Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 111: Various aspects of life in the college entrance examination (third update)


() On June 7th, events that the whole country attaches great importance to are taking place vigorously across the country. Since the establishment of the imperial examination system, the college entrance examination has always attracted the attention of people across the country.

After ten years of hard study, who doesn’t want to be named on the gold medal list

However, the college entrance examination is a single-plank bridge after all, and not everyone can safely walk to the Cotai Strip on the other side of the bridge. How to break out of the siege among thousands of troops, how to get into a satisfactory university, everything depends on your performance in today's examination room.

Jian'an No. 1 Middle School is the best middle school in Jian'an City. Naturally, it is also the largest college entrance examination examination center in Jian'an City. In addition, the college entrance examination examination centers include Jian'an City's No. 2 Middle School, No. 3 Middle School, No. 6 Middle School and the private Zhihua Middle School. The seat allocation of the college entrance examination room is randomly assigned by computer. Fortunately, most of the candidates in Jian'an No. 1 Middle School take the college entrance examination in our own school.

It's a scorching summer day. It's not even nine o'clock yet, and the scorching sun is already approaching. At the gate of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, countless parents saw off their children, full of encouragement and expectations, just like the emperors in ancient times seeing off generals who went on an expedition, looking forward to the triumphal war song played outside the Meridian Gate in the morning.

At less than half past eight, Qin Yanran got in the car driven by her mother and got off at the school gate. After accepting her mother's last two words of encouragement, she walked slowly to find her own examination room.

"My exam room is at 23, and Su Lin's exam room at 24 is right next door to me. Although they are not in the same exam room, I am lucky to be in the next door."

Qin Yanran quickly found her examination room and classroom. At this time, most of the people in the examination room also rushed to their seats early. This is the college entrance examination, who has nothing to eat and just grab some? Not only were they afraid of being late, but they had already arrived at the examination room early.

When she walked to the 24th examination room next door, Qin Yanran didn't see Su Lin. Su Lin's seat was empty, and she felt a little worried: "It's already half past eight, why hasn't Su Lin arrived yet? There won't be another accident. ? This is the college entrance examination. If you are late, you will not be able to enter the examination room. Su Lin! You must not be late again. "

Qin Yanran's heart twitched when she thought of Su Lin's habit of being late for work.

Returning to her seat in the examination room full of thoughts, Qin Yanran still looked out the window from time to time. If Su Lin came, he would definitely pass by outside the 23 examination room.

At the same time, Peng Shenda in another examination room was very satisfied. He did not go home last night, and stayed in a hotel outside with a few dudes, memorizing the answers to what he thought was the college entrance examination paper by heart. Of course, he didn't know that his father had already been investigated and punished for Shuanggui.

"I just heard that Liu Qingyang, who is in the same examination room as Su Lin, said that he has not arrived at the examination room yet. It seems that the two people in my father's bureau really held Su Lin back."

This time for the college entrance examination, Peng Shenda planned to retaliate severely against Su Lin and let people drag him down so that he could not catch up with the college entrance examination.

Unfortunately, Peng Shenda's best wishes could not be realized. Just after 8:40, Su Lin got out of the taxi in a hurry. Fortunately, he had just grabbed a handful of pocket money at home, otherwise he might not have even paid for the taxi.

The road in front of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School was basically full of private cars parked by parents of students. Taxis could not get in, so Su Lin had to get out of the car at an intersection 800 meters away from the school gate. Then he ran all the way.

"Su Lin! Why are you so late again? Today is the college entrance examination! It's... It's already past 8:40. You are really mad at the teacher."

Su Lin just ran into the school and unexpectedly ran into Lin Qingxue. When Lin Qingxue saw Su Lin rushing over in a hurry, she couldn't help but lose her temper. On such an important day, you actually came to class later than usual. Do you still want to take the college entrance examination

"Teacher Lin, I'm sorry! I'm sorry! I got up early today, but I... I left my admission ticket at home, so I rushed back to get it. It's too late. I went to the examination room first. If you want to scold me, wait for me I’ll scold you after the exam…”

Of course, Su Lin knew that Lin Qingxue would scold him for caring about him, but he still quickly found an excuse to avoid Lin Qingxue and rushed towards his examination room.

At 8:50, the invigilators in each examination room were already on the podium reading the notes for the college entrance examination. Qin Yanran, who had been staring out the window, hadn't seen Su Lin's familiar figure yet, and she was already feeling anxious.

"Su Lin, what are you doing? Why haven't you come yet? You will be banned from entering the examination room soon."

Qin Yanran was anxious, holding a black pen in her little hand, her palms were sweaty.

Thump thump thump…

In the silent college entrance examination room, there was a rush of footsteps in the corridor, along with a sound of breathing. In the distance, Su Lin had just climbed up from the stairs. Qin Yanran heard it and recognized Su Lin's voice.

With joy on his brows, the worries in his heart were finally relieved, and Su Linke finally arrived.

