Too Bad Master Died Early

Chapter 94: turnaround


Departure at dawn.

Chu Zhi and Tantai Meng are still very nervous, but Xie Zhiwei knows that there will probably not be any chasing troops in the future. But he didn't say anything, and followed suit.

Chu Zhi was the first to get into the car, and suddenly remembered something, and turned around and asked, "Second Senior Brother, the Kyushu King doesn't know about you these days in the palace, right? Otherwise, the people he sent would always yell at me and kill me. What's wrong with you?"

Tantai Meng said: "I definitely don't know, otherwise he wouldn't have sent people to chase after him, it's all useless."

Chu Zhi said with a smile: "Yesterday, those people had no power to fight back against the second senior brother. That kid Mu Yu even betrayed him for some reason. I don't know how to explain it when he goes back."

Tantai Meng put the luggage on the car, turned around and said: "Although the prince is elusive, I heard that he is extremely filial to the king of Kyushu. Benevolent, do you think the king of Kyushu will blame him for this?"

Xie Zhiwei twitched the corner of his mouth and shook his head.

This plot does not exist in the original book, how should he answer

In the original book, the King of Kyushu’s sense of existence is extremely low, just like the original owner Xie Zhiwei, they are just the necessary assists for the hero to upgrade: the hero needs status, and the King of Kyushu rushes to recognize his son; the hero needs power, and the King of Kyushu Give him all the soldiers, commanders, seals, tokens, etc.; the hero said in the first chapter that he wanted to ascend the throne, and the king of Kyushu went into seclusion in the next chapter, for fear that he would stay and become the emperor and steal the hero's limelight.

But all of these are based on the fact that the hero has coaxed the King of Kyushu to his heart's content.

In the original novel, the male protagonist has never disobeyed his father, and of course, there is nothing worthy of his overthrowing the image of a filial son he has always maintained.

Chu Zhi's eyebrows twitched: "But having said that, no one knows about the Second Senior Brother's presence in the palace. But if Wang Wanyi of Jiuzhou asked that kid why he wanted to help, would he make public about the Second Senior Brother's matter? We have to go back to Daozong quickly."

Xie Zhiwei suddenly said: "Needless to say, the King of Kyushu probably already knows about it by now."

Chu Zhi didn't understand, so: "Why? Didn't we go well yesterday?"

Tantai Meng thought for a while, then looked at Chu Zhi and said, "Senior, when we left from the river bank yesterday, you seemed to call Second Senior Brother!"

"Did I yell? I didn't pay attention when I relaxed. It seems that there is really..." Chu Zhi slapped his forehead and said angrily, "Second senior brother, I have troubled you."

Xie Zhiwei waved his hand: "There is no need to blame yourself, paper can't hold fire."

"Although you say that, the king of Kyushu must compare every penny. Back then, the son broke a hand for Engong. If he knew that Engong was still alive, how would he give up?" Tantai Meng said with lingering fear, "Fortunately, Engong came out of the palace. Never go back."

"Yes... not going back."

The wheels rolled, and the carriage slowly drove towards the forest last night. When passing the maple tree, Xie Zhiwei glanced under the tree unconsciously.

Then his gaze froze.

The morning light was shining, and there were many dark purple fallen maples on the ground, and large pieces were mixed with the yellow fallen leaves. But in this bleak tones, Xie Zhiwei caught an unusual touch of red.

Tantai Meng followed his gaze and wondered: "Grandfather, why is there a small spot of blood under the tree? It's so strange."

Xie Zhiwei's eyes flickered slightly: "It's really strange."

Chu Zhi was interested, so he followed suit, "I heard from the girl that you beat and ran away a white-eyed wolf here last night. It's a pity. You said it would be good to roast it in the wilderness. "Speaking and laughed twice, Xie Zhiwei put down the car curtain, and seemed to twitch the corners of his mouth.

Chu Zhi paused, and said suspiciously: "Second senior brother, this blood, could it be that white-eyed wolf? You hurt him so badly?"

Xie Zhiwei suddenly couldn't say anything, and after a long while, he said reluctantly: "I'm a little sleepy, sleep for a while."

He leaned against the car door with his back to everyone, and it took him a long time to calm down. He took a deep breath and knocked on the system.

This time, the grass python hero unexpectedly answered in seconds: "Morning idol, how are you doing, has the hero harassed you recently?"

Xie Zhiwei said sullenly: "No."

The grass python hero was taken aback, his tone was quite wrong.

According to what Xie Zhiwei told him about the situation before, when it came to the hero's indignation, it was as if he had swallowed a hundred flies alive, wishing that the hero would disappear from him as soon as possible.

So the male protagonist didn't harass him, so he should be happy, right

The grass python hero laughed and said, "Idol, then...then you said you wanted to escape last time, what is your plan now?"

"Well, one more day's journey will arrive at Daozong."

"I'm going? So fast... It's only been two or three days. Is it going so smoothly?"

"Nonsense, what will I do if I'm not sure?"

"Then, idol, you are contacting me on the way to escape, are you in any trouble?"

"It's not a trouble." Xie Zhiwei was silent for a moment, and asked him, "Tell me honestly, will the hero die?"

"Of course not." Hero Grass Python answered very simply.

"That's fine, it's fine." Xie Zhiwei felt relieved and was about to hang up the system.

"Wait! Idol, I haven't finished yet." Hero Grass Mang stopped him, "It cannot be said that he will not die. Because of the plot, the hero will still be injured if the setting allows it, and what is more, he will die. Will be seriously injured...well, maybe die."

Xie Zhi was slightly angry: "Then why did you..."

The grass python hero hurriedly said: "Also, because he is the center of the system, when he dies, the system will turn on the protection mode to prevent him from dying. Just like your idol before, but he may suffer more than you Point. When you kick your foot, he has to stay next to him until his body fully recovers."

