Top Giants: Rebirth of the Black-Bellied Wife

Chapter 1: Desert city


D City, the richest city in the Middle East, is also the most important modern city in the desert country. Everyone in the world knows that not everyone in D City is a billionaire, but the richest billionaires in the world must be in D City. Therefore, it is also known as the "Golden City".

But at this moment, the night was as cold as water, and the silence was so cold. In this most admired and longed-for city in the world, the strangest scene happened -

A dark shadow stood on the wall and said quietly: "Your Highness, are you going to kill these people?" The hoarse voice came out in the strange air, without any fluctuation.

If you look closely, you will find that the speaker's straight and majestic profile is reflected on the door frame through the hazy moonlight. Every move is silent, but he is full of evil spirit and has the restraint of a soldier.

The place they are in is a unique and precious oasis in D city. The buildings rising here are also known as "desert miracles" around the world, but at the moment, there is no beauty at all.

Thirty crying children with snot and tears were lying scattered in the yard. After just one glance, obvious irritability flashed across the face of the person who had just spoken.

"Click" -

The sound of playing with firearms, although extremely slight, disturbed the man who had been sitting lazily on the sofa. The man who was addressed as "Your Highness" seemed to be disturbed by the murderous aura. He smiled slightly and slowly opened his eyes.

For just a moment, the bodyguards standing around were stunned by this sight.

These are a pair of dazzling eyes that can only be possessed by absorbing the essence of heaven and earth. They are bright and bright, but also cold and fierce. It's so contradictory that people find it incredible, but it's also so beautiful that people dare not approach it.

A white windbreaker was draped half-covered behind him, as if his whole body was bathed in holy light. His eyes were so deep, like the blue sea, that one could drown in them just by looking at them. But the color of his eyes was extremely light, as if nothing in this world could make any waves.

At this moment, he glanced around and seemed to be very interested in the boys and girls who were trapped and gagged. His long and white right hand gently touched the people kneeling on the ground crying in pain: "They are these A batch of sacrifices?"

His voice was very soft and low, but it was like ice cubes just taken out of the refrigerator. As soon as his voice fell, the whole palace seemed to fall silent.

Even the most grumpy boy among the "sacrifice" couldn't wait to admit that this voice was so beautiful that it would make people willing to die. He didn't know how to express this feeling with words, or there were no words in the world that could describe this person. It was as if this man bathed in the night had magic power. It makes people feel defenseless.

But the words coming out of his mouth were obviously so cold and ruthless.

Living sacrifices are still legal in the Middle East. Compared with the openness and freedom of Western countries, D City still inherits some ancient historical traditions—for example, it retains the royal inheritance just like the United Kingdom. Another example is the cruel system of killing living people for sacrifice in order to pray for blessings. However, the latter would not announce it to the public easily, and the sacrifices would not choose children like them from wealthy families. But this time, something obviously went wrong.

"Go back to your highness, they will be the last batch of people to be sacrificed tomorrow." The cool and handsome captain replied sonorously, his eyes fixed on the man in white, but the gun in his hand was already loaded. He glanced at his pocket and paused slightly. Unfortunately, I forgot to bring a silencer, so it might be a little noisy for a while.

"In that case, let's kill them all." He smiled coldly and softly uttered the coldest sentence tonight, easily deciding everyone's outcome. His face was still calm and unruffled, and he was so handsome that people couldn't even take their eyes away.

Using living sacrifices to offer sacrifices is nothing new. Unfortunately, Brother Wang is sometimes too willful and believes too much in those ancient oriental books. Lu Ming smiled helplessly. He didn't know where he got the "news" from. Brother Wang actually firmly believed that as long as ninety-nine and eighty-one noble boys and girls were sacrificed to heaven, the country's oil resources could be guaranteed. will dry up.

At present, these thirty people are the last group of boys and girls of school age who were secretly collected by Brother Wang, and the previous fifty-one people had been sacrificed alive before he arrived. If this kind of thing disappears for ordinary civilians, it will disappear. The key is that these batches are sacrifices, and the background behind each one is not simple. If any clues are found, the scandal of their royal family will completely shock the world.

Haha... If this kind of thing was really revealed, he would be happy to see Brother Wang's joke. Unfortunately… .

Lu Ming's eyes flashed with evil intent.

His father's partiality has penetrated deep into his bones. If he watches the fire from afar, he may end up getting angry and burning himself.

But if these thirty people are released, the whereabouts of the fifty-one people will be exposed. The only solution now is to execute them directly to avoid future troubles.

As for Brother Wang's possible rage tomorrow, there was a flash of contempt in his eyes, but that was not at all on his mind.

Lu Ming waved his hand, took a sip of red wine without saying a word, and closed his eyes to rest with an indifferent expression.

The slender neck, the white forehead, the deep and wide blue eyes, the dazzling white clothes, this is like a painting, so beautiful that it makes people forget about the world.

Until, the first shrill scream pierced the sky...

"Well", blood flowed from the mouth that was tightly gagged. The young boy was looking at the prince who was called "perfect man" by the whole country a moment ago, but now his head fell to the ground, and his body was not intact. …

A second desperate scream followed, then a third, a fourth, a fifth...

