Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 47: Something happened to Xiao Xuan


When I heard Boss Hao say this, I panicked. Hurriedly asked: "What's the matter?"

"That girl is guilty of something wrong again, just now... Well, she stole someone's cash bag!" Boss Hao was very anxious on the phone.

When I heard this, I only felt a mess in my head. Xiao Xuan stole something from someone again? She has not come after the last addiction treatment. Could it be that she has committed theft again

I suddenly recalled what Professor Yang said to me that day. He said that psychological disorders like this addiction are easy to repeat and require special attention. What's more, Xiao Xuan didn't complete the entire course of treatment at all.

And recently, I didn’t know what I was busy with, so I didn’t pay special attention to follow up on Xiaoxuan's situation. It was my dereliction of duty! Careless, really careless! This is really not listening to the old man's words, the disadvantage is in front of me!

"Doctor Gao, the guest... has already called the police, are you... come and have a look?" Boss Hao said hesitantly on the phone.

"I'll be here soon!" I hung up the phone and told Xiaofeng that there was an urgent matter. Without taking off my white lab coat, I rushed out of the clinic.

It was also anxious enough. When the time was just in time for the taxi to turn over, I stood on the side of the road and raised my hand for a long time, but I didn't get a car.

At this moment, a private car suddenly stopped in front of me, the window glass was lowered, and Xiao Shuang was actually sitting there in the co-pilot's seat.

"New brother, what are you doing?" Xiao Shuang asked me with a smile.

"It's Xiaoshuang, I have to go out in a hurry..." I greeted her briefly and looked at the taxi on the road.

"Where, let's see you off!" The young man in the driver's seat suddenly said.

"Yes, we will send you off, we can't call a car at this time." Xiao Shuang said with concern.

"Um..." I hesitated, looked at my watch, and looked at the road again, "Okay!" So I got into the car and sat in the back row.

"Doctor Gao, where are you going?" the young man asked me.

"Ah... There is a'Hao Zai Lai' restaurant near the medical school..." I quickly answered.

"Oh, I know that!" After that, he started the car and drove towards the medical school.

At this moment, my thoughts were all on Xiaoxuan's affairs, sitting in the back row, silent and stunned. Seeing me like this, Xiao Shuang waved to my eyes and asked:

"New brother, are you okay?"

"Oh... I'm fine, that..." I wanted to ask the young man to drive faster, but I didn't know how to call him.

Xiao Shuang saw what I meant, and quickly asked the man to drive away, then introduced to me: "You just call him Xiaogang, he is my... boyfriend..."

What? Boy friend? I can't help but be in chaos again. When I was practicing with Xiaoshuang before, I accidentally learned that the person she liked was me. Why did she suddenly have another boyfriend? I took a closer look at the boy's appearance, it was indeed very similar to me, and he was also wearing glasses.

Could it be that I misunderstood and mistakenly thought that the person she liked was me, but it should be this boy named Xiaogang, right? In other words, my hypnosis skills are not enough. The person Xiao Shuang saw was not wearing a white lab coat? Is this all a misunderstanding

Sitting at the back, I suddenly felt that I lacked too much. Recalling the past, I was indeed a little proud and complacent. I thought that after solving a few trivial things, I was just like the old Qi and the others said. Become a psychologist!

As a result, because she ignored the teacher's advice and did not follow up on Xiaoxuan's affairs, she had another problem. At this time, I was very guilty and felt that I was not worthy of the title of a psychologist.

Suddenly, I remembered Xiao Meng again. At the beginning, Teacher Yang also told me to follow up on her situation, but I did not continue to pay attention. Thinking of this, I quickly asked Xiao Shuangdao:

"Xiao Shuang, how is the matter with Xiao Meng?"

"Xiao Meng, alas! The school has been suspended, and their family has moved to the south..." Xiao Shuang's smiley face suddenly became gloomy and looked very disappointed.

It's no wonder that she is Xiao Meng's best friend, playing together from childhood to growing up, at this time a sense of loss is normal. And Xiao Meng's parents' choice was also right. Even though they didn't blame their daughter for such an incident, they were terrible, and it was so violent that they probably couldn't live in this city anymore.

