Tomorrow Psychology Clinic

Chapter 98: What a coincidence?


She also asked me this question when I was drinking at Wang Nan's house before. But without allowing me to answer, I went over. Today, she asked this question again, apparently always caring about it.

I recalled that I really cared a little too much about Xiao Xuan! Although I know why, in the eyes of outsiders, it is easy to misunderstand that the relationship between me and Xiaoxuan is unusual, and she is not my relative, so I can only think about it in the direction of a couple.

Now that Wang Nan and I have made a clear relationship, and she has not concealed anything from me, and honestly told her own past, should I also talk about the secret pain that no one knows

A dull pain is a dull pain. Every time I think about it, my heart feels as uncomfortable as a knife. Therefore, I have kept this matter deep in my memory and dare not touch it easily. Let alone tell it to share with others, even if Xiaobei and I were posting Xiao Wang Kunpeng together, I didn't know the details.

"I don't want to say it, just don't say it, I don't want you to be embarrassed..." I was hesitating, but Wang Nan said such a sentence very thoughtfully, but there was obviously a disappointed tone in the words.

I didn't want to disappoint her, and I had the courage to face the shadow in my heart and recalled the past.

During the whole storytelling process, Wang Nan looked at me intently, with concerns and sympathy in his eyes. This invisibly seemed to be a kind of encouragement, which made me stumble from the beginning, and then gradually tell the whole story smoothly. Listen to her.

"Oh!" When the story was over, I sighed deeply and looked at Wang Nan again, only to find that her face was full of horror, as if she had seen a devil!

"What's the matter?" I was taken aback by her expression, and asked quickly.

"You just said, what is the name of the man who lied to Xiaobei's feelings?" She asked in surprise.

"Zhang Guofeng!" I gritted my teeth and clenched my fist unconsciously. "I will never forget the name of this guy in my life!"

Who knows, when I finished talking, Wang Nan was even more surprised. She quickly asked, "Is it really called Zhang Guofeng?"

"You know?" I suddenly realized at this time, does Wang Nan know this person

"The senior I'm talking about is also called Zhang Guofeng!" Wang Nan's eyes widened, his voice almost yelling.

I was stunned! No way, how could it be so coincidental? Is it the same person? However, after another thought, Zhang Guofeng's name is very ordinary, and it is inevitable that there is the possibility of the same name. How could it be so coincidental.

"Have you seen that Zhang Guofeng?" Wang Nan asked.

"No, Xiaobei just described his appearance to me, saying he was handsome, tall, and charming..." I was stunned again just now.

A charming smile fascinates the girls! Xiaobei has said this, and Wang Nan has said that, this... Is it really a person

A feeling like a dream hit me, and I am a bit unsure of which is true and false at this time! Could it be that the liar who lied to Xiaobei and the senior who almost lied to Wang Nan were actually the same person

Judging from what Wang Nan and Xiaobei said, there are some surprising similarities between the two. Apart from their appearance, their tactics also have similarities, but it is difficult to conclude that the two are the same person based on these.

"Do you have a picture of that senior?" I asked quickly.

"No..." Wang Nan shook his head regretfully. In fact, it is true that I am not a classmate, and there is no camera phone in that era. It is indeed difficult to keep an image record. Besides, even though Wang Nan had a photo of that liar, I had never seen that Zhang Guofeng, so I couldn't compare it.

Thinking of this, I couldn't help being a little disappointed. In fact, I always wanted to find that liar and seek justice for Xiaobei!

This person named Zhang Guofeng deceived Xiaobei's feelings and eventually led to her mental breakdown and suicide by cutting her wrists! In fact, I once thought that it might not be because of Xiaobei’s emotional fragility. Maybe that bad guy had done something that made Xiaobei unacceptable. Maybe it was because Xiaobei used to fuck him, but found that he was cheated, so I couldn’t think about it. .