Sure enough, a few seconds later, Su Lin's panting and hurried figure appeared at the window. Qin Yanran was relieved and looked at Su Lin passing by. She couldn't help but think of Su Lin's death last night. The feeling of falling asleep in your arms.

It was so warm, supportive, and had Su Lin's unique smell. Qin Yanran sniffed it gently, as if Su Lin was by her side now.

"My mother! I finally caught up."

Out of breath, Su Lin took out his admission ticket, ID card, etc. for the examiner to check. Then he walked into the examination room and sat down in his seat as if he was surviving the disaster. Just two minutes after Su Lin sat down, the bell for the exam immediately rang.

Most of the candidates in the other seats were students from Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. They had long heard that Su Lin was the late king, but he dared to rush to the college entrance examination at such a time. They all gave a thumbs up in their hearts.

"Okay! Students, please pay attention to the college entrance examination just now. Everyone, listen carefully. I will say it again for the last time. If you bring mobile phones and other things that have nothing to do with the exam, please put them on the table outside immediately. Now I will start to distribute the test papers..."

The invigilator who was talking was a middle-aged man with black-rimmed glasses and sparse hair. There was also another female invigilator who was younger and looked about the same age as Lin Qingxue. She was also pretending to be mature and deliberately kept a straight face. , putting on a serious look.

Now, the same scene is playing out in hundreds of classrooms in Jian'an No. 1 Middle School. Two invigilators in each teacher distributed test papers. The first subject was Chinese language, and the test lasted two hours.

Papers were handed out one by one, although the candidates all received the same test paper. However, after they saw the test paper, the expressions on everyone's faces were different.

Most people frowned when they saw the paper and turned over it. Because this is a college entrance examination paper after all, so many questions are a headache to look at. At a glance, there are more or less difficult problems.

But after Su Lin got the test paper, he looked calm and composed. I was breathing heavily just now, so I rested for a while. I felt like I was in the clear mirror. I saw that this paper was indeed the one I did yesterday. I was not sure of getting a perfect score, but I got a hundred, thirty and forty points. Still very easy.

Similarly, in another examination room, when Li Hao, who was full of anxiety and nervousness, received the Chinese language test paper for the college entrance examination, he felt happy when he saw it.

"I'll go for it... It's actually the test paper that Lin Zi gave me yesterday. Now it's developed, it's developed! Hahaha..."

Covering his mouth, Li Hao almost laughed out loud.

Some people laugh, and some people cry. In many other examination rooms, including Peng Shenda and the seven or eight dandy boys who were with him yesterday, they were all dumbfounded.

"How could it be different? How could it be different? My paper was obviously copied from the college entrance examination file. Why is it different?"

Peng Shenda roared violently in his heart. He watched helplessly as his people copied the college entrance examination papers, and then took the papers with him without leaving his body. Why was it different? No matter how hard he thought about it, he never thought that his paper would be dropped by Su Lin.

The real college entrance examination papers, from the time he was in the reception room of No. 1 Middle School, Su Lin civet cat had been replaced as the prince.

Looking at the college entrance examination Chinese test paper full of unfamiliar topics, Peng Shenda had the urge to tear the paper into pieces.

Su Lin, on the other hand, was sitting calmly in the examination room, brushing the black signature pen in his hand, writing vigorously, without even looking at the questions, filling in the questions quickly, writing as if he was confident, and completely confident look like.

Classical prose, poetry appreciation, modern literature reading, composition...

Not a single question could stump Su Lin. Yesterday, Su Lin had completed all these questions. Of course, for some subjective questions, Su Lin still had to differentiate from the answers he wrote yesterday. After all, that answer was He gave it to Li Hao.

There is also the composition. Su Lin's literary talent is not bad. When he saw this composition title, he wrote an article "A Gentleman Is Not Useful" in ancient Chinese prose.

The composition is well organized and uses examples. Su Lin quoted the full text from Confucius' "A gentleman has no tools", clarifying that a person should be versatile and have a broad vision, and should not be limited to certain fixed talents. By the way, Su Lin also satirized Disadvantages of exam-oriented education.

The literary talent is brilliant, but also has the sour taste of a scholar. Su Lin didn't care. Even if the point in the article made the corrector give him a low score, he would admit it. He would have answered the other subjects perfectly anyway, so why bother worrying about the score in the essay? He could just do whatever he wanted. How to write how to write.

An article written entirely in classical Chinese, "A Gentleman's Theory of No Use", appeared on the paper. Su Lin was very satisfied with the writing, and it was indeed a beautiful article. But the only flaw is that Su Lin's handwriting is a bit ugly, which is also a fatal flaw in the college entrance examination essay!

The college entrance examination is like a war without smoke. Similarly, in the examination room of the college entrance examination, there are also various aspects of life. Some people laugh, some cry, and some can’t laugh or cry...

(ps: I'm sorry! Last night, Yiyan fell asleep while writing on the small table in bed. Today was busy during the day. I quickly coded when I had some free time. This is the third chapter to make up for yesterday's. Today's Write three chapters right away, and you won’t owe one chapter. Just write one chapter and send it out.)
