Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 42: Old friends come to the door


The reason for treating insomnia is very good, and it will also prevent Mother Wang from resisting me. So I asked her to lie down and began to prepare for hypnotherapy.

Mother Wang cooperated very well with me. Following my guidance, she closed her eyes and took a deep breath to relax her body. Then, I took the opportunity to try hypnotherapy on Mother Wang.

At the beginning, it was not very successful, and Mother Wang always couldn't enter the state. However, I did not give up because Professor Yang once said that patients with mental illnesses are easily hypnotized.

Sure enough, I tried two more times, and Mother Wang gradually entered a state of being hypnotized.

The specific process will not be repeated. The difference between Mother Wang was that it was dark in that hut, she was very scared, and there was nothing else. I just instructed her to turn on the light and it was all right.

From this, I speculate that when Ms. Wang was very young, she had the experience of being in such a very dark environment. She was probably a little girl at the time, she was scared and helpless. Although on the surface, she has overcome this fear, there is always a shadow in her heart.

I also mentioned a phenomenon in the previous article, that is, people with big tempers are often timid, which is similar to the situation of Mama Wang. Because the fear in their hearts was not overcome in a reasonable way, it was just concealed and sealed up. But this fear that exists in the subconscious mind affects them all the time. It also caused their personality and even psychological barriers.

Through this kind of hypnotherapy, you can remove those fears that exist in the inner subconscious mind, and pull out such root causes, then her whole person will be much better.

Soon, the hypnotherapy was over. As I counted to three, Mother Wang woke up as soon as I snapped my fingers.

"Huh? What happened just now?" Mother Wang sat up with a puzzled expression on her face. "Why do I seem to fall asleep?"

"It's okay auntie, I gave you a soothing treatment, how do you feel?" I quickly explained.

Mother Wang moved her neck and stretched her waist again, with a smile on her face, "Suddenly I feel better, why is my heart so bright!"

I know how to smile, hypnotherapy is effective! However, I still worry that a single treatment may not be so immediate. I am afraid that Mama Wang still needs follow-up follow-up. But at their house, I really don't want to come again.

Acting is so tired!

Afterwards, I had a brief chat with Wang Nan's parents, and I was ready to leave. Wang Nan said he wanted to take me away, but I was not polite. If you happen to have a stomach, I have to tell her!

Who knows, when we were walking on the road together, I didn't know where to start. Neither of them spoke, and remained silent.

"I'm sorry..." Don't know why, we both apologized to each other in unison. Afterwards, Wang Nan and I looked at each other and smiled, and the atmosphere didn't look so embarrassing.

"I'm sorry, I shouldn't talk about my aunt's sales today, it made everyone very unhappy!" I said it first.

In fact, I really apologize for this matter. At that time, I didn't expect that what Wang Nan said in the clinic was true. I thought she was making up a story to lie to me, so I wanted to fix her. It turned out to be like that, and I was really sad.

"Why, I should say I'm sorry!" Wang Nan said to me quickly, with a sincere expression on his face.

"If I didn't guess wrong, you will kill two birds with one stone today!" I felt a little resentful in my heart, a little reluctant.

"You guessed it right. In fact, you saw it. My mother's appearance. I was really worried. In the clinic, I didn't lie to you. What I said was true. As for..."

Wang Nan looked at my expression and found that there was no obvious change, so he went on to say: "I can't do anything. My parents forced me to press hard. I came up with such a bad idea. I'm sorry!"

"Why did you choose me? Is it because you can kill two birds with one stone?" I asked again.

However, Wang Nan was silent, lowered his head and said nothing. Seeing her like this, I couldn't ask any more, and suddenly a feeling of pity and pity came into my heart. She couldn't help but was forced. Now that young people are forced to marry by their parents, it has become a social problem.

In fact, this kind of forced marriage is a very inappropriate practice. Put a big hat of love on the young man's head, forcing his children to marry as soon as possible. As everyone knows, this kind of persecution makes it easy for one's own children to find someone to marry without choosing a suitable marriage partner. The possibility of unhappy marriage in the future is very high, and this kind of love from parents will harm the children instead.

But no one can escape this test for men and women. However, there is a question in my mind.

"Have you never met a suitable man for so many years?" I suddenly asked Wang Nan.

She raised her head, glanced at me, and sighed, "It's a long story!" Then, she suddenly said to me with a strange smile, "Aren't you the same?"

After hearing what she said, I suddenly understood. The broken mouth of Old Qi probably told Wang Nan all he knew about me. So that I haven't had a girlfriend anywhere before, and she already knows everything clearly.

However, there is one thing, Lao Qi didn't know. That's a dull pain that has been in my heart...

In a short while, we walked to the gate of the community. I called a taxi, said goodbye to Wang Nan briefly, and got in the car and left. However, I saw in the rearview mirror that Wang Nan was standing at the gate of the community, looking at the direction I was going away, and had not left for a long time.

Along the way, my mood suddenly became heavy and I thought about many things.

Soon, the car arrived in front of the psychology clinic tomorrow. I paid to get out of the car and walked straight into the gate.

"Senior, why did you come back, have you eaten?" Xiaofeng asked with concern.

"Oh, I have eaten it already!" I glanced at her standing at the front desk, and thought that this little girl must make a joke to me again, saying so soon, I’m going to date alone, is there any Going to see a movie or something messy words.

Unexpectedly, Xiaofeng didn't say as I expected, but when she opened her mouth, it made me curious: "Someone has been waiting for you for a long time!" Then she glanced at the back room consultation room.

Yep? a. I hurriedly opened the door of the consulting room, and immediately became happy! The person here is just my hairpin, detective Wang Kunpeng!

"Oh! Why are you here?" I walked up to him a few steps and said excitedly.

Wang Kunpeng sat on the sofa, folded his arms around his chest, and elbowed his legs. He glanced at me and said, "In broad daylight, the doctor is not in the clinic. I heard that your kid is going on a date? Isn't it cool!"

As soon as I heard it, I knew it, that girl Xiaofeng must be talking nonsense! He couldn't help but glanced back at her in the outhouse. At this moment, Xiaofeng was covering her mouth with joy, laughing so that it was a joy.

"No, don't listen to that girl's nonsense, I'm visiting the doctor!" I quickly explained.

Instead, I asked again: "I remember never telling you the location of my clinic, how did you find it here?"

"You forgot what I did?" Wang Kunpeng cast a scornful look at me, "Do you think our policemen are all for dry food? Isn't it easy to find you?"

I was stunned by his words. scare! Looking at Wang Kunpeng sitting in such a bullish manner, and the tone of his speech, how do I feel that he is bigger than Deputy Governor Wang!

I thought to myself: Don’t be proud of you kid, if I saw the police uncle before, I might have been a little restrained, but now it’s different. I’m the one who drank with the deputy governor!

After thinking about it, I'm not welcome anymore, and sat on the sofa without being humble or arrogant, facing Wang Kunpeng face to face.

Wang Kunpeng on the opposite side was a little strange to see me like this, but soon he said solemnly: "Tell me honestly, don't let me resort to tricks!"

Um? What should I explain? I, I didn't do anything illegal. What can I do as a doctor who runs a clinic? Does he mean going to Wang Nan's house

"Didn't I say that, I went to the clinic and helped my friend's mother for a diagnosis and treatment!" I thought it would be fine to explain this way, but Wang Kunpeng actually yelled:

"Don't talk nonsense, talk about the point, don't you know what you have done yourself?" (End of this chapter)