Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 53: Silent night is silent


Although Wang Nan was drunk and bewildered at this time, I still vaguely noticed that there was a trace of sadness in her eyes.

"I..." Hearing her question, I choked up for a while. Of course I know why, but that is a deep pain in my heart. Apart from Wang Kunpeng's ability to understand some plots briefly, I have never mentioned it to anyone, nor have I planned to tell it to anyone.

It's just that Wang Nan in front of me seems to care about this matter very much, and I don't want to mention that sad past. How should I reply to her

"Do you... like her?" Wang Nan saw me hesitate to speak, and then glanced at me with a very complicated look.

This time, I was in a daze, as if seeing so jealousy in her eyes. However, we have all drunk so much wine, my eyes are also confused. I don't know if she read it wrong, or she expressed the wrong intention under the anesthesia of alcohol.

"I don't like her..." Looking at Wang Nan's eyes, I should have explained sincerely. Why should it be? Because I may not be sure myself, the stamina of this red wine is indeed quite big.

Wang Nan looked at me suspiciously and didn't seem to believe my explanation. Until then, I suddenly understood that her indifferent attitude in the taxi was due to this reason? Because she misunderstood the relationship between Xiaoxuan and me, what kind of performance did she have

"Oh!" Wang Nan looked at me for a while, his eyes dimmed, and he sighed. "You men..."

Don't tell me, what are we men? Could it be that she has had an emotional experience that could not bear to look back? What's the knot in my heart

To be honest, I really want to know her past at this time, and the fire of curiosity in my heart is burning. But I don't know how to ask her. Even if I ask, will she tell me

Wang Nan didn't continue to say anything, and drank a glass of wine on his own. This cup is not just a shallow cup as it was at the beginning, but almost full of a goblet.

"Drink less, get drunk..." I quickly discouraged me when I saw this.

"Wow drunk, living so sober and tired..." Before I could finish speaking, Wang Nan interrupted me and picked up the wine bottle and poured a full glass.

"If you have any worries, you can tell me." Seeing her like this, I couldn't help but say.

"Hehe, why, do you want to treat me as well?" Wang Nan smiled contemptuously and said, looking at me.

"No, don't treat me as a psychiatrist, even if it's just a chat between friends!" I explained quickly.

"Even a friend?" Wang Nan asked me again, "Well, even a friend."

I feel that I have said the wrong thing again, even if it is a friend, it is indeed quite raw. Maybe in Wang Nan's mind, she has already regarded me as her friend, but I said it as if it was reluctant, which probably made her feel very uncomfortable.

"No, no, if you don't dislike it, then we are friends!" I hurriedly waved my hand and explained.

Wang Nan looked at me and suddenly laughed. "Haha, look at your nervousness, of course I am willing to be your friend, and..." She stopped, took a sip of wine and said, "You help me, I help you, you are a friend!"

I suddenly relaxed a little bit. I don't know why, but I also care about Wang Nan's attitude. This has been the case since I first met her.

I also said that because of Xiaobei's incident, I have never had a girlfriend. However, in recent years, as I am getting older, my parents at home have also begun to urge me to get married. I have gradually started to meet some women and have experienced several blind dates.

The reason why I still don't have a girlfriend is that I didn't meet a suitable person, and secondly, I didn't feel the target of the blind date.

In fact, there is nothing wrong with this form of blind date, but many people have not arranged it properly.

The introducer should introduce everything he knows to the other party, accept it, and meet again. When meeting for the first time, the two people mainly talk about other topics and find a sense of getting along.

After knowing the conditions of the other party, if the two can still feel better, then it would be better to get along with each other further.

But the few blind dates I have experienced have made me feel no different from talking about business. The woman waits for the price, and the man accepts cross-examination to show off his strength. Talking about some practical topics, such as: house, car, education, work, family status and so on.

What's more, it's simply human trading. I won't mention that.

I have to mention that there is such a girl. The reason for mentioning her may be that she is too weird, but it does not mean that all women are like this.

That was not the girl introduced by Lao Qi, but was introduced by family relatives. I couldn't save face, so I had to bite the bullet. This should be my first blind date.

Because it was the first blind date, I didn't have much experience, and I dressed very ordinary and didn't deliberately dress up. After seeing the girl, we found a teahouse, ordered a pot of tea, and stopped talking. Actually, I really don't know what to say.

But the girl took the initiative to raise questions as soon as she came up. It's all about the house, the car, the job, and so on. It's very practical. Although I was disgusted, at least this was introduced by relatives, so I answered seriously.

But the girl became less interested in me the more she listened, because my condition was so average. Except for a graduate degree, nothing else. At that time, I had not opened a clinic. Even if the clinic is opened, this benefit will not enter her eyes.

As the blind date progressed, the atmosphere became more and more awkward. For a while, neither of us spoke. I took this opportunity to take a good look at the girl's appearance.

She is a bit fat, with darker skin. I can't describe her appearance well. You can think of Mr. Guo Degang at this time. There are thick hairs on the top of the mouth. Seeing that, it is thicker than the beard of some old men!

When she looked around, I still vaguely saw that near her ears, it seemed very dirty and dark, and I didn’t know what it was...

To be honest, and when I take a closer look, I really feel a little sick. People like us who are doctors, no matter what their professions, are more or less a bit clean. You girl, no matter what you look like, you must pay attention to personal hygiene!

Later, our blind date ended awkwardly in our extreme disappointment, and there was no need to even keep a phone number.

After I went back, I questioned the relative of the referrer. Only then did I learn that the girl was actually in a very ordinary situation. The family’s financial situation was not good, she had no house, no car, junior high school education, no job, and she had been in a 5-year job before. 6 boyfriends!

The reason why I say this girl is wonderful is not because of her poor conditions. In fact, my own conditions were not very good at the time. In addition to the appearance, it can barely make sense, and there is a graduate degree, and nothing else.

What I'm talking about is that this girl has a weird attitude towards blind dates and even marriage. In fact, I am very opposed to men who have a little financial condition and pick and choose from girls; I also oppose girls' behavior that is too realistic and puts themselves up for sale.

But I have to say that the current state of society is like this, and there is nothing wrong with the reality of human life. But is this girl realistic? On the surface it looks very realistic and practical, but in fact it is the most unrealistic.

The real reality is to choose an object that suits you best and is closest to your expectations according to your own conditions. This is called true reality. That is to say, to realize one's own ideals within the scope that can be realized, according to the traditional saying, it is called the right one.

And this weird girl is different, she's completely dreaming and hitting her luck! Based on her own conditions, it is a bit difficult to find a very ordinary man. She actually dreams of meeting a particularly good man, crying and crying to marry her...

Not much to say, because I am a man, so the blind girl must be a strange girl. It is estimated that many female friends have encountered strange men during the blind date process, but I have never met in my life...

Again, weird flowers are always in the minority, and I believe many women are still better!

For example, Wang Nan. (End of this chapter)