Too Bad Master Died Early

Chapter 93: Undercurrent


Xie Zhiwei's heart sank.

He's been thinking wildly all day.

When the male protagonist was unconscious, he took the opportunity to escape, and the reason was to help his "enemy" Chu Zhi escape. With the character of the male lead, how could he let it go so easily, and even offered to help

This is the first, and the second, this kid was in such a serious situation at the time, and he sacrificed two barriers in one day... It was enough.

At this time, he came after him alone, without any helper. Could it be that he still has a big move hidden

Xie Zhiwei was dubious about this speculation, he wanted to see something from Mu Ku's expression, but Mu Ku was standing far away in the shadow of the tree, his entire face was covered by darkness, so he couldn't see clearly at all.

All he could see was a solitary figure standing there, his hair fluttering along with his white clothes, and withered leaves swirling around him, so lonely to the extreme.

Xie Zhiwei couldn't help but said, "Since we're here, why don't you show up to see me?"

Mu Yu didn't move, still standing silently.

Xie Zhiwei asked calmly: "Are you blaming the teacher for leaving without saying goodbye?"

At this time Mu Ku shook his head, and after a while, he finally spoke in a low voice: "I don't dare, I think that the master must not want to see the disciple at this moment."

"how you said that?"

In the night, Mu Yu also lowered his head: "I didn't expect my little uncle to be injured like this. I'm afraid that his intrusion into the mansion will be bad for the father... If he knew that the father would torture him, he would never Will make a move."

Speaking of this, Xie Zhiwei was not angry.

Cheese is such a high-spirited man, his arm was crippled, and he was tortured in a prison... Well, it seems that there is nothing else but a broken arm? He can still eat, sleep and scold the male lead, and he scolds more justly.

Xie Zhiwei cleared his throat and said, "Your little uncle is indeed suffering."

Mu Ku lowered his head even lower: "It's all the disciple's fault, please punish me, Master."

He always stood upright, but now his back was hunched, and his tone was more cautious, like a child who did something wrong and was waiting to be reprimanded.

Xie Zhiwei suddenly didn't know how to answer it.

In fact, this matter has nothing to do with the male lead, does it

It was Cheese who broke the male lead's hand back then. Of course, Cheese also wanted to preserve Xie Zhiwei's body, and it was Xie Zhiwei's fault. But after all, the male protagonist also committed a crime for no reason, but even though the hand was broken for four years, the male protagonist is not normal again.

But it was the King of Kyushu who caused Cheese to break his hand. At that time, the hero was lying on the bed and fighting against the illusion. He didn't know anything. At best, like the male protagonist said, he was afraid that the cheese would be bad for the King of Kyushu, so he subdued him.

There was nothing wrong with this explanation. It was impossible to just sit back and watch someone's home being broken into illegally, not to mention that it was the palace of the prince.

After a while, Xie Zhiwei sighed and said, "I won't punish people, and you don't have to blame yourself, this matter is not your fault."

Mu Yu raised his head, revealing half of his shadowy face: "Master, really don't blame the disciple?"

Although Xie Zhiwei still couldn't see his face clearly, his eyes were bright, and the color of water could still be seen in his eyes, like the waves shining from the stars and moon.

Xie Zhiwei said: "Well, I don't blame you." Those who were wronged, who didn't know, thought they were robbed by me, or they were robbed...

But no matter how wronged he is, he can't give him too much face, even if he wants to treat him better... he can't let him know.

Xie Zhiwei felt that maybe he cared too much about the male protagonist before, so that this innocent and beautiful virgin who had never been close to women, and even hated women because of Cheng Daoxiu, went astray, thinking that men are true love.

If you cool him down a little bit, maybe his mind will lighten up.

The corner of Mu Yu's mouth seemed to twitch, but his voice dropped again: "But the master is still so indifferent to the disciple... Anyway, the disciple is here, as long as he sees that the master is safe, he will be relieved."


Xie Zhi was slightly stunned. In fact, from the moment the male lead appeared, Xie Zhiwei was ready to compete with him. He never expected that the hero would say such generous words. No, this can no longer be considered generous, it is called bullying.

Is this, this, this, the stallion hero who is the only one who respects me every day

... No, since he bent, he has run counter to the image in the original book.

Xie Zhiwei couldn't help but said: "You..."

Mu Yu suddenly raised his hand, and a cyan brilliance lit up beside Xie Zhiwei's side, and it became even brighter when it touched Xie Zhiwei's fingertips.

This is the Qingping Sword.

Xie Zhiwei twitched his brows, and before he could react, Qingpingjian and his spiritual consciousness had already sensed it. Suddenly there was a sound of lingling, and a moment later, the sword energy and Xie Zhiwei's spiritual power attracted each other, like an old friend who hadn't seen for a long time.

Qingpingjian recognized the original owner.

But there was a little more strange spiritual power in his sword energy, which came from Mu Qian.

Qingping Sword is an ancient artifact with many extraordinary features. Among them, it will remember the owner it has recognized. This is also the reason why Xie Zhiwei was not rejected by it before.

Xie Zhiwei sighed: "What is this for?"

