Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 595: Real life experience


Cheng Ming didn't look at me. He always looked at the morning tree-lined road shrouded in the mist in the distance, and began his long narration...

Zhang Guofeng was a hard-failed child. When his mother was giving birth to him, she died because of a dystocia. It is not easy to be a father and mother with his father alone. Xiao Zhang Guofeng also suffered at that time. Because his father was busy with work, he was often hungry and full. When he was five or six years old, he was thin and withered, just like a little monkey.

Zhang Guofeng's father is named Zhang Shirong, he is an ordinary worker, and he is not an employee of a state-owned unit, but a collective establishment.

The words "state-owned" and "large collective" here are all old words. I am afraid that many people do not understand the meaning. Ask the elderly at home and it should be clear. I won't explain it much.

Zhang Shirong took his son by himself, and it was very difficult. His parents died young, and there were no other relatives in the family, and there was no one who could help. However, despite the hard work, he never gave up hope and has been working hard, hoping to give Zhang Guofeng a bright future.

The house leak happened in the night rain, and Fu Wushuang did not come singly. Just when Zhang Guofeng was 7 years old, he suddenly started to have a fever. Leslie Cheung took his son to several hospitals and did not find out what the problem was. He originally thought it was a cold and fever. It was finally found out that it was caused by an extremely rare blood disease!

This is a congenital gene defect disease that cannot be cured. At that time, there was a medicine imported from abroad that could prolong a certain life span if it was taken for a long time. But even so, Zhang Guofeng will not live to be 20 years old.

What's more terrible is that this medicine is not only rare, but also very expensive. This is a heavy blow to Leslie Cheung. With his low salary, he can't afford to take the medicine for a long time!

However, Zhang Guofeng was already ill at the time. If he did not take the medicine, his life would be dying, and his life would not be guaranteed! The father, Leslie Cheung, went around raising money, and finally bought enough medicine for the child for half a year, but this is what he has done his best. What should I do in the future

The helpless Leslie Cheung is in extreme pain every day. His wife died young, and he and his son have been dependent on each other for so many years. Now the child has to leave him. This blow is undoubtedly very huge. As a father, looking at his seriously ill son , He vowed to find a way to keep his son alive!

That is to say, when he was almost desperate, a cousin Cheng Ming who had not seen him for many years suddenly appeared and found Zhang Shirong. After he understood the situation, he even suggested that he could help him.

At the beginning, Leslie Cheung felt very happy to see the savior, but then, Cheng Ming's words shocked him! It turned out that this good cousin actually let himself go to grab the bank!

Zhang Shi

Rong, although there are a lot of misfortunes in the family, he was not the kind of honest person at first. In the unit, he formed a gang with a few boys. It was like a hegemon in the factory, and even the unit leader had to give them something. face.

Therefore, besides being shocked, he was really tempted! For him, his son is all he has. If his son dies, he has no reason to continue living. With the promise of his cousin Cheng Ming, the robbed money is divided in half, which is a lot of money!

With this money, the son is equal to the continuation of the hope of survival. Therefore, Leslie Cheung hesitated at first, but then he gave up his mind and decided to give it a go! As a result, he won over two of his best friends, namely the fathers of Zhang Shuang and Liu Yan, the brothers Liu Qingshan and Liu Qinghai, and began to plot the crime.

Of course, the overall plan of the whole case was Cheng Ming, and the three of them were actually executors and did not participate more. Even the guns used in the crime were acquired by Cheng Ming. At that time Leslie Cheung asked Cheng Ming where the gun was made, but Cheng Ming refused to say.

Leslie Cheung was very scheming. Seeing Cheng Ming's performance, he had a trace of doubt. This good cousin, wouldn't he be using them? When the money is grabbed, will he betray himself? Will it kill all three of them

Therefore, when Leslie Cheung actually committed the crime, he only took two guns, and the gun with Cheng Ming's fingerprints was secretly handed over to his son for safekeeping. The purpose was actually to keep Cheng Ming's handle to prevent him in the future. Turning over to deny people.