"Do you still have their contact information?" I asked Xiao Shuangdao. I think even if they have moved away, I should remind them to go to the local psychology clinic to continue to treat Xiao Meng's psychological trauma. This incident has dealt a big blow to her and requires active treatment.

"No, they all changed numbers..." Xiao Shuang was even more disappointed, and sighed deeply.

"Oh!" I also sighed, their family chose to disappear, and we had nothing to do. This matter had to be put aside for the time being.

Then, I started thinking about Xiaoxuan's business again. I heard from Boss Hao just now that she stole a bag containing cash, and it is estimated that there is a lot of money in it. This time, she was in jail.

Mental illness cannot be used as an excuse to escape criminal responsibility. my country’s law stipulates that only serious mental illnesses who commit crimes during the onset of illness can be reduced or exempted from criminal liability. Xiaoxuan just has a psychological disorder of addiction, obviously she doesn't have the conditions.

Thinking of this, I regretted it again.

Soon, the car arrived in front of "Hao Zailai". I got out of the car quickly and was about to close the car door, but I saw Xiaoxuan rushing out from the door of the hotel! Panicked, as if running away.

I wanted to call her, but who knows, before I could open my mouth, Xiao Xuan ran into the motorway and was hit by an oncoming jeep, hitting in the air and falling heavily to the ground!

I was stunned! Witnessing such a scene is something I never expected! I only felt that neither of my legs were under the control of my brain, and I slowly walked to the side of Xiaoxuan.

There is a red in the field of vision! I only saw blood all over the ground, and Xiao Xuan lying on the ground was spraying blood constantly from her mouth and nose. Then, when my eyes went dark, I didn't know anything.

I don't know how long it was, and I was groggy, and I heard someone calling me.

"Gaoxin! Gaoxin!" was a woman's voice.

My head was dizzy, I tried hard to wake up, but I couldn't. There was chaos in the whole brain, and I even felt that I had no thoughts at the time.

It took a while before I tried to open my eyes again. When I finally opened my eyes, I realized that the person who had been calling me was actually Wang Nan!

"Wang Nan? Why... Is it you?" I was surprised, and looked around again, "Where am I?"

"You are in the emergency room of the hospital!" Xiaofeng's voice came, and I turned my head to see that it was her. "Unexpectedly, you are still fainted? This doctor is the one!"

Xiaofeng put her hands on her hips, still not forgetting to sarcasm me.

"Hospital?" I tried to recall in my mind, thinking of the process of going to "Hao Zailai" and the plot of Xiaoxuan being hit by a car, and I couldn't help but feel a pain in my heart.

"Where is Xiaoxuan? How is she?" I asked quickly, and tried to sit up.

Wang Nan pressed me once, which meant that I should stop worrying. But neither of them answered my question and was silent for a while.

"She... is dead?" I quickly asked when I saw their appearance, realizing that it was not good.

"Don't think about that, you haven't recovered by yourself..." Wang Nan was aside, holding my hand, and talking with concern, but I interrupted him.

"What's wrong with Xiao Xuan? Is she dead?" At this moment, I was anxious, eager to know the truth.

"Not dead, but she entered the ICU, and the situation is not optimistic..." Wang Nan replied in a low voice.

After hearing this, I felt like burning, and I was anxious to sit up. But all of a sudden, I got up too fiercely, and my eyes were dark again. Fortunately, Wang Nan helped me in time and didn't fall out of bed.

"Hey? That patient, why are you up? You have to get a bottle of drip later!" At this moment a nurse came over and yelled at me.

I ignored her words and insisted on getting out of bed. With Wang Nan's support, I walked out of the emergency room.

I finally rushed to the door of the ICU out of breath, but was told that I could not go in. I am a doctor, of course I understand this truth, and I didn't insist on going in. But I eagerly inquired about Xiao Xuan's situation.

"Head injury, deep coma!" The nurse on duty in front of the door said sadly. (End of this chapter)