Mu Yu said softly: "No one will stop Master from returning to Daozong. The Qingping sword disciple has been kept for many years and is now returned to Master. I just hope that when Master sees it, occasionally... he can think of the disciple. Just treat it as it is. Protect the master for the disciples."

Hearing his pitiful words, Xie Zhiwei couldn't help but think of the image of the stallion in the original book, hugging left and right, with countless harems. It is only for him to give alms to others, there is no reason to beg for mercy from others.

Such a comparison... It's really pitiful.

Xie Zhiwei was silent for a moment, and said: "Are you going to talk to the teacher like this all the time today?"

The moon is dark and the wind is high, and it is deep in the mountains and dense forests. It is really weird for two men to talk to each other without seeing each other's faces clearly.

Mu Yu's eyelashes trembled, just as he was about to say something, his body shook suddenly.

Following this movement, his upper body was slightly illuminated by the Qingping Sword, and his entire pale and bloodless face came into Xie Zhiwei's field of vision.

The color of his lips was so pale that it was almost whitish, as if the spiritual power that Xie Zhiwei sent before did not exist.

Xie Zhiwei subconsciously took a step forward: "How could this be?" followed by the second step.

But Mu Xi seemed to be afraid of him coming, and turned around very quickly: "It's nothing, Master doesn't need to...cough cough."

He bent down, covered his chest and coughed twice, his voice hoarse.

Xie Zhiwei walked towards him and said in a deep voice, "Let me take a look."

But Mu Yu said: "Master... take care."

Then, a red lotus brilliance bloomed all over his body, but it was obviously much dimmer than before. As soon as the red lotus petals opened and closed, a distorted crack opened in the void, and he entered without looking back, and the brilliance disappeared immediately.

But in the blink of an eye, there was nothing under the maple tree.

Xie Zhiwei paused, his eyes widened in disbelief.

However, he no longer knew what he was unbelievable about.

A call came from outside the forest: "Grandfather, so you are in the forest, what's the matter?"

Xie Zhiwei suddenly looked around, it turned out that he had already entered the forest so far.

After another ten steps, I came under the maple tree.

He turned around, Tantai Meng in white was watching curiously in front of the carriage outside the forest.

He curled up his fingers involuntarily, with a smile on his face: "It's okay, a white-eyed wolf came into the woods just now, and I have chased him away."

"My lord, what my subordinates say is true, and I dare not make any false statements."

Kyushu King tapped the table with his fingertips, his expression as usual: "Are you sure, Chu Zhi is the second senior brother of that person?"

"Yes, my lord. The subordinates of Yujing Taoist Sect have heard a little bit about it, and they know that there are three senior brothers in total, and the second one is..." Wu Yan kept secret.

The knocking on the table stopped.

The King of Kyushu said word by word: "So, Wang Er disobeyed me for him?"

Wuyan didn't dare to pick it up, and buried her head even lower.

In the stove, a sliver of sandalwood smoke rose, which was the only movement at the moment, and he didn't dare to vent his breath.

Suddenly there was a low laugh from the seat, and he heard the King of Kyushu say: "Okay, very good."

The embers of sandalwood on the edge of the incense burner were suddenly blown away by a slight air wave, floating in the void for a moment, and just happened to land on Wuyan's shoulder.

Wuyan immediately put her whole body on the ground: "My lord, calm down."

Wuyan hadn't seen such a reaction from King of Kyushu for a long time.

He has been like a wild crane many years ago, no longer taking anything to heart. Since the eldest son returned to the mansion, he has become more leisurely and content these years, and he rarely even frowns.

So much so that Wuyan almost forgot that his master also made military exploits by stepping on countless bones. But if the tiger takes back his minions for a while, will the violence in his bones be exhausted

But at this time, the master was angry, and he suddenly brought up the remaining spiritual power. It seems that the prince has disappointed him this time.

Can't imagine what will happen next.

I don't know how long it took before the King of Kyushu slowly opened his mouth: "Do you think this king is angry?"

Wuyan was startled, and hurriedly said: "This subordinate is a slip of the tongue, this subordinate should not talk about the master."

"You are wrong, you have no face." The King of Kyushu took a deep breath, and said lightly: "I don't have time to pay attention to those stories about the Arabian Nights. Wang'er has always been obedient, and I will never disobey him for an irrelevant person." king."


Wuyan agreed with her mouth, deeply surprised in her heart.

The prince was unwilling to go into it. Could it be that the tiger's hostility has really disappeared? Or is it because the love is so deep that the prince doesn't want to embarrass his son

"Get up, you're doing well."

The King of Kyushu's expression softened, "Wang'er has been in poor health recently, and this king is really worried. I heard that a few days ago, there was a person living in a small courtyard behind the mansion, and Wang'er seems to be quite concerned."

Wuyan asked cautiously: "Wang Ye means..."

The king of Jiuzhou put a finger on his forehead and said with a little fatigue, "This king only has a son, Wang'er, and I always want to take care of him more, but I don't like to ask about everything... Do you understand?"

Wuyan bowed her head and kowtowed: "This subordinate understands that this subordinate must try its best to find out about this person for the prince, and this matter will definitely not alarm the prince."