Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 80: The shears are constantly being sorted and messed up


"I..." Hearing my question, Lao Xing raised his head and looked at me, then lowered his head again.

"I can't tell you anymore..." After a long time, he finally answered my question and murmured. "Actually, when she is not so violent, she is still...cute!"

"I'm asking you, do you still love her!" I straightened my body, looked at him, and emphasized it again.

"Hey! After so many years together, I said how is it possible not to love, but..." Lao Xing replied hesitantly.

The answer he gave confirmed my thoughts. He is indeed suffering from a psychological disorder with a masochistic tendency. I don't believe that love can support him in such a perverted life for such a long time, and it is only now that I think of asking for help.

However, since he wants to get rid of this kind of life in his heart, and also wants to seek help, it also shows that his psychological barrier is not that serious, and the rational side has the upper hand in his thoughts.

"Didn't you mean to divorce her?" I asked again.

"This..." Lao Xing hesitated again.

"According to my judgment, you may be suffering from a very serious mental illness!" I simply confessed.

"Really?" Lao Xing actually realized it himself. When I said this, he actually believed it.

"Yeah! And, after listening to your story, I think your wife has sex with her and also suffers from mental illness!" I said very positively.

In fact, even if I didn't say anything, both Lao Xing and everyone watching would have already guessed it. Their matter is not just as simple as domestic violence. Some wives use many violent methods to treat their husbands, but it is still too rare to be as excessive as his wife.

Therefore, I speculate that his wife suffers from a mental disorder of abusive tendencies corresponding to Lao Xing, and mania.

Sadism and masochism correspond, I don't need to explain, you will understand what is going on. This mania is a kind of affective disorder. It is a kind of emotional and emotional psychological disorder. At the same time, there may be changes in thinking and behavior.

So, I briefly talked about my diagnosis and speculation to Lao Xing. He felt the same after hearing it.

"Doctor Gao, you are right! You are all right! Really god! How to calculate it?"

When I heard this, I couldn't help but feel a little helpless. Anyway, you are also a teacher or a university teacher. How can you be so superstitious? I am a psychologist and not a master of fortune telling!

However, I ignored what he said, and said to him self-consciously: "If you want to solve the problem at the moment, I am afraid that both of you and your wife will have to receive treatment."

"This..." Lao Xing hesitated, "How can I move her? If I say that she has... mental illness, she can't immediately go crazy!"

"Give it a try!" I persuaded him. "I asked you if you still love her. It seems that you can’t let go of it. Besides, since the two people have found the root cause for so many years, why not try to solve it? Isn't it better than divorce?"

Having said that, I looked into Lao Xing’s eyes and added: “As far as your wife’s current state is, you want to get a divorce, can you get away with it?”

Hearing what I said, Lao Xing's eyes dimmed, and he lowered his head again. After a long time, he made up his mind and said: "Well, Doctor Gao, you are right, let me try!"

Later, I first did a hypnosis treatment for Lao Xing, and then a psychological relief treatment to heal his mental disorder.

The process went smoothly. When he was hypnotized, he realized in his subconscious a prison with various instruments of torture. Although he was only in a state of hypnosis and briefly described it, I could feel what he was doing. How terrible the prison I saw.

What surprised me was that when I guided him out of this prison that imprisoned the soul, he was a little bit reluctant, and it took a lot of effort before he finally came out. This is caused by his psychological obstacles of masochistic tendency.

Fortunately, after the treatment, Lao Xing's mental state was much better, at least he looked a little more energetic than when he first entered the door. I don't think this treatment will cure all of his mental disorders. I am afraid he will have to continue to come a few more times.

Afterwards, I asked him to pay the medical fee, leave his contact information, and send him out of the clinic.

"New brother, he is so pitiful!" Xiao Shuang said to me after Lao Xing had gone away.