Xie Zhiwei was thoughtful: "Is that so..."

Grass Mang hero took the opportunity to say: "Idol, you are asking this because the male lead was injured. Why don't you give me authorization, I'll look at the latest plot and analyze it for you."

Unexpectedly, Xie Zhiwei flatly refused: "Look at the bird, I'm dead."

The grass python hero immediately yelled: "Idol, don't be like this, I really want to know the latest plot, show me a bird is fine too—"

Xie Zhiwei quit the system very ruthlessly.

I found that the grass python hero has been trying to authorize things in different ways recently, and I can't even dictate to him. But right now it's not a matter of pursuing this issue, Xie Zhiwei recalled what Hero Cao Mang said earlier, and his whole heart seemed to be firmly pinched by a hand.

As expected, Mu Kui was seriously injured.

When he escaped, he was still lucky, thinking that the male lead was a cheating existence, how could he be trapped by a mere phantom.

But several secret treasures in this world are also open and cheated, and it is also difficult to deal with problems. Last night, before Mu Yu hurriedly left, he coughed twice, and sure enough, he saw blood stains just now under the maple tree.

Xie Zhiwei had died before, and had tasted that kind of feeling, but like the grass python hero said, when he kicked his feet and didn't know anything, he felt uncomfortable for a while.

But the hero is different. He died once with hatred and despair. He is still young in this life. If he experiences that pain again... that pain will last forever.

Xie Zhiwei couldn't imagine what Mu Ku would be like at that time.

It was so easy to see a little light in life, but it went out so quickly.

It's so easy to wait for the person I've been thinking about all along, but the other person leaves without looking back, and doesn't care about his life or death.

From this point of view, Mu Yu's life was not much better than before his rebirth.

Xie Zhiwei thought wildly for a long time, then suddenly let out a yell.

Who said that the hero is going to hang up in this place

Regardless of the outcome, the protection of the system is better than nothing. No matter how bad it is... isn't there still Xie Zhiwei

At this time, the carriage was driving on the official road, and the road was full of noise. Xie Zhiwei stood up abruptly, causing the drowsy Tantai Meng to also stand up vigilantly: "Grandpa, what happened?"

Chu Zhi next to her didn't realize it, she was still sleeping soundly with her eyes closed, and she was still snoring slightly.

Xie Zhiwei took a deep breath and said, "Someone is here."

The carriage stopped, and Xie Zhiwei yelled outside: "There's no need to look for it, your master is on the carriage."

Immediately afterwards, plop plop kneeling sounded one after another: "Disciple welcomes Master!"

Tantai Meng got out of the car, covered her mouth, and stared in surprise at the Qianyang City disciples who were all over the place.

Chu Zhi yawned and lifted the curtain of the car, scolding: "What are you talking about, it's so noisy."

Xie Zhiwei turned a deaf ear to everything around him, he stood alone, looking at the market where people come and go in the distance, as if in a lifetime.

— Feihua Town.

A few days ago Chu Zhi went down the mountain alone, and Yan Zhifei didn't think it was wrong at first. After all, he was in charge of the Taoist sect alone, so he didn't have to report everything to the head. But there was no news for several days, and he left suddenly at that time, and said something that Yan Zhifei didn't understand, which was abnormal. In the past few days, Yan Zhifei sent Qianyang City disciples down the mountain to look for them from time to time.

Naturally, Yan Zhifei told them to keep a low profile, but there were always one or two sloppy disciples who said on the way, "What if Master can't be found?" Men and widows, it's too miserable."

These few words were just heard by Xie Zhiwei, and that voice...was quite familiar.

Xie Zhiwei flicked the tea leaves with a bowl cover, and kindly asked the male disciple with a mole on his mouth: "What's the name of this nephew, and how long has he been in Qianyang City?"

The male disciple said: "Back to Second Master, my disciple is Chen Daoyuan, and he has been practicing Taoism for ten years."

Xie Zhiwei nodded and said: "It's been a long time." The skill of the big horn is directly proportional to the age.

Qianyang City is a big place, and tens of thousands of male disciples mix together every day, and they don't even see a single woman. After a long time, I feel refreshed and refined when I meet a female mouse. At this time, Tantai Meng of the goddess level was sitting at the same table with them with a smile on her face. These male disciples were either blushing, looking for something to say, or pretending to look away, but their eyes were all wandering. , can't wait to grow eyes on people.

Chu Zhi couldn't bear to watch it any longer, and it was a joy to be hit on the head one by one.

The corners of Xie Zhiwei's mouth curled up, and he continued to say to the male disciple: "Your master's medicine needs to be changed three times a day, that bamboo board is too good, go back and get him some plaster to fix it. The intermittent medicine must not be stopped, he If you lose your temper and don’t eat, you go to ask the master master, remember?”

Chen Daoyuan repeatedly agreed: "Disciple, remember, Second Master, don't worry."

Xie Zhiwei nodded, got up and walked away.

Chen Daoyuan scratched his head, and said to himself in a low voice: "It's strange, the second senior uncle knows me very well, why are you talking about this to me alone? I understand, it must be because the second senior uncle saw my excellence In this place, the luck of those who have long hair will not be too bad, Master sincerely do not deceive me... "

When the meal time arrived, the restaurant was buzzing with people.

And Xie Zhiwei left through the back door with the excuse of going to the toilet. He didn't look back until he walked out of Feihua Town.

Dengtian City reveals a corner in the clouds and mist, as if it is far away in the sky.

Feihua Town is at the foot of Daozong, and there are a group of Qianyang City disciples escorting him. Cheese and Mengmeng are safe enough, so he can leave with peace of mind.

Xie Zhiwei sighed, after saving this one and that one, it's really unstoppable...