Top Giants: Rebirth of the Black-Bellied Wife

Chapter 108: Beauty is like jade


"Brother Emperor, who is this beauty?" A delicate voice came from behind. Leng Yiyao turned around and saw a Barbie doll about the same size as herself. Her hair, as black as seaweed, was hanging behind her back. A pair of huge round eyes stared at her. Her skin was as white as snow. He just grabbed the hem of her clothes and obviously refused to let her leave.

When Lu Chen saw it, he was shaking with laughter. beauty? How about adding two words "snake and scorpion" in front? He has never seen a woman who is more fearless than her!

She is not afraid of being intercepted or killed, nor is she afraid of being killed. She is full of courage and is simply not like a woman.

When he thought of the words snake and scorpion, his face suddenly darkened.

The royal female guard with a scorpion tattoo on her body still needs to be investigated.

"Brother Imperial?" A confused female voice sounded again. This time, she frowned and looked at her brother with a melancholy face.

The emperor had a total of two sons and two daughters. Although they were not born to the same mother, the two sisters were destined to have no chance of being crowned emperor, so they were raised to be very naive and naive since they were young.

In her early years, the eldest princess was rejected by her father because of her unclear and sticky relationship with a married man. She was sent to the fringe area early, out of sight and out of mind. However, this little sister has been close to her since she was a child. He actually came to pick him up at the airport with his attendants...

He thought for a while and walked up to Leng Yiyao: "My sister likes you very much, why don't you stay and be her female officer?"

The royal family has always given preferential treatment to female aristocrats. After various selections, the most suitable aristocratic women will be selected into the royal family as the close female officials of the princess and queen. This has been a long-standing tradition and is also an honor for the female family.

Leng Yiyao waved her hand directly, "No, no, I still have to go to school." Just kidding, if you are bored, you can talk about royal affairs to relieve your fatigue, but having her follow behind as a nurse every day is completely different.

—You keep your own affairs private, don’t try to drag me into this.

Leng Yiyao only had this line of words clearly engraved in her eyes.

The captain of the guard glanced at his master...

He must have been used to this person's unruly attitude along the way. When he heard her rejection, Lu Chen was not angry at all, let alone furious.

He just held his forehead and said helplessly to his little sister: "Look, I've tried my best. If others don't want to come to the palace to accompany you, there's nothing I can do about it."

"Woooooooo" -

The little girl's dark, soft and bright eyes were immediately filled with tears, and she jumped into Leng Yiyao's arms, "I don't care, I don't care, I just want you."

This kind of emotion is probably the same as that of ordinary little girls who can't walk when they see a pretty doll. It's a pity that Leng Yiyao doesn't accept this at all.

Anyway, no matter how windy or rainy you are, I will remain unmoved.

The little princess caught her, pounced on her, even played tricks on scoundrels, but there was no sign of her loosening up at all, and she immediately withered.

Leng Yiyao took her hand with a smile and put it next to Lu Chen: "I won't follow you back. This is my first time in the capital. I want to walk around. Remember, don't forget that you owe me a request. .”

Regardless of the expression on her face, her meaning is obvious. At this point, there is no possibility of going any further.

Lu Chen knew that she was a talented person, but it was precisely because he saw her skills that he understood better that forceful melons are not sweet. So, she stopped forcing him. After all, she would come to him one day to ask for payment. "In this case, I will send a few people to follow you. If anything happens, you can let them run errands."

As soon as he finished speaking, the little princess looked at him with wide eyes. Is this still her arrogant brother