Too Bad Master Died Early

Chapter 60: eavesdrop


The Golden Light Zen Sect was extremely lively that night, but it had nothing to do with Xie Zhiwei.

He can't speak, and it's not embarrassing to go out. I want to stay in the room and sleep honestly. It's too noisy outside and I can't sleep.

Chu Zhi went to the banquet, and several disciples stayed to watch the house. These children's mouths are broken, and it is inevitable to make irresponsible remarks about the parents' short stories. This time they blatantly moved Maza to sit in the corridor, with a handful of melon seeds in their hands, chewing and chewing.

Xie Zhiwei listened to them talking about which pill in Danding City was the bitterest and which one was the most delicious, all the way to which female disciple Fang, age, and beauty in Kunyue City. Xie Zhiwei said that he doesn't care about these things at all, and he is determined to be the real Bixu who is pure-hearted and ascetic, and doesn't care about world affairs.

But the next topic of discussion made him have to prick up his ears to listen.

Who told this group of boys to mention Zhizhao City and what happened four years ago.

I only heard one disciple say: "Zaoji City is empty now, that bastard Bai Yu can't wait to go to Dengtian City every day, and the master master in charge wants to come here for the position of city lord. He is so angry, lest others don't know that he is the old head like a grandson."

The other nibbled on the melon seeds and snorted, "Don't look at him like this, he looks good, even if his nostrils are upturned, the junior sisters in Kunyue City still want to take a second look."

This sour tone is probably a bitter child whose sweetheart only has Bai Yu in his eyes.

"Hehe, our master is too old to look down on these small flowers and grasses. If he is an old man, can he still have Bai Yu's share?"

"That's right, don't talk about our master, the second senior uncle was also good-looking back then. After changing the old clothes and dressing up again, he is also a good-looking talent."

"What are you talking about? The second teacher Bode is highly respected. Even if he is dressed in plain clothes, he is like a fairy. The dead are the most important. Let's not disturb his old man."

"Okay, let's not talk about it, let's talk about that kid Mu Yu, how is he compared to Bai Yu?"

"Although I don't like him, I have to admit that he and Bai Yu are on the same level."

A disciple clapped his hands and said: "I heard that Bai Yu and Mu Yu had an enmity back then, and Bai Yu beat Mu Yu for a woman, and offended the second uncle. Hehe, seniors, I'm new here, so don't blame me if I made a mistake. .”

"It's okay, it's true. But Mu He is a top-notch person, and our master has also made a feud with him, so there is nothing to say about it."

"That's it..." The disciple suddenly thought of it, patted his forehead and said, "Brother by the way! Today in the main hall, our master said that Mu Yu pretended to be pitiful. What happened? I wanted to ask at that time."

This is indeed a problem, and finally came some dry goods.

Xie Zhiwei slowly sat up from the couch, listening attentively.

The other party sighed, and replied: "It's not because of the Second Senior Uncle."

Xie Zhiwei was taken aback: What's the situation

The new disciple urged: "Senior brother, don't be tricky, talk quickly."

In a quiet corridor, the disciple said slowly: "I was there when the Yibuya Demon Sect attacked four years ago, and I saw the second master vomit blood and died with my own eyes. At that time, the kid Mu Yu cried so desolately, Holding the corpse of the Second Martial Uncle, even if he doesn’t let go, no one can persuade him, even his father, the King of Jiuzhou, couldn’t pull it away, and he just made him faint from crying.”

Hearing this, Xie Zhiwei had already got off the couch, and the sleepiness was gone.

"Looking at his pretentious posture now, I really can't imagine that scene... Then, what happens next?"

"It was raining very hard at that time, so we couldn't just be drenched like this? Mu Yu didn't let go of the second master's wrist, and the King of Kyushu lost his patience later, so he spoke. I have to learn this sentence , um cough..." The disciple cleared his throat, and imitated: "It's good for my prince to be in the rain all the time, anyway, Xie Zhiwei is also dead, cut off that arm."

Everyone was in an uproar: "It's unreasonable!" "The king of Kyushu is too bullying!"

Xie Zhiwei swallowed in his throat, and moved his arm that was intact, feeling a moment of fear.

Someone asked, "Did you cut it off later?"

"Where is our Taoist sect, even the royal family should not try to mess around. Besides, our master and the second uncle have such a good relationship, so we were furious at that time."

"It's good to be angry! Then?"

The disciple said: "Then our master took a step forward and picked up the hand that Mu Yu was holding onto the second uncle's wrist. Pay attention, it is the right hand. Then he broke off his fingers one by one, um... just separated , the two beams are also settled."

There was silence in the corridor for a while.

After a while, someone murmured: "Understood... no wonder Mu He wrote with his left hand today, and his hand... has been broken for four years? No way?"

The disciple earlier sneered: "Why else would Master say that he was pretending to be pitiful? A majestic prince, would he not be able to find someone to heal his hand? Or a mere fracture."

Xie Zhiwei walked to the half-closed window step by step, his brows were wrinkled, and his expression was rare and serious.

An older disciple said: "Forget it, forget it, the person who said he would not mention the second uncle, went astray again. Mu Yu is his only disciple, so if you talk too much, it will be bad if you offend the old man." gone."