The same man named Zhang Guofeng actually lied to my Wang Nan! If it weren't for the kind lady's reminder, I don't know how bad things will be!

If these two Zhang Guofeng are the same person, then he is really my natural friend! Xiaobei, a childhood sweetheart, was killed by him, and today's lover Wang Nan almost followed his way! Damn, don't let me meet this man, he will have his heart alive!

"Xiaoxin, why didn't you... treat your problem?" Wang Nan asked suddenly.

I understand what she meant. I only determined to be a psychologist for Xiaobei's affairs. I wanted to help more people, but my psychological barrier has not been resolved. She felt that I should ask another psychologist to solve it. Let me ask my own question to avoid being entangled in such a shadow for a lifetime, so painful.

I won’t talk about the old saying that doctors don’t self-medicate. I’m especially a psychiatrist. I’m immune to some treatments and it’s hard to be cured. It’s hard even if I’m a colleague to help me. This is like a human resource. The same goes for a manager interviewing another human resources manager.

Moreover, in my own heart, there is also a mentality of resistance. I'm afraid that I will be cured myself, and let go of my hatred of Zhang Guofeng, and I will forget Xiaobei from now on. In my own subconscious, I also refuse to happen like this.

The heart disease needs a heart medicine doctor, who can untie my heart knot, unless there are two situations: Xiaobei is resurrected or let me catch that bastard!

People can't come back from death, and Xiaobei's resurrection may only exist in my dreams; catching that bastard is also very difficult to achieve, so I have not been able to untie this knot for so many years.

Unexpectedly, what Wang Nan told about the experience suddenly seemed to give me the confidence to find that bastard. If it is so coincidental, the two Zhang Guofeng are the same person, this is a new clue!

At this time, I was still persistently eager to find that man, feeling a little excited. Seeing me like this, Wang Nan quickly took my hand, nestled his head in my arms, and said softly:

"Xiaoxin, I can understand you. For so many years, your heart is too bitter..." She touched my clenched fists tenderly and gently opened them, "You have too many things on your back. Don't embarrass yourself so much, be good!"

Although Wang Nan's comfort was not enough to untie my heart knot, it gradually eased my emotions. I felt the gentle feminine aura of her, and her strong aura was suddenly melted.

"So are you, Nan Nan..." I gently hugged her shoulders and said to her with concern. "I will be there in the future, so don't worry about the previous things anymore, okay?"

"Well..." Wang Nan nodded and replied.

"Also, don't go on blind dates anymore! Look at what people you actually met!" I suddenly complained strangely.

When Wang Nan heard what I said, he suddenly broke free from my arms, and said angrily: "Aren't you dating blind friends? Who are you all meeting!"

With a dissatisfied expression on her face, she glanced at me and said: "I don't know who it is. I took the little girl to eat western food, and I caught it right away!"

Upon hearing what she said, I couldn't even refute it. Isn't it? I was very nervous at the time, afraid of being seen by acquaintances, but it happened to be blocked by Wang Nan! The feeling of embarrassment I was awakened again at this time, but I still refused to admit defeat.

"Xiao Shuang and I... it doesn't matter, she is like my sister..." I forcefully explained.

"How many good sisters do you have?" Wang Nan was actually pretending all the time. At this moment, when he said a lyrics, he couldn't help but smile!

"Haha, I have more than 100 sisters! They are all good sisters!" Seeing her smile, I teased her again.

Wang Nan didn't take it seriously. Instead, she sneered at me and said, "100? Did you count the women you met?" After speaking, she hid her mouth and smiled. For a while, the atmosphere between us became active again.

I looked at Wang Nan and felt very relieved. Today, Wang Nan and I are confided in our hearts and shared our most secret past with each other. Although it may not be able to drive away the shadows and relieve our happiness, this kind of sharing has reduced the pressure on ourselves alone and also enabled us to each other. Rely more on each other.

At this time, I was suddenly full of hope for the future! (End of this chapter)