Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 96: Open your heart


I was even more anxious when I saw Wang Nan's sell-off. The appearance of a competitor made me nervous.

"Haha, look at you like that, be jealous!" She seemed to be deliberately waiting to see me like this.

"Then what are you..." I was confused and a little dazed at this moment.

"Fool, if I promise him, what chance do you have?" Wang Nan smiled and gave me a small pound, "Besides, if I accept him, I can always go on a blind date?"

Isn't it? I am such a smart person, I didn't expect this! Sure enough, people are mentally retarded in love! Deep in it, the parties involved are confused. After she mentioned something, I finally breathed a sigh of relief, and the expression on my face eased.

"No, I'm so jealous..." I got a bottom, but my mouth hardened.

"You still have a hard mouth!" Wang Nan glared, and the next wave of small punches was ready to go.

I quickly raised my hands, surrendered, and said, "Well, I admit that I can't be jealous!"

Then I asked curiously: "His conditions are so good, why don't you accept him?"

When Wang Nan heard me asking this, his eyes were a little sad, as if talking to himself: "I don't feel like he can see through his heart..."

This is a very thought-provoking sentence, I haven't understood what it means after pondering for a long time. Why can't I see his heart? As a doctor of psychology and psychiatry, did he develop the habit of having to force himself to see through others

"I always feel that Jiaxing pursues me because of my father..." Wang Nan explained at this time. I can understand it now. It turns out that I can't see through people's hearts.

Yes, Wang Nan has a father who used to be in a high position. This actually brought a lot of pressure to her. She didn't dare to tell others that her father was the deputy governor, and she was afraid of causing unnecessary trouble.

With her conditions, she can actually choose a good man at will, but in Wang Nan's bones, she doesn't want to attract the attention of men just because she has such a father, so she never talks about her family situation.

In such an impetuous society, many people want to fight for fathers. There are many people who cannot fight for godfathers if they can't fight for godfathers. So, I can understand her feelings.

Especially this guy named Jiaxing, he can say that he knows Wang Nan’s family well, and he is a wealthy one when he runs a company in his own family. He can’t find any kind of girl, and he is so persistent in pursuing Wang Nan. It is indeed difficult not to doubt his motives and original intentions.

However, there are exceptions to everything. Maybe Jiaxing does love Wang Nan very much. Maybe he didn't pursue Wang Nan to get the light of Vice Governor Wang

"You don't accept him because of this?" I mean, if Wang Nan resists every man who tries to approach him because of his father, it is a mental obstacle. If this is the case, she The inner shadow may not be small.

"Oh! It's a long story!" Wang Nan sighed, "Actually, I once loved someone deeply..."

Upon hearing this, I knew that Wang Nan was about to open up to me. Now that we have established the relationship between our lovers, I am very pleased that she can be so honest. But I heard her say that she had loved someone before and still loved it deeply, and I couldn't help feeling sour.

Wang Nan didn't look at me either, just looked at the teapot on the coffee table with a misty look, telling a story about her past.

I met that boy when Wang Nan was in high school.

We all know that boys and girls of this age are in love with each other, and they all look forward to having a romantic love experience. But this does not mean that you will fall in love early. Besides, in this era, the age of things like puppies has already been greatly advanced. High school students are a bit of this kind of situation, and it is not considered a puppies love at all.

However, the family education of Vice Governor Wang and his wife is very strict, and they will never allow their daughters to have early love. Perhaps because of this, coupled with the rebellious mentality of adolescence, Wang Nan not only did not listen to his parents, but fell in love with a boy infatuated.

This boy should be regarded as her senior. In school, he is very good. He is also a cadre of the student union. He is also versatile. Especially his smile is very charming, which makes many young and ignorant little girls fascinated.

Wang Nan said that when he was in high school, he was an ugly duckling. He was not very eye-catching and his academic performance was not the best. She was a girl who was not outstanding at all. In addition, she deliberately concealed her family situation, so it was not noticeable.

Therefore, at the beginning, she just had a crush on this senior, and kept this feeling deep in her heart. Similarly, the senior did not notice her. He is not a classmate himself, and he can't get along day and night, and Wang Nan is not so eye-catching, which is naturally the case.

Moreover, the senior has never broken a woman by his side. Wang Nan said that she often saw a bunch of girls around him, and even girls accompanied him on the way after school. She is envious of those girls, she thinks there must be his girlfriend in there.

Although Wang Nan has a very strong personality, she would never do anything to steal someone else's boyfriend in this kind of thing!

Until one day, she appeared in the senior's field of vision as if it was a gift from heaven.

That was before a school party, each class had to report on the program produced by their class. The art committee member of Wang Nan's class was ill, and the teacher asked her to apply for the program. After entering the school office, she found that the senior she liked was also there, and it was him who was in charge of collecting the program list.

I don't know what happened. When Wang Nan, who is usually generous and generous, saw the senior, he became nervous, and all the programs in his hand were scattered on the ground.

Seeing this, the senior squatted down to help her pick it up, and Wang Nan also squatted down to pick it up in a panic. The heads of the two accidentally touched each other. The collision was not light, and both of them rubbed their heads at the same time and looked at each other, but sparks sparked.

"At that time, I was stunned, just staring at him blankly..." When recalling this past, a happy smile appeared on Wang Nan's face. It seemed that this was a beautiful piece she had treasured for a long time.

Wang Nan said that the senior looked at her flushed and laughed. The smile was so charming that she couldn't help falling in love with him. Yes, it is love, not liking, the previous crush can only be regarded as liking, but this encounter made her completely fall in love with the boy.

Then, before she was mentally prepared, happiness came again. One day, the senior was waiting for her at the school gate to take her home! Along the way, the senior was talking and laughing, but Wang Nan didn't say anything because she was too nervous.

Until she returned home, she felt like she was dreaming, and regretted her performance at that time. She was so stupid! She was afraid that the senior would not like her because of this, alienating her, wasting this god-given fate.

Unexpectedly, happiness did not end. After that day, the senior was more attentive to her, always asking her to meet, going home with her every day, and even offered to ask her to hang out on weekends.

Wang Nan, who is immersed in happiness, feels like he is in a wonderful dream every day, especially happy!

But the good times didn't last long. One day, she unexpectedly ran into the senior in a dark corner behind the school building, hugging a girl and kissing! The scene at that time made Wang Nan completely stunned. She said nothing but walked away in silence.

From then on, she was completely lost and unhappy every day. She was immersed in a gloomy mood all day and couldn't help herself. The senior didn't know that she had seen that scene and was still dating her, but Wang Nan was not willing to pay attention to him.

She loves that senior very much, but she can't tolerate the person she likes. She is a big carrot! Wang Nan said that what he hates most in his life is betrayal!

Because of her poor mental state during that period, she didn't want to study, and her mid-term exam grades deteriorated. Parents found out and asked her the reason. Seeing her hesitating, the two parents guessed how much, and after some forced questioning, Wang Nan explained the reason.

But the scene she imagined did not happen. Vice Governor Wang and his wife did not get angry with her. Instead, they first comforted her, and then enlightened her with earnest words, so that Wang Nan should study hard and don't think too much.

The behavior of her parents moved her, so Wang Nan made up her mind to ignore the senior and study hard. (End of this chapter)