Those young men who were usually arrogant and arrogant in this land, faced the fifteen strong men with scimitars with cold bodies, their faces were full of tears, and blood slowly flowed out along with their cut skin. , brightly intertwined with the scarlet on the ground.

A pair of frightened eyes stared at the inhumanly beautiful "His Royal Highness", only hoping for a miracle to have the last hope of survival.

However, the sound of a sword piercing the flesh came closer and closer behind him, and his heart seemed to be hung on a cliff. In just a moment, his body was shattered into pieces, and he died without a whole body...

The moment before she opened her eyes, Leng Yiyao was still struggling with whether her upper and lower bodies were separated, or whether her abdomen was pierced by an iron hook.

It was as if the whole person had been torn into pieces, but the internal organs were cut open one by one, and the last bit of minced meat was crushed.

The endless pain was like a sickle, cutting into every nerve in her body.

The pain at least meant she was still alive.

I breathed out happily, but the next moment, I didn't even have this little time to entertain myself. Because the pain has passed and now I no longer feel anything...

Sighing helplessly, she subconsciously hooked her little finger, but unfortunately, no matter how hard she tried, it was to no avail.

Well, her broken body is becoming more useless every time. She has been disappointed so many times that her temper has been trained to be Fudo Mingou.

I calmed down and listened to my surroundings.

Quiet, very quiet, consistent with the conditions of a morgue or a tomb, but the smell of blood was too pungent, destroying her desire to indulge in darkness.

There was a gurgling sound in her ears, and the sticky substance seemed to be flowing out endlessly. If she guessed correctly, it should be her blood.

Oh, no, correction, it’s not “her”, but this “corpse”’s….

Normally, if she is in a good mood, or if there is an audience present, or if she can still speak, she will summarize the strange situation in the most concise language.

This is a veritable "resurrection of a dead body"!

It's a pity that there is currently no kind person staying beside this body to care about "her" real feelings.

Tsk, this is not the first time that she has "resurrected herself through a dead body". She is no longer a naive and ignorant girl who has nothing to do. In this case, if you don't want to be regarded as a monster or a fake corpse, the best way is , or come quietly, go quietly, leaving no cloud behind.

Leng Yiyao's eyes flashed with amusement.

At the beginning, as a spy trained by a special agency, she thought that hunting and counter-hunting, and stealing secrets were the simplest tasks in her life. Unfortunately, since her death, she has been reborn again and again, and every time she wakes up, She had always had a tattered body, and her world view was constantly being refreshed, so that, at the moment, she was hardly shocked at all.

Haha, reflecting the lonely moonlight, a pair of cold eyes finally opened a corner, and then looked at the surrounding situation as if nothing had happened.

It has to be said that the sight of thirty corpses stacked up in random directions is really unsightly. Moreover, the fifteen strong men in black standing in a tight circle around her instantly dampened her good mood of rebirth.

This time she was reborn, the remaining memories in her mind were still the same as before, and she inherited them.

Very good, instead of traveling back to ancient times, we are simply reborn in an unknown Middle Eastern country. Judging by time, the level of civilization is about the same as that of the 21st century. Unfortunately, it is a completely parallel world, completely different from any place that has been reborn before. There is no shortage of mobile phones, computers, cars, and airplanes, but there is no more motherland and hometown that she misses so much.

Hehe, after all, he used to do evil things on his own territory, and he was just a host after all. Now, after being reborn, he actually came to the desert area. She didn't even know if she wanted to thank God for giving her such bad luck.

The climate is dry. Logically speaking, the land without much rain should be barren. Unfortunately, it has become another UAE empire with its unique resources. Four bright words are engraved on the head of the empire - rich and willful!

Compared with other civilized countries, the country in the desert is still very hierarchical. Of course, the habit of men being superior to women is still retained to this day.

Obviously, Lu Ming, who ordered to "clean up" them today, is a member of the royal family who stands at the top of the pyramid.

However, unfortunately, there were too many people who "witnessed" her "fraudulent corpse" today. In order to eliminate future troubles, she sighed in a low voice. She must let these people pass through the water without leaving a trace...

But what a beauty this is!

The melancholy mood only lasted for a moment. The next moment, Leng Yiyao looked intensely at the man who had his eyes closed to meditate, and couldn't help but smile like a flower. Even though there were countless people reading it, she still couldn't help but praise it at this moment: "Excellent."

All the splendor and beauty of heaven and earth seemed to be gathered into him. His face, which was holier than the moon, was flawless and flawless beyond the reach of ordinary people. It was so white that it was noble and white as its tarsal bones.

Lu Ming was enjoying the night and felt a chill in his heart, like the illusion of being suddenly hunted in the forest, like being skinned and boned layer by layer by a hunter with his eyes, until an arrow nailed him to the ground and blood flowed like a river.

This is a kind of thrilling experience that only occurs before death! It is a kind of eerie feeling before being hunted and slaughtered!

With a "swipe" sound, the hem of his clothes drew an arc in the air. The moment he turned around, he looked at a pair of indifferent eyes in the yard with an expression of surprise...


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