"No, I'm a psychiatrist, not excellent!" I quickly explained.

"The young man is quite modest!" Mother Wang glanced at me appreciatively, "Actually, I also want you to do me a favor. It's not that I have some mental illness, but I always feel that I can't sleep well recently. "

I thought to myself, it’s easy to sleep well, just give you some medicine. However, I know the reason why she can't sleep well. There are many patients with mental illness, and insomnia is one of the main symptoms. Because of the obstacles in the heart and the heavy thoughts, it is impossible to guarantee a good sleep.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help but feel that this is a good entry point, and then I chatted with Mama Wang. Asked about her sleep status, physical condition, etc., made a preliminary psychological diagnosis around roundabouts.

As a result, I found that it was indeed very similar to my and Wang Nan’s guess that Wang’s mother was very likely to suffer from paranoid personality disorder. Probably because of her personality, and the work experience that she has been working in a leadership position, and she also said one thing at home. You have to listen to her, plus the influence of menopause, to get this kind of mental illness.

After thinking about it, out of the basic duties of a doctor, I decided to help her. (End of this chapter)