Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 591: Time flies


In this way, by chance, Lao Qi and I became neighbors again, and they were still so close upstairs and downstairs! We definitely did not discuss this point in advance, and it can be regarded as an arrangement from heaven. Our brothers are really destined too!

It's just a bit more embarrassing! Since we moved into the new house, the rhythm of the morning with Lao Qi is: I drive his daughter-in-law to work, and he drives my daughter-in-law to work!

Old Qi also bought a car later. He and Wang Nan are in the same unit. In most cases, as long as two people work a day, they will go all the way; and Xiaofeng is my employee. As a leader, I have to be her every day. driver!

Because it is an existing house, after one month of renovation, the house was dried for a while, and we all moved in one after another. In other words, I finally lived with Wang Nan.

Of course, before that, we had gone to the Civil Affairs Bureau to get the marriage certificate. When the staff of the Civil Affairs Bureau handed the two red notebooks to our hands, they said the sentence: "Congratulations on becoming a legal couple!" I was suddenly inexplicably excited!

I finally married Wang Nan as my wife! I feel that my life has suddenly sublimated, with a new height and starting point!

My dizziness has been cured with the removal of the brain tumor. Therefore, when I live with Wang Nan next, let it go with the flow, and it will come naturally! Our love is further sublimated, harmonious and happy. She became my woman, and I became his man. From then on, we will be with each other hand in hand and promise not to leave this life!

Of course, this is not all. On our side, only the wedding is considered to be officially married. The next step is to prepare for the wedding.

Old Qi, this dog-skin plaster, can be regarded as sticking to me! Buy a house and join in the fun with me, even when we get married, he also comes to join in the fun! The idea of this guy is that we two couples get married together! At the beginning, I still disagree with this approach, but Wang Nan thought it was quite good!

What is even more surprising is that Zhang Ketao is also going to marry Bai Lu. He heard the news, and even cheeky wanted to join!

In the end, a collective wedding of three couples was grandly held in the largest hotel in the city!

This wedding is certainly not as luxurious as those of the second-generation rich and powerful, but because it was a collective wedding of three couples, the number of guests hit a new high. There were more than 200 tables at the wedding and more than 2,000 guests!

Of course, a large part of these guests came for the sake of Vice Governor Wang. How can Lao Qi, Zhang Ketao and I have so many relatives and friends! In other words, we really borrowed Wang Nan's light!

On the day of the wedding, Team Zhang, Team Zhu, Team Qi, and even Liu Ju, all brought their hands down to attend my wedding. The tables were made up of uniformed police officers, and quite a few policemen married.


It is worth mentioning that Professor Yang, who was seriously ill, was also accompanied by his daughter, Dr. Jingjing Yang, to attend my wedding, and I was overwhelmed by it.

The wedding was grand and lively, but after the whole wedding, I felt just one word: tired!

Before getting married, I discussed with Wang Nan. After the wedding honeymoon, I will go to the South China Sea! Moreover, we have to go to the small island where we were once troubled again! Also, when we were rescued by comrades of the People's Liberation Army, we owed them a pennant!

Of course, Lao Qi and Xiaofeng, Zhang Ketao and Bai Lu also joined the fun, and we went to the South China Sea together! When we finally rented a boat and arrived at the small island where Wang Nan and I were in trouble, we discovered that some traces of our fire and activities were still there!

In fact, Lao Qi had never believed my experience of being killed in the South China Sea before, thinking that I was mostly bragging. Right now, he saw those traces with his own eyes and listened to me on the scene. He was convinced and began to admire him. I'm here!

The stars are shifting, the sun and the moon are like shuttles, and in a blink of an eye, five years have passed...

Soon after marriage, Wang Nan became pregnant! She conceived in October and gave birth to our baby daughter Xiaoyu. Now I live in a whirlpool of happiness every day. As the saying goes, wives and children are hot on the bed, life is like this, so what can I do for my husband

After Lao Qi and Xiaofeng got married, they also gave birth to a son soon, his nickname is awesome! Shameless old Qi, must be married to my little Yu!

The current old seventh is no longer an ordinary person. In five years, he has been the chief physician of the Mental Health Rehabilitation Center, from the original Doctor Lu to Director Lu!

And Wang Nan... She became my employee! In other words, my original ambition to be the dean has finally come true!

Our Tomorrow Psychological Clinic became bigger and bigger, and finally upgraded to become the "Tomorrow Mental Health Consultation Center". It is no longer a small store, but a private hospital with a business area of more than 10,000 square meters and dozens of employees. !

In addition to the diagnosis and treatment of mental illness, our hospital has also opened a mental illness department. In this way, if the patients who come to me belong to the category of mental illness, they don't need to be introduced to the old seven and their units. And the director of the mental health specialist is my wife Wang Nan!

In addition, Xiaofeng has also become the director of the Mental Health Specialist, and Xiaojianxin is no longer a receptionist, but a real psychologist!

My hairdresser Wang Kunpeng, after recovering from that injury, his health is no longer serious, and he has returned to work as a criminal police officer. Moreover, he is now the deputy captain of the district criminal investigation detachment! Team Zhang eventually became the captain of the city criminal police team!

Zhang Ketao this

A crappy detective, after years of hard work, is also a small accomplishment. From the original leather bag company, he was alone, and now he has opened a veritable detective agency with several employees!

In addition, the 50,000 yuan that this guy owed me was finally paid off! I wasn't in a hurry at first, but he insisted on paying it back, saying that it always felt too heavy to carry the debt!

There is also Xiaoshuang. Their restaurant is getting more and more prosperous. They also opened two branches in this city. Xiaoshuang himself resolutely applied for the medical school. Now he has graduated from undergraduate and started to study for graduate school. Of course, that’s for sure. It was caused by my profound influence.

I support Xiao Shuang's choice. Our hospital is also short of staff. If she can come to our hospital for an internship or even become a doctor here, I would still welcome her!

Everything seemed to be a perfect happy ending. There was only one thing that made me very sad. Professor Yang eventually passed away due to illness...

He was my leader in entering this industry, a rigorous scholar like a father, and a gentleman who taught us respectfully. He was only 68 years old when he passed away...

When Professor Yang left, I was there. He was too weak to speak, but with the last bit of strength, he held my hand tightly and looked at me with Qi Ji's eyes. Until the end, he His eyes gradually dimmed and left us forever.

No one has died in life since ancient times. Some people are alive and he is dead, and some people are dead, but he is still alive! Although Professor Yang has left us, he will always live in our hearts! I secretly swear that I must make achievements in this field, uphold Professor Yang's academic philosophy, inherit his mantle, and fulfill his last wish in the heart of the elderly!

That is to let more people pay attention to mental health and let mental health awareness be injected into everyone's heart!

Because of Professor Yang's condition, Yang Jingjing basically stayed with his elders in China, and I often visited Teacher Yang, so I inevitably got in touch with her more. In the process of interacting with each other, we talked a lot about academic content, and Yang Jingjing also praised me very much.

After Professor Yang passed away, Yang Jingjing recommended me to join the Chinese Psychology Forum. I later published an academic paper "Mental Health and Criminal Cases", which was unanimously recognized and affirmed by the industry!

Later, I became a member of the Chinese Psychological Association, and now, I have served as the deputy secretary-general!

The smooth flow of my career did not make me feel complacent. In addition to continuing to delve deeply into the business and technology in this field, there is one more thing that has always been unforgettable, and, like a shadow, has always been in my heart.

That is, where did Zhang Guofeng go? Will he suddenly appear again one day? (End of this chapter)