Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 61: Childhood shadows


Thinking of this, I quickly greeted me. However, it was discovered that it was not a new patient. It turned out that Xiao Gong and his family had come with Xiao Zhang.

I didn't expect that she would come so soon, it seems that she is also very anxious in her heart. However, I saw Xiao Zhang at this time, but he was not tied up, it was just that he was framed by two old men, restricting his movement.

These two old people should be Xiao Gong's parents-in-law and Xiao Zhang's parents, right? I guessed. Sure enough, Xiao Gong introduced it later, and it was the same as I thought.

"Is this psychiatric clinic reliable?" The old woman questioned as if her face was full of reluctance.

"Mom, let's try, in case it works!" Xiao Gong said quickly.

Apparently, she finally brought her husband here in order to persuade her stubborn mother-in-law.

"Let him go, it's okay!" I said to the two old men.

"No, he will self-harm after letting go!" the old man, Xiao Zhang's father, said.

"You hold him up like this, I can't get medical treatment, it's okay," I then said to Xiao Zhang, "You come in with me alone."

Afterwards, Xiao Zhang made a light effort, and the two old men didn't exert any more effort. Xiao Zhang came to the clinic with me.

"Xiaofeng shut the door and let them wait outside!" I saw Xiao Gong and the others, and wanted to come in, so I quickly asked Xiaofeng to stop them and closed the door of the clinic.

Psychological diagnosis and treatment is best one-on-one. Under special circumstances, it is best not to be accompanied. Otherwise, bystanders can easily affect the patient's emotions, causing them to refuse to speak, or hesitate not to tell the truth. If there are so few who love to interrupt, it will be even more messy.

In addition, this is also to ensure that the patient's ** is not leaked, even if it is accompanied by a family member. Therefore, it is not that we have to make this diagnosis and treatment mysterious, but there are good reasons.

When everything settled down, I sat opposite Xiao Zhang and observed him carefully.

Xiao Zhang is not very old, maybe younger than me. He is handsome and fair-skinned. If you judge him, he is not handsome, but handsome. If he wears a wig, he will look like a woman without makeup.

He in front of him, now shrinking all over, as if he was afraid that something would hurt him. Both hands were also held tightly together, and neither of them sat firmly on the sofa.

"Don't be nervous, would you like some tea?" I quickly asked when he saw him like this.

"Don't drink... Why are you so dirty here?" Xiao Zhang suddenly raised his head, glaring at me and asked.

dirty? I couldn't help but look around. Although my clinic is relatively rudimentary, it is definitely not dirty. Xiaofeng is a diligent girl. The first thing she does when she arrives at the clinic every morning is cleaning. Maybe it's because our medical students are a little bit like to be clean. If it gets dirty, we can't stand it ourselves.

"Where... Dirty?" I was a little vague by him, and I touched my face unconsciously to confirm whether I had shaved today.

"Everything is dirty, this is a dirty world!" Xiao Zhang, who was on the opposite side, suddenly said such a philosophical sentence. Is it necessary to discuss philosophical issues with me

In fact, when he told me about the situation before his wife, Xiao Gong, I already knew something in my heart. Judging from the situation she described, it is very likely that Xiao Zhang was suffering from somatosis due to a serious cleanliness addiction.

In other words, he is the same as the previous Mr. Zhou, all in a physical condition. It's just that the reason for Xiao Zhang's psychological disorder is that he has a serious habit of cleanliness.

Cleanliness, in fact, is the same as Xiaoxuan's thieves before, it is a psychological addiction. It’s right for a person to talk about hygiene and love cleanliness, but if you become addicted and get into a state of delusion, it is a psychological disorder.

Many people love to be clean and do not allow a trace of pollution on themselves or the surrounding environment, but that is not a cleanliness addiction. If you feel dirty after bathing repeatedly, you feel unclean after washing clothes repeatedly, and you don’t even want to touch things outside, you will wash your hands quickly after shaking hands with others, then you are really suffering from cleanliness.

I guess that Xiao Zhang in front of him was neglected because he had a cleanliness addiction before, and the result was serious enough to have a somatosis. He felt that his body was too dirty, so he would have self-mutilated behaviors of scratching his body with sharp tools.

"Do you think your current state is normal?" I tentatively asked a question. The reason for asking this is to determine if Xiao Zhang is self-conscious now. If he feels that self-harm is normal, then he may already be suffering from schizophrenia.

"This... I don't know, it seems abnormal..." Xiao Zhang replied hesitantly, staring at the coffee table.

I know it in my heart, which shows that he still has self-awareness. Although all kinds of crazy behaviors seemed abnormal, he knew it himself. So this shows that he is only at the level of mental illness.

However, the extent of his illness is already very deep. Fortunately, he came to our clinic for treatment in time, otherwise he would soon develop schizophrenia. I am still very confident that he will be cured!

"You also know that we are a psychological clinic here. I have found out that you are suffering from a mental illness. However, as long as you can cooperate with me, I believe you will be able to recover!" I simply went straight to the point. The fact of suffering from mental illness, by the way, give him some confidence.

Sure enough, Xiao Zhang heard what I said, and there seemed to be some changes in his eyes, and he seemed to have a certain feeling of trust in me.

"Do you think you have a habit of cleanliness?" I simply asked him to reflect on it.

"I prefer to be clean..." Xiao Zhang thought for a while, "maybe it's a cleanliness addiction."

"Then how did your habit of cleanliness cause it, can you tell me?" Seeing that it was going well, I wanted Xiao Zhang to talk about the past.

Xiao Zhang seemed very reluctant to remember when I said this. It seemed that he had experienced a lot of pain. In fact, I did not deliberately understand the patient's past because of gossip. I can completely prescribe some medicine as soon as I see such a serious situation like some of my colleagues.

However, I cannot do that. To understand the patient’s past, we can find out the cause of his illness from the details, and then treat the disease symptomatically, which is a scientific and reasonable way.

I followed Xiao Zhang's gaze for a long time before he finally made up his mind and began to tell.

Xiao Zhang said that it was a past that he had never dared to recall.

When he was young, his family was from the countryside. When he was in elementary school, he once fell into a cesspit. Because he spoke lightly, I can't describe the process very concretely, but you can make up for the scene at that time.

Xiao Zhang said that he was frightened that day and quickly jumped into the river to wash, but his body was still stinking, so he kept soaking in the water and washing until his body lost its temperature and was too cold. Only then came out of the river.

What he didn't expect was that the stench still remained silent, and he was stung by several leeches. Seeing the red worm that kept twisting around his body, he was so scared that he fainted.

When he woke up, he was already at home. But he always heard the smell on his body, and before he recovered, he rushed to the well to wash. When he recalled the terrible bug, he felt even more uncomfortable.

In fact, children living in the countryside are still a minority in his situation. They have never seen any bugs or dirty things. Xiao Zhang should have been stimulated. According to the saying, he was shadowed. Therefore, he has since left a psychological shadow.

Xiao Zhang said that since then, he has often felt that his body is not clean. He often washes himself. He is afraid even if he sees insects. He also knew that he was abnormal, but his mother only knew how to find Daxian, and it didn't work.

Fortunately, he gradually forgot about these things, but this habit of cleanliness really couldn't be overcome. When he was in the dormitory at school, he found someone sitting on his bed once, and he burned all the sheets and mattresses in a fit of anger.

Because of his own cleanliness, Xiao Zhang has not been in a relationship for so many years. Because he thinks those girls are too dirty and dare not have any close contact with them.

Until he met his current wife, Xiao Gong. (End of this chapter)