Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 59: Terminally ill man


Xiao Gong felt very embarrassed when he heard my question. "I'm afraid he won't be able to come now, we finally tied him up..."

"It's not always the best way to tie him up. It's better to take him to the clinic. It's not bad to go to your house, but it may be a lot of inconvenience." I glanced at Xiao Gong, who was hesitant. , Look..."

The Xiao Gong in front of him thought for a long time before he made up his mind and said: "Well, I'll bring him back, doctor..." She looked at me suspiciously, "Are you sure you can cure him?"

"I know it in my heart, but the specifics still have to wait for him to come before further diagnosis." Naturally, it is impossible for me to speak too much.

"Then... How much do I need to pay this time?" Xiao Gong hesitatingly asked.

It seems that she is still a little afraid of spending money. It is estimated that they have hired the so-called master before, and they have been cheated, so she seems very careful. Haha, what is the payment? You are also for consultation. If I collect all the money, it won't be a black shop.

So, I shook my head and said with a smile: "You are a consultation, you don't need to pay, but..." I'm also afraid that she won't return as soon as she leaves, so I quickly add some code, "Listen to your description, your husband is suffering from psycho The possibility of obstacles is very high, so don't hire any masters, and take him for treatment as soon as possible. I am afraid that it will become more and more serious after a long time!"

I didn't frighten her. Xiao Zhang's condition has already developed to the stage of self-harm. If he does not seek medical treatment in time, he may develop into schizophrenia and it will be difficult to cure.

After hearing what I said, Xiao Gong looked a little pleased, thanked him, and hurriedly left the clinic.

This time, I asked Xiaofeng to ask for her contact information before she left. It’s nothing else. After Xiaoxuan’s incident, I dare not care anymore, even if they don’t come to my clinic. I will also pay a return visit when I look back, and persuade them to go to the psychological clinic of a big hospital.

After sending off Xiao Gong, I hurried to the clinic, where there is still a gentleman waiting.

As soon as I entered the door, I saw him sitting on the sofa opposite the door, with his head down, his hands on the coffee table and holding them together. From the perspective of behavioral psychology, this action represents tension and anxiety.

This man is about 40 years old. He is wearing a short-sleeved white shirt. His neckline is a bit yellowish, his hair is a bit messy, and his stubble is very long and he has not shaved. He also didn't drink a sip of the tea on the coffee table.

On the whole, this man seems to be worried about what is on his mind. I think that this person's situation should be the scope of our clinic's business.

"Please have tea! The tea is cold, Xiaofeng, give me a cup!" I hurriedly said.

"Doctor, no trouble, I...not thirsty..." the middle-aged man said quickly. In fact, the underlying meaning of this kind of remark was that he was eager to tell me something, so I waved to Xiaofeng and signaled that he didn't need to have tea, and then sat opposite him.

"What's your name?" I asked gently.

"My last name is Zhou..." he replied absently.

"You have..." I just wanted to ask him: What do you want to consult, but before he could say anything, Mr. Zhou actually knelt down in front of him.

"Mr. Zhou, what are you doing? Get up!" I hurried forward to pull him, but said that I couldn't pull him up.

"Doctor, save me, save me, I have a terminal illness!" Mr. Zhou almost wailed, crying bitterly.

This... terminal illness? What terminal illness? The terminally ill should not come to the psychological clinic! Isn't this man's situation the business scope of our clinic? Thinking of this, I couldn't help being a little disappointed, but I still pulled him up and sat back on the sofa. I handed over a few more tissues and persuaded him:

"Don't worry, speak slowly, I will try my best to help you!"

"Doctor, I seem to have a heart attack..." Mr. Zhou said while wiping tears.

heart disease? He couldn't be mistaken! I am a psychological clinic, and I have the word "heart", but I don't treat heart disease here!

Besides, although heart disease is a serious disease, it is not a terminal illness! I thought for a while, and found something strange, so I quickly asked Mr. Zhou to explain in detail what was going on.

