Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 92: Confession


"I... I like you..." After a moment of brainstorming, I actually said a confession! I don't know if it was caused by the atmosphere at the time, or the feelings I had suppressed for a long time broke out in an instant. I even said it directly. This is the first time I have confessed to a girl in my life!

"What?" Wang Nan asked curiously as if I hadn't heard clearly because my voice was very low and I had no confidence.

"No... Nothing..." When asked by her, I hesitated, not daring to admit what I just said.

"No! I seem to hear you say... Like me?" She still heard it! I just can't believe I would say that, and I asked me to confirm it!

I saw that she had heard it, and my heart suddenly became less flustered. I actually took up the courage and said to her: "Yes, I said-I like you!"

This sentence, I said very firmly, my eyes fixed on Wang Nan's eyes, watching her expression and reaction.

Obviously, Wang Nan was stunned. She was taken aback for a moment, then blushed, lowered her head, and was silent.

Her performance made me vague. I don't know what her intentions are. Does she like me or not? ●31 novel app download address●

"Do you... like me?" Seeing that Wang Nan didn't say anything, I felt a little confused, so I asked.

Wang Nan still looked shy, not saying a word, picking up the nails of the other with one hand. As a psychiatrist, I certainly understand that her action represents tension and anxiety, but I am a fan of the person involved, and I really can’t see her thoughts.

"Are you willing to be my girlfriend?" At this moment, I asked again.

This most bloody dialogue really happened at the time. Because I really have no experience in pursuing girls, I can only say these few straightforward, unromantic words.

Finally, Wang Nan no longer looked like hesitating, raised his head, looked into my eyes and said: "Fool, I took you to my house, don't you understand my intentions?"

A warm current gushes from the bottom of my heart. At this time, I feel my pores are breathing, and there is a slight electric current flowing through my skin, which is very comfortable and comfortable. This is probably the taste of happiness!

At this time, I couldn’t help but pull Wang Nan’s hand again, which was different from what I felt when I held her hand in the cinema before. At that time, I was more out of a gentleman’s demeanor, and I was afraid of her when I held her. No direction can be found in the dark.

But at this moment, what I hold is the hand of the person I like, the hand of my lover, and the feeling is immediately different.

Her hands are soft and tender and smooth. The slender fingers rested on the side of my thick palms, and they said the strength is not light or heavy, it is so "atmosphere".

The temperature of her hands is a bit cold, and I don't know if it is nervous or what, I feel a little sweaty palms on her hands.

"When did you start to like me?" I thought again and asked a stupid question. There is no such thing as a good feeling, it is often produced unconsciously in the process of getting along between two people.

"I don't know, I just think you... OK..." Sure enough, Wang Nan couldn't give an answer. But the feeling she said is exactly how I feel about her, maybe this is the feeling of liking someone!

I unconsciously touched Wang Nan's bangs, looked into her eyes, pretending to be jealous, and said, "You will be my girlfriend from now on, so you are not allowed to go on a blind date again!"

"You still say me!" Wang Nan looked furious at this time, "I didn't know who it was just now, date the little girl!"

"Haha!" I laughed and took Wang Nan in my arms. Her warm breath suddenly made me feel itchy and very comfortable. This was the first time in my life that I embraced a girl. At this time, my blood was spurting and my heartbeat accelerated violently.

The same is true for Wang Nan, she seemed to be shocked by my sudden behavior! In my arms, I could feel her whole body tense and at a loss, her hand was also put aside, and did not respond to my hug, as if she was still struggling slightly.

But soon, she was melted by my enthusiasm, her body softened, she was no longer so tight, and she put her hands gently on my back.

In this way, we have been hugging each other tightly, and no one wants to be separated, for fear that this beautiful feeling will be fleeting.

"Gaoxin, it's late, don't go back..." Wang Nan said softly in my ear for a long time.

Upon hearing this, my body immediately reacted, and my whole body was inexplicably hot. The feeling was like being roasted on the fire, and a flame in my heart was burning!

Suddenly, I only felt the tip of my nose hot, and my nosebleeds came out!

"Oh, you have a nosebleed!" Wang Nan hurriedly exclaimed when he saw my strangeness. The nosebleeds flowed so violently that they even touched her face. When I saw the bright red blood stains, I felt the sky was spinning, and I immediately fainted.

In the dizziness, I felt that my eyelids were heavy, and I tried to open them, but I couldn't do it. I only heard someone calling my name softly, as if in a dream, trying to discern who was calling me, but I didn't have any energy.

It felt as if it had been a long time before I slowly opened my eyes, but at a glance I saw a big hug bear! This is Wang Nan's house

I saw this big bear last time, so I immediately recognized that I was lying on Wang Nan's sex. When I was nervous, I quickly sat up.

At that time, I didn't know what was going on. Like a girl, every time I found myself waking up from an unfamiliar environment, I would first make sure that my clothes were intact! I was actually afraid that I would do something excessive when I was unconscious.

This time, I was surprised to find that I actually fucked my upper body! But the pants are still...

"Why did you get up? Lie down!" Wang Nan saw me sitting up and said with concern.

"I... fainted again?" I asked suspiciously at this time.

"You are dizzy again! I asked the community security to carry you back together!" Wang Nan said with a sorrowful expression, "Look, you are not fat, why are you so heavy? I am exhausted!"

"How did you bring it to your house?" I asked again.

When Wang Nan heard this, he sneered and said, "If you don't carry me here, where else can I be carried? I don't know where your home is!"

Oh, it turned out to be like this. I let my mind down, but remembered that I was still naked, and hurriedly covered my chest with my hands nervously, and asked, "Where is my clothes?"

"Why, a man is still afraid to look at it!" Wang Nan glanced at me, "Are you afraid that I would take the opportunity to indecently insult you?"

She was embarrassed when she said a word to me, I was a little nervous, and girls are not afraid of others, what am I afraid of!

"You got a nosebleed just now and it made all the clothes on. I washed it for you." Wang Nan looked at me and laughed, "I don't have a man's clothes in my house. There is no way, you can only be naked!"

Hearing what she said, I realized that I suddenly felt very warm in my heart, a happy feeling of being taken care of by the person I liked.

"Thank you, Wang Nan..." I looked into her eyes and said what I wanted to say most at the moment.

"From now on... Call me Nan Nan..." Wang Nan murmured, lowering his head shyly.

"Thank you... Nan Nan..." I called her.

Wang Nan's face was flushed at the moment, and she was obviously very shy. She didn't say anything, just took my hand and stood by my side silently, as if experiencing such happiness.

"What should I call you?" After a long time, she asked.

I thought, now that we have a clear relationship, we have to think of a nickname for her to call, but I can't remember anything for a while, so I said to her:

"Whatever you call it, don't call it husband, haha!" I laughed. In fact, I really think so. I still have a bit of tradition in my bones. It's just a relationship. I am particularly not used to being called a husband.

Moreover, like other couples, the husband and wife yelled when they were not married before they were married. It was very uncomfortable for me to listen to them. At this point, Lao Qi and Xiaofeng did a good job, and they never called it that way. On the contrary, that Wang Kunpeng screamed with his daughter-in-law, very affectionate.

Wang Nan's face turned redder when I said this, and angrily complained: "Who wants to call your husband!"

After that, she thought for a moment, and suddenly her eyes rolled and said:

"I'll call you Xiaoxin!" (End of this chapter)