I took a good look at Xiao Shuang and felt that this girl is really not simple. It is difficult for ordinary women to jump out of their own thinking and logic circles and look at this problem rationally from a fair perspective, because most of them are more perceptual.

It seems that Xiao Shuang is really good material for being a psychologist! Psychologists are actually not that good, they need careful logical thinking and the ability to look at things objectively. If you face everything based on your own likes and dislikes, you are definitely not a qualified psychiatrist.

"Oh? Why do you feel pitiful for him?" I became interested.

"He was bullied by his closest relatives, and he has nowhere to tell. Everything is held in his heart. In fact, this feeling is the most painful..." Xiao Shuang said thoughtfully.

"It's not easy, Xiao Shuang! At a young age, observing people's hearts, is it so thorough?" I praised her sincerely. Indeed, when Xiao Shuang was only seventeen or eighteen years old, it was not easy to see this level.

"Oh!" Who knows Xiaoshuang sighed.

"What's wrong?" I asked.

"I think of Xiao Meng again..." Xiao Shuang had a sad expression on her face, and it could be seen that Xiao Meng's incident had dealt a big blow to her. Although this didn't happen to her, she truly regarded Xiao Shuang as a friend, so she felt the same way.

However, what happened to Xiaomeng has nothing to do with Lao Xing's domestic violence. Why did this kid suddenly remember it again

It seems that Xiao Shuang is also a sentimental girl, and her emotions should be very delicate. At the same time, she is also a girl whose feelings are easily hurt.

At this moment, I thought of her boyfriend Xiao Gang again, and I don’t know if this boy will treat her well, but don’t hurt Xiao Shuang!

I was thinking when suddenly I saw a jeep rushing in and stopped at the door of my clinic. The driver's driving skills were really invincible. When the car came to a complete standstill, the front of the car was less than two centimeters away from the wall!

I said to my heart, who is this stubborn, driving this car! Unexpectedly, Wang Kunpeng got out of the car.

"You kid, how did you drive this car!" I angered, pointing to the front of the car.

"Didn't you bump into it!" Wang Kunpeng glanced at him with a straightforward look.

"Even if you drive a public car, you can't build it like this!" I teased him when I saw that the jeep had a police license plate. "You hit my wall, you can't afford it!"

"Yeah? You kid touched porcelain, it was the first time I heard that I bumped against the police!" Wang Kunpeng said with his eyes wide open and his smile held back.

"Come on, stop talking nonsense," I waved my hand. "How's the matter with Sister Wu?"

"Why Sister Wu?" Wang Kunpeng was puzzled.

"It's the woman who was cheated of money!" At this time, I was also surprised, why he didn't know anything.

"Ah! I haven't been back to the team, I've dealt with the case outside!" Wang Kunpeng glanced at the clinic and said, "Why, didn't Zhang Shuang come?"

"Come, take away!" I replied.

"If you take it away, you still ask a fart! Wait for the letter! How can it be so fast!" Wang Kunpeng's eyes widened, and there was no good breath.

I rub, you are so horrible! I just wanted to say: if you don't believe me, why are you here eagerly! But from the co-pilot, a female person came down.

I saw this woman is also in her 20s and less than 30. She is not tall, dressed in casual clothes, and has a sports bag slung. She looks like an average person, but she is very young.

"This is..." I asked Wang Kunpeng.

"My daughter-in-law, Xiao Shuang!" Wang Kunpeng said with a smile, this guy's face became so fast.

"Oh! Brother and sister, hello!" I deliberately said the words "younger and sister" very clearly. Before this kid kept saying that he was a sister-in-law, taking advantage of me, in fact, he was a few months younger than me.

"Hello, Gaoxin, I heard that Kunpeng said about you a long time ago!" She also offered to extend her hand.

I was just about to shake hands with her, but Wang Kunpeng interrupted and said, "Don't shake hands, come in quickly, time is limited."

This guy is so protecting his wife? Can't even shake hands? (End of this chapter)