Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 73: Murderer


From 1988 to 2001, a man committed 11 crimes in the same area, raping and killing 11 women, and one of them was an 8-year-old girl.

The criminal suspects were extremely cruel. Most of them cut the carotid arteries of the victims with one stab, causing their deaths. In several of these cases, he actually molested the corpse and cut off the victim's breast as a souvenir!

This is simply a sensational case! However, because the investigative techniques were too backward at the time and the criminal's anti-reconnaissance awareness was very strong, he basically left no clues every time he commits a crime. Therefore, he was not captured until 2015. Through DNA comparison, he was identified. He was the real murderer and was finally sentenced to death.

The specific plot of the case is bizarre and can be made into a thriller and suspense movie! If you want to know more about it, you can check it online, I won't describe it in detail, it's too bloody!

After the incident, many experts conducted psychological evaluation and analysis of his perverted murder behavior, and reached many conclusions. But after a reporter interviewed, from the details of the exposure, Professor Yang came to a different view from other experts.

Professor Yang believes that this man's early emotional experience is the fundamental reason that led him to eventually develop into a murderous maniac.

This man is the youngest and a boy at home, so he is very much loved by his parents and brothers and sisters. We all know that people who are favored like this can say that they have what they want since they were young, and they have hardly suffered any setbacks.

Afterwards, he had been living comfortably, and fell in love prematurely. When his mind was not yet mature, he fell madly in love with a girl. However, the girl didn't like him, and ruthlessly rejected his love. Instead, she became a partner with others.

Emotional matters are originally a matter of two people, and no one will spoil him deliberately. The girl he liked, and it was normal not to like him, but he has never suffered setbacks, but since then he has suffered from mental illness.

He felt that if I like you, you have to be with me. It is wrong not to be with me, especially when the girl is still in love with others. He even thinks this is a kind of betrayal.

At that time, the man was still young, and his personality was somewhat introverted. No one knew he was suffering from a mental illness, and no one paid attention to the inner world of a kid. So this seed of evil is planted.

Before, I have repeatedly said that mental illness, although it is not painful or itchy (except for physical disorder), is easy to be ignored, but it is also a disease! If it is allowed to develop without effective treatment and reasonable guidance, it will become heavier and heavier.

This man, after experiencing the setbacks of this relationship, plus suffering from mental illness, gradually formed a double personality. One kind of personality is the personality that normally associates with people in society; the other kind of personality is the personality that strongly hates society and hates women.

His other perverted personality is deeply hidden and has not been exposed. Therefore, he worked normally, got married, and had children later. Apart from his internal and external personality, there was nothing special about him.

However, he was not happy after marriage. His wife always quarreled with him, despised him for being impatience, and even unwilling to live a married life with him, and was not very good to him. As a result, the hidden personality gradually started to move.

He began to retaliate against women frantically, and a series of rapes and murders happened.

Maybe you would say that this person is really a pervert, whoever treats you badly, you will get revenge on whoever you are, and why do you kill those innocent women! Nothing to rush to my own wife, to waste one's money, to kill others!

In fact, this is a characteristic of dual personality. Whether he is a wife or daughter, relatives and friends in life, and even strangers, are the first people he associates with under his normal personality, and he will not touch these people.

This man had also been stabbed twice by that person because of a dispute with someone in the street. But even so, he would not retaliate against the stranger who had hurt him. Because this happened under the dominance of his first personality.

But his second kind of perverted personality is a personality that is extremely hostile to society and women. This kind of personality does not appear often, but only when it is buried deep in the inner subconscious and is stimulated by the outside world.

Under the domination of this personality, the targets he chose to infringe were all innocent people. There was no intersection with him. It was purely a perverted act of venting. He took revenge on all the hatred in his heart in this form.

There are too many things, I will not list them. Although there are many reasons why this man became a murderous demon, he fell in love with him when his mind was not yet mature, suffered emotional setbacks, and suffered from mental illness, which is actually the most important reason.

If you ask you what is the most sad thing in the world, everyone may have different answers, but as a psychiatrist, I can tell you that in fact, experts have already come to the conclusion that humans are the most sad. The thing is actually-broken love.

You may say that I am not filial, but in fact, the pain caused by a broken relationship even exceeds the grief of losing my parents and relatives.

Therefore, although this kind of love matter is very beautiful, if the ending is not good, it will cause great harm to people. Why not promote early love, in fact, there is this factor.

Boys and girls, although their bodies have matured, their minds are not yet mature. At this age, if they encounter such great grief and pain, they are likely to develop psychological disorders and even suffer from mental illness.

Moreover, the so-called "love" of young boys and girls is very fragile and easily defeated by the reality of society. It is very rare that it can be cultivated to the end, so it is almost inevitable to lose love, break up, be sad, and feel sad. occurring.

Everyone may wish to recall, in your own emotional experience, have you ever had that kind of heart-wrenching pain

However, most people seem to be on the right track again after experiencing setbacks, and they are still alive, as if it had no effect. Actually, not necessarily!

For example, I often hear women say: No man is a good thing!

For example, I often hear some men say: Women are bitches!

What does this show? This shows that the men and women who say this have already had psychological barriers. Although on the surface, they live normally, even get married and have children, they already have a distorted view of love and even a distorted view of the world in their inner subconscious mind.

Even if people who say such things seem to have normal life, under the influence of this distorted outlook on love and the world, can they choose the path of life like normal people

They feel that the opposite sex is unreliable, and they have to choose to live with the opposite sex. Can they give their sincerity to manage their marriage and life

With such a psychological barrier, but not being guided in time, their lives will also be distorted, and it can be said that they will basically not be very happy.

The case of the murderous madman is a special case. It does not mean that everyone will become such a serial killer, otherwise the society will be messed up!

But you can recall and experience, do you have similar signs of dual personality

For example: a poor beggar, begging for mercy in front of you, do you think he is very pitiful, even when you are about to pay, a voice suddenly appeared in your mind: This beggar is a liar!

If you have been in this situation, then congratulations, you already have a slight double personality sign, please go to the nearest psychological clinic for medical advice!

Haha, this is the so-called three sentences without leaving the line! Thinking of this, I couldn't help laughing out loud.

"New brother, what are you laughing at?" The little pair in front of them saw me smirking. There were doubts in their big eyes. The chopsticks in her hand seemed to have just brought some food into her mouth, and it still stayed on her lips.

"Oh! Nothing, remember something..." I quickly explained. In the past, Xiaofeng always said that I was a patient, wasn't it, he often thought about things by himself, and even giggled!

"It's scary," Xiao Shuang was a little scared, "just giggle after eating..."

"Haha, it's okay!" I touched the back of my head and said with a silly smile. (End of this chapter)