Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 596: FAQ


"So, Zhang Guofeng finally betrayed the black hand behind the scenes?" After listening to Cheng Ming's long narration, I asked.

"It's not just that... but, almost!" Cheng Ming sighed, took a look at me, and responded.

Only then did I truly understand Zhang Guofeng’s past and why in the end, he was willing to help me and the police crack down on the motives behind the gangster. Because of being deceived and exploited for a long time, Zhang Guofeng● hates the man behind the scenes. He wants to take the opportunity to avenge him.

However, this kind of medicine to sustain his life has always been controlled by the black hand behind the scenes. It can be speculated that the formula is also confidential. Once Zhang Guofeng knocks him down, he will no longer have medicine to sustain his life and will eventually die.

In other words, in the park that day, Zhang Guofeng was so melancholy, as if he could see through the red dust, because he knew that his life was shortly gone? He had already seen through life and death and decided to give up

No wonder he said "I'm tired" with such an abnormal attitude at the time, and the root cause is here!

"The Cheng Ming in the story should be the fake Cheng Ming, right?" I then asked.

"Of course, can it still be me?" Cheng Ming replied with a helpless expression on his face after hearing my question.

"But... what on earth did the fake Cheng Ming come from? Why does he want to replace you?" I continued to ask.

"My identity is actually nothing special, probably because we look alike!" Cheng Ming's answer surprised me a bit.

In other words, the fake Cheng Ming didn't actually have plastic surgery, or the plastic surgery was fine-tuning. The reason he pretended to be Cheng Ming was just because the two people were similar in appearance and were easier to enter the role? But who is this fake Cheng Ming

"Who is he?" I quickly continued to ask.

"This fake Cheng Ming, we have also investigated, the background is very clean, as clean as a piece of white paper, so neither Zhang Guofeng nor I know his origin, but..." Cheng Ming said, carrying his hands behind his back and standing. Up.

"But what?" I hurriedly asked.

"Zhang Guofeng once said that when he was trained as an agent in a certain country, he heard that the instructor at the time mentioned an agent named'Black Zero', and he seemed to be an Asian-faced guy, but he disappeared..." Cheng Ming replied .

I actually understand that the so-called training of special agents is not government behavior at all. That instructor will not be a government agent, they are actually free black agents of mercenary nature.

I have read a street lace magazine. It was introduced that some government agents in various countries will become free agents when they betray, escape, or leave the organization when performing their tasks. These people may gather together and become mercenary

The international killer, or solo flight, becomes a black spy.

Some of them may also be tired of that kind of life. After getting rid of the organization, they took refuge in a corner of the world and began to live a life of ordinary people.

And the fake Cheng Ming behind the scenes is definitely not the situation mentioned above. I speculate that he was also an agent of a certain country. He broke away from the organization and sneaked into China secretly. After replacing Cheng Ming’s identity, he did not choose to go beyond the ordinary. People's life is about planning to do a great thing to realize the so-called great ideal in the heart!

In other words, the long-term spy career has caused serious problems with his mental health. His so-called great ideal is actually pathological, extreme, and crazy!

As for what Zhang Guofeng once said, he is actually suspecting that this man behind the scenes is the black agent codenamed "Black Zero" who disappeared back then!

Thinking of this, I can't help but sweat in a cold sweat, and I am terrified! If all this is true, then the fake Cheng Ming I tried to hijack on the TV five years ago is actually a murderous agent! In case there is a mistake, he can subdue me immediately! Oh my god!

"Uncle Cheng...Aunt Yang your real wife?" I thought a lot and remained silent for a long time before asking the question again. This time, because Aunt Yang was involved, I called him Uncle Cheng.

"Hehe... Of course, she is the wife I still love so much..." Cheng Ming smiled slightly when I called Uncle Cheng, but the answer below surprised me! The wife who still loves to this day

After the last Resident Evil, I have also seen Aunt Yang countless times. I thought about asking her for confirmation on some issues, but I couldn't bear it. Aunt Yang has been too difficult in her life. She was so decently injured by a man. She finally walked out of the shadows, forgot the past, and started a happy life with her husband now. How can I bear to bring up the past and make her sad

"In other words, the time when Cheng Ming replaced you was actually before and after Xiaoyu's birth?" I quickly asked.

Xiaoyu is the son of Aunt Yang. Now he has a successful career and runs a travel company. I speculate that he should also be the son of the true Cheng Ming in front of me!

"Yes!" Sure enough, Cheng Ming's answer proved my speculation.

"But... how did he replace you at that time, and where did you go? In the end, how did you stay with Zhang Guofeng?" I asked many questions like a gun.

"Young man, don't worry, listen to me slowly..." Cheng Ming smiled and sat down again, waving his hand. However, after he sat down, his smile disappeared immediately, replaced by a look of sadness and melancholy.

Cheng Ming said that at the time, he was already the youngest subsidiary factory in the factory.

Long. At that time, Yang Lijuan was a plant flower, very beautiful, and he was naturally very tempted, so he began to pursue her. Unexpectedly, Yang Lijuan really agreed to him.

In later contact, Cheng Ming discovered that Yang Lijuan is a very cute girl, a good girl, not just a beautiful appearance, so he fell in love with her deeply, and eventually married her.

Not long after the marriage, Yang Lijuan became pregnant, which made Cheng Ming extremely happy, feeling that he was the happiest person in the world, but at this time, a sudden change changed his life!

That day, it was already o’clock in the evening Ba Jiǔ. Cheng Ming and the salesman of the supply and marketing department of the factory received the purchasing staff of the docking company. Everyone drank a lot of wine. When he left the restaurant, he was already a little drunk. In that era, there was no concept of a taxi. Although he was very drunk, Cheng Ming could only walk home on foot. The other people in the original unit saw him walking awkwardly and wanted to send him off, but he insisted that they were not sent away.

Originally, did a big master still use people to give it away? What a shame!

Thus, Cheng Ming went on the way home alone, but he has walked this way for nearly 40 years!

The place to eat is actually not far from Cheng Ming's home, but he has to walk through a trail next to the railway. It's very dark here, and there is no one at night. As he walked, Cheng Ming's Jiujin came up with a small breeze, and he wanted to vomit.

He was on a bridge at that time, and there were several railways under the bridge. Cheng Ming was lying on the railing by the bridge, thinking about vomiting, when he was suddenly hit hard on the back of the head, and then he didn't know anything.

When he woke up groggy, he found that there were many people around him. Someone fed him water and kept asking who he was. But when Cheng Ming recalled who he was, he couldn't remember anything!

He has amnesia! And since then, there has been a problem, often severe headaches!

Later, Cheng Ming discovered that he had arrived in Datong, Shanxi, and the people who rescued him were coal miners. Because of his amnesia, he didn't know who he was and where he came from. The people at the time gave him the nickname "Nerdy".

The coal miners are not all native to Shanxi. People from all over the country have people from all over the country. Therefore, no one will be surprised if he is a man with a Northeast accent, and no one is going to find out if he is from Where did it come from? Later, he was taken in by the mine, became a coal miner, and took root in Datong, Shanxi. This work took nearly 40 years!

Over the past 30 years, Cheng Ming has not recovered his memory. He didn't know who he was. Later, he had a new name and new identity of his own. In the end, he even married a wife and had children and led a new life.

If it weren't for an accident, maybe he would go on silently in this life! (End of this chapter)