Top Quality Beauty Cultivation System

Chapter 45: Deep into the tiger's den


() "Su Lin, you have made great progress this time. It can be said that in the entire history of our Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, there has never been such a substantial improvement, so this time it was Principal Li who personally ordered you to do it for you. Give a speech at the swearing-in meeting to boost everyone's morale. So, Su Lin, go back and prepare well in the evening. You don't need a long speech. You have a speech draft of three to five hundred words. Give me the draft tomorrow morning to look at first. Note that you must be able to It inspires students to fight for the college entrance examination."

Lin Qingxue was explaining to Su Lin very seriously, but she found that Su Lin seemed to be a little absent-minded, and his eyes were looking at her randomly. She suddenly became unhappy and slapped the table, "Su Lin, are you listening to the teacher?" ?”

"Yes, yes... Teacher Lin, I am listening."

Su Lin quickly withdrew his eyes, but he muttered in his heart: "Of course I am also looking at it carefully at the same time!"

During class in the morning, Su Lincai took advantage of the timeout to secretly touch Lin Qingxue. Staring at Lin Qingxue this time, it was inevitable to have wild thoughts and wild imaginations.

When boys are seventeen or eighteen years old, they are the golden age when boys have the most vivid imagination. They can have sexual intercourse with a piece of women's underwear, not to mention that Su Lin is facing the lively Lin Qingxue now

"Okay, Su Lin, you just need to know what you're doing. Come early tomorrow and bring the speech to the office for me to look at. If there's nothing else, just go out!"

Being looked at by Su Lin like this, Lin Qingxue always felt weird in her heart, but she couldn't tell what was wrong. Especially when Su Lin stared at her chest, Lin Qingxue always felt a palpitation in her heart, her heartbeat accelerated, and her breathing became rapid, so she quickly took Su Lin out.

"Oh! I'll leave first, Teacher Lin."

Su Lin raised the corner of his mouth slightly, stood up and left, but when he walked to the door of the office, he deliberately smirked, turned to Lin Qingxue and left a message: "Teacher Lin, wear a softer bra so that you can grow bigger." .”

"Su Lin, you... bastard..."

Lin Qingxue's face turned red and she wanted to catch up and scold Su Lin, but Su Lin had already run away.

"Su Lin! Hmph! did he know that I was wearing a soft bra today? Could it be...that you can tell?"

Of course Lin Qingxue didn't know that during class in the morning, she had actually been figured out by Su Lin. She was angry and ashamed, and vowed to give Su Lin a hard scolding next time she met him.

"Hehe! Teacher Lin has a really good figure. He occasionally teases and teases the teacher, but it's quite fun. It's a pity, the college entrance examination will be in a few days, and I don't know if I will get Teacher Lin in the future."

After school, Su Lin put on his schoolbag and walked to the school gate.

Jian'an No. 1 Middle School, the high school where Su Lin stayed for three years, actually did not bring him much happy time. On the contrary, it was in the last ten days before the college entrance examination that a supernatural power came from heaven that allowed Sulin to regain the excitement of life.

"There are only a few days left in high school, and the college entrance examination is no longer a problem for me. So, let me use these last few days to complete all the things I wanted to do but didn't dare to do in high school in one go. , leaving no regrets. Tomorrow’s speech will be in front of all the teachers, students and parents of senior high school students. This time, I want to win glory for my parents and not let them be disgraced and looked down upon every time they come to the school for parent-teacher meetings. At the same time, I have to say things that I have been afraid to say.”

After walking out of the school gate, Su Lin was thinking about what to say in tomorrow's speech. When he was making a mental draft, a gangster guarding the gate of Jian'an No. 1 Middle School immediately spotted Su Lin and reported to Huang Mao immediately. went.

However, this time, Su Lin was obviously more vigilant. When he left the school, he subconsciously observed the surrounding situation. Sure enough, very soon, the Huang Mao who surrounded him yesterday and three or four younger brothers stopped hiding and walked directly towards him.

"Hmph! I didn't go looking for you, you came to find me yourself."

Su Lin glanced at the number in the upper right corner. There were still more than three hundred seconds. It was more than enough to deal with these people, and there was no trace of panic in his heart.

"These people are all Liu Yuanfeng's lackeys. Even if I get rid of this group of them, there will be others who will come to trouble me. As long as Liu Yuanfeng is not solved as the source, I will continue to be in trouble and it will be impossible for me to be at peace."

Su Lin's original plan was to rely on his ability to pause time and give these gangsters a good beating, letting them know that he was not easy to mess with, so they would not dare to cause trouble for Liu Yuanfeng anymore.

However, this only treats the symptoms but not the root cause. After defeating one group of people, there will be another group of people, more numerous and stronger. Su Lin knew that Jian'an City's gangster Longhu Bang had a lot to do with Liu Yuanfeng.

"This can't be like this, I have to find a way."

With his mind spinning, Su Lin looked back and saw that these gangsters were following him closely. Then, suddenly, Su Lin jumped up and ran towards the path.

