Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 82: Two knots


Later, everyone graduated and passed the entrance exam to a different university, and the two lost contact.

At that time, Xiao Shuang took advantage of the holiday to work in a fast food restaurant as a cashier. One day, she was proficiently ordering meals for the guests, but when she looked up, she saw that the person opposite was Wang Kunpeng, whom she had a crush on for a long time!

Such a romantic and happy encounter suddenly opened the floodgates of her feelings, and the flood of love could not stop rushing out. She and Wang Kunpeng left each other's contact information. Since then, they have often chatted and slowly developed into a romantic relationship.

She loves Wang Kunpeng very much, and Wang Kunpeng treats her very well. The relationship between the two people gradually warmed up very smoothly, until one day Wang Kunpeng proposed to her.

Xiao Shuang said that she is also a girl who likes romance. When Wang Kunpeng held a rose and knelt down to propose to her, she was so happy that she couldn't hide her excitement, so she agreed on the spot.

But after that, the shadow in Xiao Shuang's heart suddenly emerged. She was anxious every day, always dreaming of the original Ms. Wei. She was afraid of losing Wang Kunpeng, and even more afraid that after marrying him, Wang Kunpeng would care that she was "not" a virgin.

Therefore, she suffered from "marriage phobia" and finally regretted the marriage. She was reluctant to face Wang Kunpeng again and chose to escape.

The following content is basically the same as what Wang Kunpeng said before.

After listening to Xiao Shuang’s remarks, the intuitive feeling is that this girl is really simple enough. What age are these, virgins are not virgins, is it so important

Besides, in her case, although the hymen accidentally ruptured, she had never had a bedclothes relationship with a man, so she was a virgin. Whether it is a virgin or not, it is unreliable to rely on the film to judge.

Women in modern society, after all, are not like women in feudal society, they do not get out of the door, and they never do sports. Modern women, participating in various social activities and physical exercises, in some cases, can cause accidental rupture of the hymen.

Therefore, it is absolutely unscientific to judge whether or not a virgin is virgin only by whether or not it is dyed red. Besides, in today's society, not many people care about this matter, right

Someone once ridiculed that now virgins can only be found in the kindergarten. Haha, although this is a spoof, it also proves from the side that the human nature of modern society has long been liberated from the confinement of feudal thought.

However, as a psychologist, I know why Xiao Shuang is so entangled. The reason still lies in the matter of Ms. Wei when she was a child. If it weren't for this matter, she wouldn't be so concerned about the problem of that layer, or even suffer from marital phobia.

It was the tragedy that eventually led to Chéng Rén's life that left a shadow on her, coupled with the unexpected condition of her body, that caused her strong worries and fears about marriage and the future.

Moreover, I am not talking about Wang Kunpeng, he also feels a bit too possessive. Never let me shake hands with Xiao Shuang, to worry about us being alone, although it seems that he cares about Xiao Shuang very much, but this is a bit too much.

Xiao Shuang has been with Wang Kunpeng for so long, so he naturally knows what he is like. It was his possessiveness that gave Xiao Shuang a judgment that Wang Kunpeng would care about her "not" a virgin.

She was so contradictory and troubled because she was afraid of losing Wang Kunpeng and didn't dare to tell him frankly.

One is for friends, and the other is Xiaoshuang, who is pitiful. How can I help them

In fact, there are two knots in Xiao Shuang's heart. One is worried about losing her beloved Wang Kunpeng, and the other is the shadow of her childhood. Both of these knots need to be untied, and if only one of them is resolved, the matter will still not be fulfilled.

"You never told Wang Kunpeng about this matter!" I speculated.

"Yes, I dare not tell him... I'm afraid of him..." Xiao Shuang replied hesitantly.

"I think you should tell each other frankly!" I said with certainty, "Two people who love each other should not hide anything."

Xiao Shuang looked at me, but did not answer, so I continued to talk about my views.

I told her that although concealment is not a deception, it is a hidden danger. Regardless of whether the other party cares or not, it is only a temporary delay and will have to face it sooner or later in the future.

Moreover, in a situation like her, she has not done anything embarrassing, but she has lost her hymen by accident. Wang Kunpeng should be able to understand and accept it.

In addition, I comforted her a lot, and finally moved Xiao Shuang.

So I walked out of the consulting room, called Wang Kunpeng in, and closed the door. In this case, it is better for two people to face each other alone. When they talk to each other, it is inappropriate for me to be there.

When I came to the entrance of the clinic, I took out a cigarette and lit it. In the plume of smoke, I began to think again.

Regarding the topic of "virgin", it can be said that it has always been the focus of heated discussion in the society and has endured for a long time. Even in modern society, people's minds have been greatly liberated, but they still haven't affected the popularity of this topic.

For this reason, there is also such an unthinkable thing as hymen repair surgery in the society, which is also dumbfounding.

As mentioned earlier, judging whether a woman is virgin or not based on whether she sees red is an extremely unscientific way, so I won’t repeat it here.

In fact, what people really care about is not that layer of flesh, but the meaning behind it-chastity.

Chastity is chastity, and integrity is integrity. In fact, the core of the so-called virginity problem is whether a woman has chastity and integrity.

The original meaning of chastity refers to a pure and pure heart. The code of conduct is a person's morality and integrity. To put it bluntly, it means to be a person with a bottom line and stick to principles.

This chastity is also divided into two aspects: psychological chastity and physical chastity. In ancient China, the concept of chastity is highly unified between the two, which means that only your physical chastity can represent your mental chastity; as long as you are mentally chastity, your body must keep your chastity.

The reason why people are still struggling with the question of whether they are virgins is that they are deeply affected by this decadent and backward thinking.

In fact, simply thinking about it can understand that a woman is a virgin, does it necessarily mean that she is a steadfast person with a bottom line? After getting married, will you definitely not cheat or divorce your husband? When she does other things, she must have character and ethics

Obviously, there is no necessary connection at all.

Modern women, unlike ancient women, they have been highly involved in social activities, have their own work, life and emotions, and they have the right to choose their own way of life, which does not involve their personality and morality.

Therefore, the so-called question of whether it is a virgin is nothing more than a manifestation of the selfish possession of men. How can one easily judge whether a person's character is noble, whether his quality is low, whether he has a bottom line and a ethical person

However, having said that, it is not to say that women can be foolish. Although it is not a matter of virginity, everyone does not value it so much, but it must also be a truly chaste and ethical talent.

It is understandable to devote oneself to love, and it is also understandable to be invaded and to have sex, but it is absolutely wrong to indulge in sex, depravity, and sex!

Some women, because of pre-marital sex, pregnancy abortion caused lifelong infertility, or contracted incurable gynecological inflammation, infectious diseases, or even venereal diseases, but they want the future one who is willing to marry her and is willing to stay with her all his life The man who has to bear all the evil consequences is really speechless.

Some women are depraved before marriage, indulge in sex, and still do not repent after marriage, continue to do those things with their husbands on their backs, and cuckold their husbands, it is even more speechless!

Some female friends may see this and say, it's not all your men who do harm! Don't, don't, don't talk about what you guys do, only one or a few men really hurt you, don't put such a big hat on all men!

Besides, a woman who keeps the bottom line and ethical will not do such a thing!

I thought about it, the cigarette burned to the bottom within a few puffs, and the burning sensation from my fingertips pulled me back to reality, and quickly threw away the cigarette butt in my hand.

I stood at the entrance of the clinic for a long time, thinking that Wang Kunpeng and Xiao Shuang should be about to talk, so I turned around and went back to the clinic. (End of this chapter)