Mr. Zhou said that for many years, he felt that he had a heart problem. He was often chest tight and short of breath. Sometimes he couldn't get up when he lay down at night. Especially recently, he felt that every time he lay down, he felt like a huge boulder was pressing on his chest. He was often awakened in dreams and gasped for breath.

He also said that his heart rate is very fast, and sometimes he feels that his heart stops secretly. He didn't dare to be careless himself, so he went to the hospital for an examination, but the doctor said after the examination that he had no heart disease. Mr. Zhou didn't believe him, he went to several hospitals in a row, but it was all the result.

I heard him describe it, it really resembles a heart disease symptom, is it really out of the scope of our clinic? I think Mr. Zhou is carrying a large kraft paper bag with the words XX Hospital written on it. Could it be that there is a medical certificate in it

"Is this a medical certificate? Can I see it?" I asked him carefully.

When Mr. Zhou saw that I wanted to see it, he quickly opened the kraft paper bag and handed me a stack of diagnostic materials. There is an electrocardiogram, a chest radiograph, and a doctor's diagnosis certificate.

I looked through it, and indeed, judging from the diagnosis, he did not have a heart attack. Moreover, this is the result of several hospitals, and there should be nothing wrong with it. What's the matter with him

"What kind of job do you do?" I asked this question in order to find out whether Mr. Zhou is engaged in work that easily affects the heart, such as a boiler worker, a high-voltage electrician, and so on.

"I am an accountant..." Mr. Zhou replied.

As soon as I heard that he was an accountant, I felt a little bit, because the possibility of heart disease in this kind of work is too low. If what Mr. Zhou said is the truth, then he is likely to suffer from the anxiety disorder and psychogenic pain in the body dysfunction.

As the name suggests, people can understand the symptoms at a glance, so I don’t need to elaborate. This psychogenic pain is due to psychological barriers that cause physical problems, such as feelings of pain, but physically, there is no way to find out the problem.

The most common situation is to suspect that there is a heart problem. Many people have this experience. When they encounter something, they feel that their chest is tight, and even feel a little pain in the heart. They think that their heart is not good, but it is actually just emotional.

Even people who don’t have a mental illness will feel something strange in their chests when they are in pain, sorrow, joy, or parting. When they feel happy, they will feel warm in their chests. In fact, it’s all emotions. It has nothing to do with the heart.

Mr. Zhou in front of him may be suffering from anxiety and psychogenic pain. In other words, the various discomforts he described do exist. He did not lie, but it was not a physical problem, but a psychological problem.

Although I think so, I cannot say that. A patient like this is very convinced that he is sick, and even the hospital's diagnosis is not believed, so how can I be convinced by a few words of mine.

"Mr. Zhou, you think you have a heart disease, but even if it is a heart disease, it is not a terminal illness!" I thought about it and said to him.

"I have other diseases!" Mr. Zhou looked firmly convinced.

"You...what else is sick?" Actually, I have basically determined from his performance at this moment. Mr. Zhou's problem is a psychological problem, but he still has to follow his words and continue to talk.

"I have lung cancer!" Mr. Zhou was eloquent again, and he coughed twice as he spoke.

When I saw the situation, I couldn't follow him anymore, otherwise he wouldn't necessarily say how many kinds of illnesses he had. Moreover, I guess he must have said it all right, more like that than my medical school graduate said.

He is doing accounting work, facing the computer every day, he can find out what is uncomfortable by checking the Internet. As a result, he looks more and more alike, and the more he sees it, the more he doubts it.

"Mr. Zhou, you also know that we are a psychological clinic here, which does not treat heart disease and lung cancer. Why do you come here for medical treatment?" I already know his situation, so I simply put forward a sharp point. problem.

"This... I really can't help it!" Mr. Zhou's eyes dimmed and he replied hesitantly. (End of this chapter)