"Hurry up and chase, this kid has spotted you."

"Chasing, we can't let him run away today."

The gangsters yelled and ran after each other, getting closer and closer. Su Lin turned around and looked around, spotting the opportunity. At a corner, he silently said "time pause" in his heart.

Time paused, and the chasing movements of the gangsters froze in mid-air. However, Sulin did not stop. He secretly turned back, passed through the gangsters, and hid in a small shop in the back.

"Time restores!"

After hiding himself and ensuring that he would not be discovered by the gangsters, Sulin restored time. This took ninety seconds, but it was still affordable for the pause time Sulin now had.

"Huh? Why is that boy missing?"

"Impossible! I just saw him running in front of us, why did he disappear after turning a corner?"

"He must be hiding somewhere in the front. Go and search. He can't run so fast..."

The gangsters were all stunned when they saw Su Lin disappearing out of thin air as soon as he turned a corner. However, when they really searched around, they didn't see even a single hair on Su Lin's body.

"Damn it, why did you let this brat run away like that? It seems like I can't explain it to Mr. Liu today. I must bring more people with me tomorrow, so I'll just stop him at the school gate and take him away. Bah!"

Huang Mao, who was taking the lead, saw that Su Lin could not be found after searching everywhere, so he had no choice but to spit and ordered, "Brothers, forget it if they can't be found. Come back to deal with him tomorrow. There is a business with the gang today. Let's get there early." Go over to the town. When it's over, Brother Dog will take you to have a good time."

At this time, Su Lin was hiding in the back of the store, quietly watching these gangsters. Yes, his idea was to quietly follow these gangsters back into the tiger's den. If he could find Liu Yuanfeng directly, Su Lin wouldn't mind giving Liu Yuanfeng a painful lesson so that he would never dare to send anyone to find him again. of trouble.

Several gangsters couldn't find Su Lin and began to walk back. Su Lin carefully lowered his head to avoid being discovered by them. After they passed by, he followed them cautiously from a distance.

"Brother Dog, I heard that the business tonight is quite big, it's hundreds of thousands!"

"This is still relatively small. The karaoke bars, dance halls, KTV nightclubs in Jian'an City are now the back gardens of our Black Dragon Gang. Do you know how much Shenxian Pill and Happy Powder are sold every day? Hehe, go to those high schools more in the future. Especially if some thorns in the school ask them to bring some rich second-generation people to play with, then don't be afraid that you won't have enough money to find girls."

Huang Gouzi was happily bragging with a few of his younger brothers, not even noticing Su Lin who was following behind him.

"Where are these gangsters going? Aren't they going to the Jiaxing Hotel in the city center?"

Su Lin followed them towards the south of the city. Su Lin knew that Jiaxing Hotel was Liu Yuanfeng's hometown, and many of the Black Dragon Gang's activities were also conducted there. However, after the last incident, Jiaxing Hotel has been asked by the police to suspend operations for a week for rectification.

Bang bang bang…

After walking for almost half an hour, Huang Gouzi and others arrived at a bungalow factory area in the south of the city. They knocked on one of the doors a few times. Someone inside immediately asked the password cautiously: "Heavenly King Gai" Earth tiger.”

Su Lin had been following from a distance, but later he saw that these gangsters were not alert at all, so he hid closer. When he heard the signal to open the door, he almost laughed, thinking to himself, these gangsters are The gangsters really have no culture. After using it for so many years, it is still such an uncreative street code. It’s obvious! Isn't the next sentence of "The king of heaven covers the tiger on earth" just "the pagoda suppresses the river demon"? Nowadays, people have only watched some TV series and movies, so how can anyone not know this

However, Su Lin hadn't laughed yet. When he heard Huang Gouzi say the code to open the door, he was immediately stunned and couldn't laugh or cry.

"Chicken stewed with mushrooms. Chicken head, this is me Huang Gouzi, open the door quickly. Has the transaction started? I'm bringing a few brothers to hold the place."

"Huang Gouzi, didn't you say you were going to do something for Mr. Liu and you were going to come back later? Why did you come back so early? The transaction has just started. If you came later, we would all go to the sauna to find a girl first."

The janitor inside, who was called Chicken Head by Huang Gouzi, said with a wicked smile, while opening the door and letting them in.


After Huang Gouzi entered, the door of the factory was closed again. Su Lin stood outside the door, a little confused, how could he get in

"No matter, let's give it a try."

Anyway, I have the ability to pause time, and I still have enough time. Even if I encounter any danger, I can pause time and escape. Su Lin plucked up the courage, followed Huang Gouzi's example, and knocked on the door of the factory several times.

"The king of heaven overshadows the tigers of earth!"

A code signal came from inside. Su Lin coughed, deliberately made his voice louder, and said: "Chicken stewed with mushrooms."

With a bang, the door opened again, but the chicken head glanced at Su Lin a few times, frowned slightly, and said cautiously: "Brother, why do you look a little unfamiliar to you?"