The disciple didn't take it seriously: "We're not wrong, besides, the second uncle is far away from Zhuoji City, even if the old man has a spirit in heaven, he wouldn't come to listen to this wall."

The new little disciple suddenly turned pale, pointed at the window sash that was hidden behind him, and trembled: "Master, senior brother... there is someone behind you!"

The disciple looked back in astonishment, and there was a vague figure in the blacked-out window.

The figure was tightly wrapped up and down, with two eyes exposed, which shone brightly under the moonlight.

He suddenly uttered a scream, turned and ran. The people behind couldn't dodge in time, being hit by him, they fell down, staggered and staggered, and couldn't do it for a while.

Even if there is a ghost under the window, you are still cultivating immortals, so it is the ghost that should be afraid, right? Dare to feel that these hairy boys followed Cheese and didn't learn their skills.

Xie Zhiwei pushed the window open and flicked on the candle under the window at the same time.

With a sound of "squeak", the door opened.

The few disciples of Qianyang City huddled together managed to stand up, and looked at the past with several eyes. I saw a thin masked man walking out with a lamp in his hand, and then, there was a faint smell of mud scattered in the air.

They breathed a sigh of relief, and a disciple with a mole on the corner of his mouth patted his chest and said, "It turned out to be you, you scared me to death. Brother, are you okay during the day, that kid Mu Yu is ungrateful and ungrateful, unexpectedly, even an innocent Passers-by are not spared."

This voice is the one who just talked about the past of Taoism and knows a lot. There is a mole on his mouth, no wonder he is gossiping.

Xie Zhiwei waved his hand, took another two steps, and was in the corridor.

He didn't speak, and the young man didn't feel any difference, and continued to gesture: "No wonder we didn't realize that there are other people here. Brother doesn't cultivate, he doesn't have spiritual power."

Another person said: "That's right, he runs on two legs during the day to hide from Mu Kuo. If it was like our Yu Jian, he would have escaped long ago."

Xie Zhiwei had no expression on his face, and he chuckled in his heart: Yu Jian can get rid of Mu Yu, who gave you the confidence as a young man

With a very humble nod on his face, he continued to walk forward slowly, and did not stop until he reached the shadow of the stairs. All the disciples didn't understand what he was doing, and dozens of pairs of eyes stared at him.

Xie Zhiwei stood in front of the stairs without saying a word, and seemed to sigh.

Then, Tantai Meng emerged from the shadow, and immediately, everyone took another breath.

She was quite embarrassed: "Engong, I didn't want to hear it at first, but I was really curious about what happened to Zhenren Xie back then, so... I'm sorry, everyone, for scaring you." She cleared her throat, "That ... It's getting late, everyone, sleep well, and benefactor sleep well." After saying that, he went downstairs in a hurry.

The few disciples were embarrassed, and the young man coughed dryly: "Master Dusheng's high-achieving apprentice must be stronger than us, so it's not ashamed or embarrassing. Go to sleep, brother, and we will go too."

Ya will really make excuses for herself.

But it is also true. If a cultivator cannot detect the other party's spiritual power, there are only two possibilities. One is that the other party really has no spiritual power, and the other is that the other party's cultivation base is much higher than his, and he deliberately suppresses it.

It is very easy for Mu Kui in his heyday to conceal his spiritual power in front of Xie Zhiwei. And Xie Zhiwei wanted to cover up with Mu Yu, so he could barely avoid being discovered by completely using spiritual power, such as today...

Thinking of this, Xie Zhiwei couldn't help but touch him to death. Useless, too useless.

But no matter what, the noisy noise finally dissipated, and I finally got a good night's sleep, right

Oh, it can't.

Xie Zhiwei tossed and turned on the bed, all he could think of was the fact that Mu Kui was cut off by Chu Zhi.

It seems that he underestimated the hero's dependence on him back then, which led to such an appearance. Xie Zhiwei's scalp is tight, and the male lead is indirectly because of his severed hand. This feeling wasted far more than he imagined. This time I can't be recognized by him, it's better not to go to the imperial capital to watch, and complete other tasks silently, maybe the hero is happy, so he can let him go [not necessarily].

But what is puzzling is that the hero has to hang around with a severed hand for four years because of Mao. The original book once described him as "invulnerable to swords and guns, with amazing self-healing ability", could something have gone wrong, the male protagonist not only failed to become a King Kong body, but got hemophilia instead

Or... the male protagonist has a tendency to be masochistic, so he just wants to be hurt like this

Xie Zhiwei thought wildly for half the night, and finally fell asleep, when he heard a noise in the haze. When I got up the next day and wandered around to look around, I found that the room next door that Daozong had previously booked was empty.

Tantai Meng went upstairs to deliver food to him, and saw him staring at the closed doors and windows in a daze, so she explained: "Last night at midnight, City Lord Chu rushed back to Daozong with a few disciples overnight."

Xie Zhiwei nodded, feeling faintly that something was about to happen. When he was figuring out the plot, Tantai Meng lowered his voice and said: "They woke me up when they left, and I vaguely heard two lines of dialogue. Benefactor, it seems to be Taoism." Two persons of identity have disappeared."