Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 594: Same place


I have speculated for a long time, and I feel that the ruins of the primary school should not be the old place he said. Besides, it is the park!

In the morning before the Resident Evil incident, Zhang Guofeng was waiting for me in the park and revealed a lot of important information to me. If it's the old place, all I can think of is there. However, the park is also a place with a lot of eyesight for individuals, Zhang Guofeng, dare to show up there openly

"I'll see you in the old place" This sentence only said the location, but didn't agree on the time. This is actually very strange. Could he still be there waiting for me? I thought about it and thought there was a possibility, that is, the meeting time, it should be in the early morning! Because last time we met in the park, it was this time!

There are very few people in the park at this time, and it does meet the requirements for meeting. He put the card on my car window this evening, which means that the meeting time is early tomorrow morning!

This hateful Zhang Guofeng is always so mysterious, the more I think about it, the more I feel that this speculation is reliable, and at the same time I start to get nervous. I glanced at the wall clock on the wall. It is now over nine o'clock in the evening. It seems that I really have to go to bed early and get up early to go to the park tomorrow!

However, the more I wanted to go to bed earlier, the more I couldn't fall asleep, probably because I felt a little scared, worried, and even excited when I thought of meeting tomorrow. I've been tossing about it for a long time, and finally I don't know when I fell asleep.

Even though I fell asleep, I didn’t sleep well and had a night’s dream, but it was not a nightmare, but in the dream I felt that I wanted to catch what I said but couldn’t catch it. In the end, Woke up in a hurry.

When I woke up, I looked at my watch, and it was only after 3 o'clock in the morning. I guess I could no longer fall asleep. I looked at Wang Nan and Xiaoyu beside me. They were sleeping soundly. I just got up, went to the bathroom to wash my face, then changed into sportswear, and went to work out, but this time, I took my phone with me!

"Xiaoxin... Why are you going?" I was about to go out. My mother didn't know when she woke up, so she asked me quietly in the bedroom.

"Go out to exercise..." I also whispered to her.

"What time is it..." My mother didn't stop me. She just complained like this, turned over and fell asleep again, and then I opened the door lightly and left the house.

The new house I bought has three bedrooms and one living room. Wang Nan and I live in the master bedroom. The second bedroom is considered as a guest room. It is reserved for my parents or Wang Nan’s parents when they come. There is also a room for Xiaoyu. But now it is used as a study room.

The distance between my community and the original park is not so close. It has to be 5-6 stops, unlike the original, I can just run a few steps to get there so convenient. However, I came out wearing a sports suit and drove over again. Isn't it too weird

Since I bought a car, I have become more and more lazy and have fewer opportunities to exercise. Just when I came out today, I simply put my mind on it and let's run! That is just over 3 kilometers!

Immediately, I really ran to the park, but after less than one kilometer out, I was out of breath! It's really impossible not to exercise!

When I finally rushed to the park, I found the tree-lined road where I met Zhang Guofeng last time. It was almost at the origin. There was a park bench with a person sitting on it, which seemed to be waiting for my arrival. !

Is it Zhang Guofeng? Did he come so early? It seems I guessed it right, it really is this time and place! It is summer, and the sky in the early morning is bright. Although the sun has not yet risen, the visibility is quite good.

I gradually approached that person with a sense of anxiety, but the more I watched, the more I felt something was wrong. This person is not Zhang Guofeng either!

Sitting on the bench in front of me was an old man, who seemed to be about the same age as my dad. He was a little flat. The place supported the central hairstyle. He was slightly fat, but not bloated. He was wearing a very light casual sportswear. He seemed to just come out. It's just an old man doing morning exercises.

Am I guessing wrong? The old place Zhang Guofeng said was not this park

"Doctor Gao, you are late!" I was wondering when the old man suddenly turned his head and looked at me with a clear tone of voice that he knew me, and he was still waiting for me.

"Cheng...Cheng Ming!" I was stunned. Only then did I see clearly that the old man in front of me was not someone else, it was Cheng Ming who disappeared with Zhang Guofeng!

The fake Cheng Ming is dead, just in front of my eyes. He was shot dead by the police indiscriminately. He died so thoroughly that it is impossible to resurrect. Then the old man in front of me must be the true Cheng Ming, who had been to my clinic. , The Cheng Ming who made a mystery and said he wanted to cooperate with me!

"Young man, I am about the same age as your dad, so you just call me by my name? How should I call it Uncle Cheng?" This Cheng Ming ignored my surprise, but said lightly. .

"Um... you... why are you here?" Uncle Cheng, I didn't call out, but I still addressed you politely.

"It's very simple, I'm the one who invited you..." Cheng Ming replied lightly.

What? It turned out to be him? I always thought Zhang Guofeng asked me to come, but I didn't expect it to be him! That's right. In a sense, he is also an old friend I haven't seen for a long time, but this meeting place is not my old place with him. I met Zhang Guofeng here before.

From this, I judged that even if it was Cheng Ming who showed up today, it must have something to do with Zhang Guofeng's kid! Otherwise, how could he know that this is the so-called "old place"

"Where is Zhang Guofeng? What about the others?" I asked continuously, and asked in confusion again.

"Dead..." Cheng Ming no longer looked at me, but instead looked into the distance with a melancholy expression and replied.

What? Zhang Guofeng is dead? I can't believe my ears! Zhang Guofeng has disappeared for five years, as if the world has evaporated, is it because he is already dead? But is this true

"He... How did he die?" Although I didn't dare to believe Cheng Ming's words directly, Quan Qi believed that it was true and asked along the way.

"Non-communicable genetic virus outbreak..." Cheng Ming replied with a very professional answer.

The so-called non-infectious does not mean that it is not necessarily non-infectious, but the chance of infection is very low, the channel is also very simple, and it is not easily infected. If it is not contagious, it is not called a virus.

However, the word gene has aroused my vigilance. Wasn't the virus that almost caused the biohazard in the first place a genetic virus? The difference is that one is extremely easy to spread and the other is not easy to spread.

So, this also shows that this kind of virus is not a product of nature, but a criminal group developed by Cheng Ming and the others! However, how could Zhang Guofeng be infected with this virus

"Are you thinking, why Zhang Guofeng was infected with this virus?" At this time, Cheng Ming seemed to be possessed by a psychologist and directly guessed what I was thinking.

"Yes, what's the matter?" I didn't deny it either, and quickly asked.

"Come here, sit down and talk, you stand there, it feels weird..." Cheng Ming said, looked around, and patted the bench next to him.

I hesitated for a moment, and it didn't matter if I thought about it, I really walked over and sat down steadily.

"Actually, this question is very easy to answer. Otherwise, why do you think that guy who impersonates me can make Zhang Guofeng be loyal to him with all my heart?" Cheng Ming explained as soon as I sat down.

what! It turned out to be so, no wonder Zhang Guofeng was so loyal and did all the bad things for the black hand behind the scenes. It turned out that he was also manipulated!

I speculate that Zhang Guofeng should have been infected with a virus. This virus has a chronic attack. If you take medicine, you can control it. There is no life-threatening. However, this medicine may only be in the hands of the black hand behind the scenes. Therefore, Zhang Guofeng I had no choice but to obey him!

This is a smart control method, and it can even be said to be full of technical content! However, why are the behind-the-scenes not widely used on the members of the organization? The six backbones who were arrested are all alive in prison now. The same goes for Wang Chunyu and others. Haven't heard of anyone who died because of a disease caused by a genetic virus

Thinking of this, I quickly raised my own question.

"Hehe, this is a long story. I'm afraid I have to start talking about Zhang Guofeng's life experience..." (End of this chapter)