The subsequent robbery was carried out according to the pre-planned plan. Zhang Shirong and the others, in accordance with Cheng Ming's instructions, lay in ambush halfway, robbed a money transport truck, killed and wounded five money transporters with guns, and robbed one hundred. More than ten thousand cash!

In that era, 10,000-yuan households were rare, and the purchasing power of money was considerable, with more than one million in cash, but a huge sum! According to the advance plan, the three of them drove to deposit the money in a secret place agreed in advance, and then they were ready to run away.

Brothers Liu Qingshan and Liu Qinghai are not stupid. They are also afraid of being unloaded and killing the donkey. Therefore, the idea of storing the money first came from them. After all, it is unrealistic to run away with such a large sum of money. , Their idea is to come back to withdraw money and divide the money after the limelight passes. The three of them knew this location, but Cheng Ming didn't.

But in fact, Leslie Cheung told Cheng Ming in advance where the money was stored, which was in an abandoned motor shaft of a factory. He was afraid that something would happen to him and his son would not be taken care of. His thought was that in case he died, Cheng Ming could use the money to take care of Xiao Zhang Guofeng for him.

However, this is all his wishful thinking. I am afraid that Leslie Cheung must have regretted it at the moment before he was shot dead by the police!

Later, the three robbers were surrounded by the police

They were all shot dead in the end, but the whereabouts of the money has become a mystery and has not been found. In fact, it fell into Cheng Ming's hands.

Little Zhang Guofeng, who had lost his mother since he was a child, lost his father and became an orphan completely. What's more, he still suffered from a fatal blood disease. However, Cheng Ming did not seem to be completely perfidy. He really started to take care of Xiao Zhang Guofeng. Although he was confiscated, he was in the orphanage, including all the expenses during his later school days, and the kind of imported drugs. , Cheng Ming gave it all.

In this way, Zhang Guofeng has grown up gradually, and he has been relying on that kind of medicine to sustain his life, but he seems to be no different from an average child. He has no relatives, he only regards Cheng Ming as his relatives, and affectionately calls him his cousin.

When Zhang Guofeng was 14 years old, his cousin Cheng Ming suddenly told him good news, saying that he could cure Zhang Guofeng! Xiao Zhang Guofeng was very happy and accepted the "treatment" happily. The so-called treatment was a shot. Afterwards, Zhang Guofeng had a fever for nearly a month. Later, his cousin gave him another medicine. Slowly, the fever subsided, and his illness was really good. NS!

But after a long time, especially after Zhang Guofeng grew up, he discovered that his illness was cured, but he became dependent on the kind of medicine his cousin gave him. If he didn’t take it, he would experience various discomforts. symptom!

It was not until later that Zhang Guofeng figured out that the injection he received back then was not a treatment, but a test on him. He was just a white mouse!

At that time, Cheng Ming, who was behind the scenes, had already begun to develop this genetic virus, but it was a long-term process. Although the virus developed at the beginning was disease-causing, the course of the disease was too long and the infectivity was extremely low. However, this genetic virus can change the targeted genes in the body and cure Zhang Guofeng's disease!

In other words, this is a way of fighting poison with poison and drinking poison to quench thirst. The original disease is cured, but a new disease is required. However, this new disease is still fatal. It must also be controlled by long-term medication!

However, when Zhang Guofeng understood this, it was too late. He had to rely on the drugs given to him by the black hand behind the scenes to survive. He had no choice but to do a lot of bad things for the black hand behind the scenes.

In order to make Zhang Guofeng a useful dogleg, he was once sent abroad to receive special agent training. During that time, Zhang Guofeng suffered a lot, but fortunately he survived.

However, Zhang Guofeng's mentality has been changing. From the beginning, he regarded Cheng Ming as the only relative he could rely on. In the end, he became hated for him! Because, the more truth he learned, the more he felt that he was just a sad tool! (End of this chapter)